When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
only an uneducated dolt would say that. More people may have voted for Hillary but by no means does that mean more people preferred her to be president.
If Trump wasted campaign funds on campaigning in states such as California and New York telling his supporters that he needs them to go out and vote, even though their vote wont count seeing as those states are very blue but with MANY red voters....and if he said he wanted them to stand in line at the polls because he wants to win the popular vote.....I believe things would have been different.
But, you see, you are one of those uneducated dolts that does not understand how campaigning based on the electoral college is the way to go when the vote is based on the electoral college.
So yes, Mr. Uneducated dolt...more people of those that VOTED, VOTED for Hillary....but in no way does that mean that more people p[referred Hillary as President.

Edumucate yourself, moron.
"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
Lol who the fuck cares what Trump'a strategy was? It's not like he actually had one anyway. Don't be so stupid to think Trump even understood the art of campaigning. All that matters is that the majority of Americans preferred Clinton.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.
Go on, Goon

If that's all you got, get packing.
I didn't support trump but I'm impressed how well he is doing.

Course not a hack who was whining before he did anything simply because my guy lost
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.
Talks about maturity of others while talking like a 15 year old school girl. :anj_stfu:
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

Are you gonna be butt hurt for the next 4, possibly 8, years? Sucks to be you!
Huckleberries Haikued

Blazing snowflakes shlonged
Hillalosers on last legs
Sixteen years Trump, Pence
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

Ha ha loser. His popularity is growing and he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Not only are we not secretly thinking that anyone would have been better, we are in fact waking up each morning to a greater America.
What's even more amusing is to watch you folks on the left wind your panties in a knot assuming every statement that Trump made during the campaign was a policy plan! Here's a newsflash...he's a man who's prone to overstatement! Always has been...probably always will be! What he should have said is that these are the 10 things he's going to start working on his first day as President. Anyone who seriously thought those things could be DONE his first day is simply a moron!

Thank you for translating what Trump "should have said". I suspect that you are are going to be very busy spinning he direct quotes over the next 4 years, and I recommend that you demand a raise.

I could care less what someone "says", Vandalshandle...the only thing that matters to me is what they "do"! We just had eight years of a President who "said" he was going to do a lot of things and then never followed through on what he promised. Would you be happier with more of that? From the election results it's apparent that for many Americans the answer to that question was no!

I'm not sure how old you are, Oldstyle, but apparently not old enough to remember the last time America decided that they wanted someone who was not a politician to head our government, instead of the run of the mill corrupt scoundrels who had been running things. . They elected a nuclear engineer, instead. His name was Jimmy Carter.
He was governor of Georgia you idiot


Having lived in Georgia at the time, I was remotely aware of the fact that he was governor for 4 years. If you want to count 4 years in the legislator, you may, but be aware of the fact that he was paid $15,000 per year to do that, so it is kind of like saying someone who had been drafted to go to Vietnam was a career warrior.
In Peacetime, Sons Bury Their Fathers. In Wartime, Fathers Bury Their Sons.

A lot of people who got drafted spent the rest of their lives at war.
she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

Yes they did and Trump didn't spend much time in those states because he knew he would never win them.
Lol who the fuck cares what Trump'a strategy was? It's not like he actually had one anyway. Don't be so stupid to think Trump even understood the art of campaigning. All that matters is that the majority of Americans preferred Clinton.

It only matters to you and your ilk because it makes you feel better for some reason.

But that's okay because I understand how brainwashing works. You don't even realize it, but this is the third Republican presidential win in a row that your puppet masters have been able to convince you that the Republican didn't really win.

"Oh no, you see, we really won, but........"

And there you have it.

This time it was Russia and popular vote.

The time before that, Diebold machines.

The time before that, hanging chads, punch card ballots, even the Supreme Court.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

Ha ha loser. His popularity is growing and he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Not only are we not secretly thinking that anyone would have been better, we are in fact waking up each morning to a greater America.
Billy is lost. Doesn't know what to do with himself.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

Ha ha loser. His popularity is growing and he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Not only are we not secretly thinking that anyone would have been better, we are in fact waking up each morning to a greater America.
Billy is lost. Doesn't know what to do with himself.

Trump Derangement Syndrome?
It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
only an uneducated dolt would say that. More people may have voted for Hillary but by no means does that mean more people preferred her to be president.
If Trump wasted campaign funds on campaigning in states such as California and New York telling his supporters that he needs them to go out and vote, even though their vote wont count seeing as those states are very blue but with MANY red voters....and if he said he wanted them to stand in line at the polls because he wants to win the popular vote.....I believe things would have been different.
But, you see, you are one of those uneducated dolts that does not understand how campaigning based on the electoral college is the way to go when the vote is based on the electoral college.
So yes, Mr. Uneducated dolt...more people of those that VOTED, VOTED for Hillary....but in no way does that mean that more people p[referred Hillary as President.

Edumucate yourself, moron.

More rambling nonsense from an idiot. Are you saying Repubs voted in NY or Cali? Retard. And you scenario could be the same with regard to Texas and Dems. And I hate to tell you this sparky, when the other person gets more votes than the other, that means more people wanted that person as pres. No qualifiers. No "ah, but this, that or the other". Numbers are numbers any way you look at it dumbarse.
It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
only an uneducated dolt would say that. More people may have voted for Hillary but by no means does that mean more people preferred her to be president.
If Trump wasted campaign funds on campaigning in states such as California and New York telling his supporters that he needs them to go out and vote, even though their vote wont count seeing as those states are very blue but with MANY red voters....and if he said he wanted them to stand in line at the polls because he wants to win the popular vote.....I believe things would have been different.
But, you see, you are one of those uneducated dolts that does not understand how campaigning based on the electoral college is the way to go when the vote is based on the electoral college.
So yes, Mr. Uneducated dolt...more people of those that VOTED, VOTED for Hillary....but in no way does that mean that more people p[referred Hillary as President.

Edumucate yourself, moron.

More rambling nonsense from an idiot. Are you saying Repubs voted in NY or Cali? Retard. And you scenario could be the same with regard to Texas and Dems. And I hate to tell you this sparky, when the other person gets more votes than the other, that means more people wanted that person as pres. No qualifiers. No "ah, but this, that or the other". Numbers are numbers any way you look at it dumbarse.
Trump won more states.
Trump won more districts.
Trump won more counties.
That is what counts.
It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.

That is true. However, it still remains you sunk more balls. Fact. It remains that more citizens in the US wanted Hillary as pres. Fact. Whether they're from California, Michigan, Florida or Shitstain, Iowa. Facts are facts.
only an uneducated dolt would say that. More people may have voted for Hillary but by no means does that mean more people preferred her to be president.
If Trump wasted campaign funds on campaigning in states such as California and New York telling his supporters that he needs them to go out and vote, even though their vote wont count seeing as those states are very blue but with MANY red voters....and if he said he wanted them to stand in line at the polls because he wants to win the popular vote.....I believe things would have been different.
But, you see, you are one of those uneducated dolts that does not understand how campaigning based on the electoral college is the way to go when the vote is based on the electoral college.
So yes, Mr. Uneducated dolt...more people of those that VOTED, VOTED for Hillary....but in no way does that mean that more people p[referred Hillary as President.

Edumucate yourself, moron.

More rambling nonsense from an idiot. Are you saying Repubs voted in NY or Cali? Retard. And you scenario could be the same with regard to Texas and Dems. And I hate to tell you this sparky, when the other person gets more votes than the other, that means more people wanted that person as pres. No qualifiers. No "ah, but this, that or the other". Numbers are numbers any way you look at it dumbarse.

No they are not because having a race where the popular vote takes all is an entirely different race. More voters will come out on both sides. You are correct, in Republican states, Hillary lost votes as well. That's why I'm saying it doesn't count because we don't know who the popular candidate was among all voters.

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