When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

I'd sooner employ sharpshooters than build a wall. Cheaper. More persuasive.

Yours is close to my own Idea / Ideal.

I would like to see the entire length of the southern border (already Federal property) designated as a series of Military bases. Wall and all.

That's where our basic training for several of our military branches should take place and that would provide for an automatic (built in) 24/7 guard. Much like the DMZ between North and South Korea.

The portions of the border deemed to environmentally hostile should serve as BOMBING ranges and patrolled accordingly.

Let the illegals try to cross through miles of unexploded ordinance.

...ahhh, Chuz, what about us US citizens who live down here?

What about them?

How many actually live right on the border?

I doubt very many.

Then too is imminent domain (especially purposed for national Security)

AND! We have many many citizens and businesses which THRIVE along side our Military bases in many other parts of the country already.
It just occurred to me that Obama was TOO mature to be President.
He didn't react to ANYTHING.
And that's why destruction of property is no longer a crime.
First off, maturity recognizes that "God awful" in a title describes insecurity and hope.

I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Ha ha ha, what a coincidence. Seems you're trying to convince folks of something without producing something. Can't wait to see what's next, perhaps you have a point.

Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!".......No point yet, but there's hope. Let's move on.

The truth is Oh boy!

the entire Rightwing secretly knows SECRETLY ooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........Can't wait till the next "point".

at this point That's fucking irony man. I swear I'm just responding to each "point" without first reading the entire body. Can't wait for the next one, this is fun.

ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. Yep, you got it. Until now I didn't expect you'd to cite something valid standing the test of time and logic. It is what it is, Putin himself would have been a better option. Nope, Adolph Hitler, does he have to be alive? Nope, Al Sharpton. Good job OP.

They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider". I voted for Trump because he was an outsider? You were doing so well.

Deep down Somewhere between me belly and bung hole I imagine. Could be either intestine.

they know that whiney little bitch More irony. I like irony. Some say I don't know how to define it, but I don't care, because this to me is irony.

should be far away from any nuclear codes Oh fuck me! NUKES? Wholly shit dude, why didn't you get to that point in the first place? Course we could put some cash on the idea, put it in escrow and wait 8 years. Heck, I'll go 10 years to cover valid reasons for blaming Trump, but different in how we blame Bush, know what I mean?

but because they hate it when liberals are right Fucking A dude. You proved it too.

they play pretend I need some examples for play pretend. Sometimes my wife and I pretend, you know, mostly battery operated. Completely one sided however, if you get my meaning. Anyway, guess I'm guilty,

without actually trying to defend his actions. Can't really defend it, but I can say I've been married 30 years. In that span of time you're due a change-up. I feel I am anyway, and my wife. My wife loves it, and that's a real turn-on, because I'm unselfish and naughty.
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First off, maturity recognizes that "God awful" in a title describes insecurity and hope.

I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Ha ha ha, what a coincidence. Seems you're trying to convince folks of something without producing something. Can't wait to see what's next, perhaps you have a point.

Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!".......No point yet, but there's hope. Let's move on.

The truth is Oh boy!

the entire Rightwing secretly knows SECRETLY ooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........Can't wait till the next "point".

at this point That's fucking irony man. I swear I'm just responding to each "point" without first reading the entire body. Can't wait for the next one, this is fun.

ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. Yep, you got it. Until now I didn't expect you'd to cite something valid standing the test of time and logic. It is what it is, Putin himself would have been a better option. Nope, Adolph Hitler, does he have to be alive? Nope, Al Sharpton. Good job OP.

They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider". I voted for Trump because he was an outsider? You were doing so well.

Deep down Somewhere between me belly and bung hole I imagine. Could be either intestine.

they know that whiney little bitch More irony. I like irony. Some say I don't know how to define it, but I don't care, because this to me is irony.

should be far away from any nuclear codes Oh fuck me! NUKES? Wholly shit dude, why didn't you get to that point in the first place? Course we could put some cash on the idea, put it in escrow and wait 8 years. Heck, I'll go 10 years to cover valid reasons for blaming Trump, but different in how we blame Bush, know what I mean?

but because they hate it when liberals are right Fucking A dude. You proved it too.

they play pretend I need some examples for play pretend. Sometimes my wife and I pretend, you know, mostly battery operated. Completely one sided however, if you get my meaning. Anyway, guess I'm guilty,

without actually trying to defend his actions. Can't really defend it, but I can say I've been married 30 years. In that span of time you're due a change-up. I feel I am anyway, and my wife. My wife loves it, and that's a real turn-on, because I'm unselfish and naughty.
Ok so I get you're trying to come off as condescending but really you just typed one big mess so it comes off as more desperate.
His presidency has already been worth it and he's only been in the office for a day!

Not bad for someone with no experience. He will be winning like never before in no time.
First off, maturity recognizes that "God awful" in a title describes insecurity and hope.

I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Ha ha ha, what a coincidence. Seems you're trying to convince folks of something without producing something. Can't wait to see what's next, perhaps you have a point.

Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!".......No point yet, but there's hope. Let's move on.

The truth is Oh boy!

the entire Rightwing secretly knows SECRETLY ooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........Can't wait till the next "point".

at this point That's fucking irony man. I swear I'm just responding to each "point" without first reading the entire body. Can't wait for the next one, this is fun.

ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. Yep, you got it. Until now I didn't expect you'd to cite something valid standing the test of time and logic. It is what it is, Putin himself would have been a better option. Nope, Adolph Hitler, does he have to be alive? Nope, Al Sharpton. Good job OP.

They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider". I voted for Trump because he was an outsider? You were doing so well.

Deep down Somewhere between me belly and bung hole I imagine. Could be either intestine.

they know that whiney little bitch More irony. I like irony. Some say I don't know how to define it, but I don't care, because this to me is irony.

should be far away from any nuclear codes Oh fuck me! NUKES? Wholly shit dude, why didn't you get to that point in the first place? Course we could put some cash on the idea, put it in escrow and wait 8 years. Heck, I'll go 10 years to cover valid reasons for blaming Trump, but different in how we blame Bush, know what I mean?

but because they hate it when liberals are right Fucking A dude. You proved it too.

they play pretend I need some examples for play pretend. Sometimes my wife and I pretend, you know, mostly battery operated. Completely one sided however, if you get my meaning. Anyway, guess I'm guilty,

without actually trying to defend his actions. Can't really defend it, but I can say I've been married 30 years. In that span of time you're due a change-up. I feel I am anyway, and my wife. My wife loves it, and that's a real turn-on, because I'm unselfish and naughty.
Ok so I get you're trying to come off as condescending but really you just typed one big mess so it comes off as more desperate.

What do you mean trying? I addressed the OP accordingly.
What's even more amusing is to watch you folks on the left wind your panties in a knot assuming every statement that Trump made during the campaign was a policy plan! Here's a newsflash...he's a man who's prone to overstatement! Always has been...probably always will be! What he should have said is that these are the 10 things he's going to start working on his first day as President. Anyone who seriously thought those things could be DONE his first day is simply a moron!

Thank you for translating what Trump "should have said". I suspect that you are are going to be very busy spinning he direct quotes over the next 4 years, and I recommend that you demand a raise.

I could care less what someone "says", Vandalshandle...the only thing that matters to me is what they "do"! We just had eight years of a President who "said" he was going to do a lot of things and then never followed through on what he promised. Would you be happier with more of that? From the election results it's apparent that for many Americans the answer to that question was no!

I'm not sure how old you are, Oldstyle, but apparently not old enough to remember the last time America decided that they wanted someone who was not a politician to head our government, instead of the run of the mill corrupt scoundrels who had been running things. . They elected a nuclear engineer, instead. His name was Jimmy Carter.
He was governor of Georgia you idiot


Having lived in Georgia at the time, I was remotely aware of the fact that he was governor for 4 years. If you want to count 4 years in the legislator, you may, but be aware of the fact that he was paid $15,000 per year to do that, so it is kind of like saying someone who had been drafted to go to Vietnam was a career warrier.

Gotta love you liberals...you accuse others of ignorance...then when it's pointed out that you don't have a clue what you're talking about...you get all huffy!
And still you will continue to believe your nonsense, even as he politically beats you people into a metaphorical smear with a figurative rubber hose.
Why is him winning the election the ONLY selling point you have on him? You can't defend him based on his own merits and you know it.

He'll secure the border and appoint conservative judges, all else that pisses regressives off is gravy.
He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
Funny coming from liberals who truly believed Obama was the smartest man in the room. Smart people don't judge a Presidency barely 48 hours into it for those that do well that says all that needs to be said about there maturity level.
What's even more amusing is to watch you folks on the left wind your panties in a knot assuming every statement that Trump made during the campaign was a policy plan! Here's a newsflash...he's a man who's prone to overstatement! Always has been...probably always will be! What he should have said is that these are the 10 things he's going to start working on his first day as President. Anyone who seriously thought those things could be DONE his first day is simply a moron!

Thank you for translating what Trump "should have said". I suspect that you are are going to be very busy spinning he direct quotes over the next 4 years, and I recommend that you demand a raise.

I could care less what someone "says", Vandalshandle...the only thing that matters to me is what they "do"! We just had eight years of a President who "said" he was going to do a lot of things and then never followed through on what he promised. Would you be happier with more of that? From the election results it's apparent that for many Americans the answer to that question was no!

I'm not sure how old you are, Oldstyle, but apparently not old enough to remember the last time America decided that they wanted someone who was not a politician to head our government, instead of the run of the mill corrupt scoundrels who had been running things. . They elected a nuclear engineer, instead. His name was Jimmy Carter.
He was governor of Georgia you idiot


Having lived in Georgia at the time, I was remotely aware of the fact that he was governor for 4 years.

One wonders what else you might be "remotely aware of".
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".
I disagree.

There are those who:
1. Support Putin. They have no choice but to support Trump.

2. Support violence against women. There is no one else to support this, or anyone else who has enough credibility in the field.

3. Support violence against blacks, hispanics and so on. Briefly, white supremacists.

Of course, there are other politicians who hold those points of view, but are not as well known, and do not have enough money and power.
So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

I'd sooner employ sharpshooters than build a wall. Cheaper. More persuasive.

Yours is close to my own Idea / Ideal.

I would like to see the entire length of the southern border (already Federal property) designated as a series of Military bases. Wall and all.

That's where our basic training for several of our military branches should take place and that would provide for an automatic (built in) 24/7 guard. Much like the DMZ between North and South Korea.

The portions of the border deemed to environmentally hostile should serve as BOMBING ranges and patrolled accordingly.

Let the illegals try to cross through miles of unexploded ordinance.

...ahhh, Chuz, what about us US citizens who live down here?

What about them?

How many actually live right on the border?

I doubt very many.

Then too is imminent domain (especially purposed for national Security)

AND! We have many many citizens and businesses which THRIVE along side our Military bases in many other parts of the country already.

well, since you are so excited about the opportunity to live next to a live ordinance range, perhaps you may want to buy my house?
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

I'd sooner employ sharpshooters than build a wall. Cheaper. More persuasive.

Yours is close to my own Idea / Ideal.

I would like to see the entire length of the southern border (already Federal property) designated as a series of Military bases. Wall and all.

That's where our basic training for several of our military branches should take place and that would provide for an automatic (built in) 24/7 guard. Much like the DMZ between North and South Korea.

The portions of the border deemed to environmentally hostile should serve as BOMBING ranges and patrolled accordingly.

Let the illegals try to cross through miles of unexploded ordinance.

...ahhh, Chuz, what about us US citizens who live down here?

What about them?

How many actually live right on the border?

I doubt very many.

Then too is imminent domain (especially purposed for national Security)

AND! We have many many citizens and businesses which THRIVE along side our Military bases in many other parts of the country already.

well, since you are so excited about the opportunity to live next to a live ordinance range, perhaps you may want to buy my house?

As with our existing ranges, there is always a significant buffer zone around them. I wouldn't have any worries about it at all. I certainly lived close enough to them when I was stationed at Camp Lejeune and Clark Air Force Base when I was in the Marines.
I do believe, Chuz, that you are perfectly ok with the military taking over thousands of miles of private citizens' land and turn it into a bombing range, as long as it is nowhere near you.

Based on that, I am going to put my hands on my computer monitor, and divine your political beliefs, kind of like Karnak the Magnificent used to do.

Here goes..........

Yep. Republican.
Why is him winning the election the ONLY selling point you have on him? You can't defend him based on his own merits and you know it.

He'll secure the border and appoint conservative judges, all else that pisses regressives off is gravy.
He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

but, but, but, it worked so well for the Chinese, and for Hadrian in Britain! (if you discount the fact that the mongols bribed their way through the Chinese one, and the Romans were soon driven out of Britain).
Republicans are just too dumb to understand poiicy ideas more complex than building a wall.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

It may be true that there are a number of other potential candidates that would be superior to Trump. Sadly the only one who wasn't was the one the Democrats ran. Trump may be bad and probably won't be very good. He is much better than Hillary however.

That was all Trump needed. He was better than Hillary and he won.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

It may be true that there are a number of other potential candidates that would be superior to Trump. Sadly the only one who wasn't was the one the Democrats ran. Trump may be bad and probably won't be very good. He is much better than Hillary however.

That was all Trump needed. He was better than Hillary and he won.
I don't care at all what you think of Hillary, but to suggest Trump is better is incredibly stupid.
I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

It may be true that there are a number of other potential candidates that would be superior to Trump. Sadly the only one who wasn't was the one the Democrats ran. Trump may be bad and probably won't be very good. He is much better than Hillary however.

That was all Trump needed. He was better than Hillary and he won.
I don't care at all what you think of Hillary, but to suggest Trump is better is incredibly stupid.

This election I voted Republican for the first time. My first election was 1988. That should tell you something about me.

Hillary is corrupt. Her actions are always the same. Try something clever, screw it up because she isn't as clever as she thinks she is. Then lie about it making the situation worse. Then claim it's old news when the truth comes out. Hillary has done this since Bill's first Presidential run. Hillary managed the "Bimbo Eruptions" and then screwed up the Travel Office firings.

It would be one thing if Hillary was competent at these schemes. She isn't.

The list of her screw up history goes on and on. I knew about them before she ran and before she announced I swore I would not vote for her. I kept my promise. If the Democrats are dumb enough to run her again I will again fulfill my oath and vote against her.

Yes. Hillary is worse. That isn't stupid. It is an honest assessment of her history.

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