When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

No they are not because having a race where the popular vote takes all is an entirely different race. More voters will come out on both sides. You are correct, in Republican states, Hillary lost votes as well. That's why I'm saying it doesn't count because we don't know who the popular candidate was among all voters.

I disagree...
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.
You're just in denial.
Trump is kicking ass. The only thing wrong that seems to be going on is you bitches making snarky remarks about him in unison with our corrupt press.
The man is getting more shit done than anyone before him, and the media liberals are going absolutely spastic pissing their collective panties over it.
The more you lying bastards make up about him, the more people will leave you folks and your traitorous Democrats behind.
I can't wait till the next election.

Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
Lol who the fuck cares what Trump'a strategy was? It's not like he actually had one anyway. Don't be so stupid to think Trump even understood the art of campaigning. All that matters is that the majority of Americans preferred Clinton.

It only matters to you and your ilk because it makes you feel better for some reason.

But that's okay because I understand how brainwashing works. You don't even realize it, but this is the third Republican presidential win in a row that your puppet masters have been able to convince you that the Republican didn't really win.

"Oh no, you see, we really won, but........"

And there you have it.

This time it was Russia and popular vote.

The time before that, Diebold machines.

The time before that, hanging chads, punch card ballots, even the Supreme Court.
Democrats will never again accept a Republican president. They will claim the election is stolen no matter what happens.
It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
Lol who the fuck cares what Trump'a strategy was? It's not like he actually had one anyway. Don't be so stupid to think Trump even understood the art of campaigning. All that matters is that the majority of Americans preferred Clinton.

It only matters to you and your ilk because it makes you feel better for some reason.

But that's okay because I understand how brainwashing works. You don't even realize it, but this is the third Republican presidential win in a row that your puppet masters have been able to convince you that the Republican didn't really win.

"Oh no, you see, we really won, but........"

And there you have it.

This time it was Russia and popular vote.

The time before that, Diebold machines.

The time before that, hanging chads, punch card ballots, even the Supreme Court.
Democrats will never again accept a Republican president. They will claim the election is stolen no matter what happens.

The Democrat party has no choice. They have to.

For the last several decades, the Dems have been brainwashing their followers to believe that the Republican party is the thing of the past; old white men dying off; yesterdays news; nobody takes them seriously anymore.

There is no way they can allow their followers to believe differently, otherwise they will lose faith and stop voting.

So how do they explain losses to their sheep? Lie to them of course. Lying makes everything better.

They can't tell their constituents that the rest of America doesn't want Communism or Socialism. They can't tell them Progressive ideas are being rejected. Convince them that they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans found a way to cheat them out of their win. Just keep believing that bigger government is the trend of the future and keep us in power to insure that.
No they are not because having a race where the popular vote takes all is an entirely different race. More voters will come out on both sides. You are correct, in Republican states, Hillary lost votes as well. That's why I'm saying it doesn't count because we don't know who the popular candidate was among all voters.

I disagree...

What you can say in your defense is that Hillary won the popular vote among those that voted. That does not mean she won the popular vote of the country because many in the country didn't bother to vote.
No they are not because having a race where the popular vote takes all is an entirely different race. More voters will come out on both sides. You are correct, in Republican states, Hillary lost votes as well. That's why I'm saying it doesn't count because we don't know who the popular candidate was among all voters.

I disagree...

What you can say in your defense is that Hillary won the popular vote among those that voted. That does not mean she won the popular vote of the country because many in the country didn't bother to vote.

You could say the same about the EC. If everybody got out and voted maybe Donald would not have won Ohio, or Penn or Fl? Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't work for me. I'll stick with initial assertion.
No they are not because having a race where the popular vote takes all is an entirely different race. More voters will come out on both sides. You are correct, in Republican states, Hillary lost votes as well. That's why I'm saying it doesn't count because we don't know who the popular candidate was among all voters.

I disagree...

What you can say in your defense is that Hillary won the popular vote among those that voted. That does not mean she won the popular vote of the country because many in the country didn't bother to vote.

You could say the same about the EC. If everybody got out and voted maybe Donald would not have won Ohio, or Penn or Fl? Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't work for me. I'll stick with initial assertion.

Fine with me as long as it makes you feel better. I understand that's all you have left now. But if we had a secondary popular vote race along with the electoral college race, Trump would have won that one as well.
Fine with me as long as it makes you feel better. I understand that's all you have left now. But if we had a secondary popular vote race along with the electoral college race, Trump would have won that one as well.

We'll never know. What I do know, is more people voted for her to be pres. Any way you want to spin it is fine. However, my statement is fact. Yours is conjecture...
I think most would agree that Trump is a God-(Emperor) indeed. For a god, he could of course do better, but awful is stretching it. A normal person just can't handle the amount of win...

Of course, in liberal regressive ideology where everything is backwards, and thus, winning is actually losing in their interpretation... this has caused an insurmountable pain of crying and moans.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

You still crying over your loss?
Fine with me as long as it makes you feel better. I understand that's all you have left now. But if we had a secondary popular vote race along with the electoral college race, Trump would have won that one as well.

We'll never know. What I do know, is more people voted for her to be pres. Any way you want to spin it is fine. However, my statement is fact. Yours is conjecture...

Not at all, because what you're saying is that Hil-Liar won a race she never entered, therefore, she must be the winner.

I do hope you never go casino gambling. You would be playing the roulette wheel, bet on the number 13, and when the number 39 came out, claim you were a winner because 39 is red like 13.

The winner of any game is determined by the rules set forth before the game, not changing the rules after.
Fine with me as long as it makes you feel better. I understand that's all you have left now. But if we had a secondary popular vote race along with the electoral college race, Trump would have won that one as well.

We'll never know. What I do know, is more people voted for her to be pres. Any way you want to spin it is fine. However, my statement is fact. Yours is conjecture...

Not at all, because what you're saying is that Hil-Liar won a race she never entered, therefore, she must be the winner.

I do hope you never go casino gambling. You would be playing the roulette wheel, bet on the number 13, and when the number 39 came out, claim you were a winner because 39 is red like 13.

The winner of any game is determined by the rules set forth before the game, not changing the rules after.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
only an uneducated dolt would say that. More people may have voted for Hillary but by no means does that mean more people preferred her to be president.
If Trump wasted campaign funds on campaigning in states such as California and New York telling his supporters that he needs them to go out and vote, even though their vote wont count seeing as those states are very blue but with MANY red voters....and if he said he wanted them to stand in line at the polls because he wants to win the popular vote.....I believe things would have been different.
But, you see, you are one of those uneducated dolts that does not understand how campaigning based on the electoral college is the way to go when the vote is based on the electoral college.
So yes, Mr. Uneducated dolt...more people of those that VOTED, VOTED for Hillary....but in no way does that mean that more people p[referred Hillary as President.

Edumucate yourself, moron.

More rambling nonsense from an idiot. Are you saying Repubs voted in NY or Cali? Retard. And you scenario could be the same with regard to Texas and Dems. And I hate to tell you this sparky, when the other person gets more votes than the other, that means more people wanted that person as pres. No qualifiers. No "ah, but this, that or the other". Numbers are numbers any way you look at it dumbarse.

And "What, at this point, difference does it make?", to quote your loser bitch.
she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
Lol who the fuck cares what Trump'a strategy was? It's not like he actually had one anyway. Don't be so stupid to think Trump even understood the art of campaigning. All that matters is that the majority of Americans preferred Clinton.

Wow, someone just won the Presidency by spending half of what their opponent did...all the while fighting an uphill battle against a main stream media that hated his guts and actively worked for his opponent...yet you don't think he understood the "art of campaigning"? That might be the stupidest statement I've seen on here in quite some time, Billy! Congrats!!!
Wow, someone just won the Presidency by spending half of what their opponent did...all the while fighting an uphill battle against a main stream media that hated his guts and actively worked for his opponent...yet you don't think he understood the "art of campaigning"? That might be the stupidest statement I've seen on here in quite some time, Billy! Congrats!!!
Yeah, Trump, but Russia spent at least 50x more for propaganda on the internet, and are apparently still spending lots based on the support they are getting on this forum.
We should vote on who we don't want as President and keep voting them out until there is only one left.
Wow, someone just won the Presidency by spending half of what their opponent did...all the while fighting an uphill battle against a main stream media that hated his guts and actively worked for his opponent...yet you don't think he understood the "art of campaigning"? That might be the stupidest statement I've seen on here in quite some time, Billy! Congrats!!!
Yeah, Trump, but Russia spent at least 50x more for propaganda on the internet, and are apparently still spending lots based on the support they are getting on this forum.
And 800,000 illegal immigrants voted for Hillary.
Wow, someone just won the Presidency by spending half of what their opponent did...all the while fighting an uphill battle against a main stream media that hated his guts and actively worked for his opponent...yet you don't think he understood the "art of campaigning"? That might be the stupidest statement I've seen on here in quite some time, Billy! Congrats!!!
Yeah, Trump, but Russia spent at least 50x more for propaganda on the internet, and are apparently still spending lots based on the support they are getting on this forum.

Oh, bullshit! All Russia did was leak emails that showed how sleazy the DNC and Hillary Clinton were. That didn't cost them diddly.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

I am sure they're probably starting to question a lot of things he is doing right now, but you betcha they'll hang out with Comrade Trump for the next 4 years or until he's impeached.


They break out their crayons and coloring books- turn on FOX News and all their other Reich wing talk show hosts and go with it. That is their gospel. Individual critical thinking does not exist in the Reich wing--they're just parrots of what was spoon fed to them that day.
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