When it comes to the RW, are they generally too immature to admit how god awful Trump is?

I think the denial the RW has about Trump is palpable. Sure some RWs will say, "well he's better than Hillary! Derp, derp, derp!"

The truth is, the entire Rightwing secretly knows at this point ANY other politician would be preferable to Trump. They know they royally fucked up supporting this moron just because he was an "outsider".

Deep down they know that whiney little bitch should be far away from any nuclear codes but because they hate it when liberals are right, they play pretend without actually trying to defend his actions.

It may be true that there are a number of other potential candidates that would be superior to Trump. Sadly the only one who wasn't was the one the Democrats ran. Trump may be bad and probably won't be very good. He is much better than Hillary however.

That was all Trump needed. He was better than Hillary and he won.
I don't care at all what you think of Hillary, but to suggest Trump is better is incredibly stupid.

The good news is that he will spend most of his time arguing with strangers about how he would have won the popular vote if the millions of fraudulent Hillary voters had not voted, and that his crowd at the inauguration was the biggest in history, and that thousands and thousands of muslims celebrated in the streets as the towers fell, thus, giving him not much time to do much harm. In fact, if at all possible, I think that his maturity level has actually dropped to sub teenager since he has been in office.
The good news is that he will spend most of his time arguing with strangers about how he would have won the popular vote if the millions of fraudulent Hillary voters had not voted, and that his crowd at the inauguration was the biggest in history, and that thousands and thousands of muslims celebrated in the streets as the towers fell, thus, giving him not much time to do much harm. In fact, if at all possible, I think that his maturity level has actually dropped to sub teenager since he has been in office.

Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking about all those protesters today.
Why is him winning the election the ONLY selling point you have on him? You can't defend him based on his own merits and you know it.

He'll secure the border and appoint conservative judges, all else that pisses regressives off is gravy.
He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
He'll secure the border and appoint conservative judges, all else that pisses regressives off is gravy.
He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
He won't do shit with the border and you know it. That dumbass can't handle major legislation of any kind.

So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
Why do you delude yourself about Trump? I will never understand it.
So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
Why do you delude yourself about Trump? I will never understand it.

Why do you need to believe that the US cannot effectively control it's border?
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
So tell me genius, what kind of legislation is required to enforce existing law? Oh and remember building a wall is in existing law, your dear leader just refused to do it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
Why do you delude yourself about Trump? I will never understand it.

What deluding? He's less than a week into his presidency and has already taken action on the illegal issue; several actually.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.
I'm sorry are you really stupid enough to believe building a goddamn wall is going to do anything to curb illegal immigration? Of course as usual you don't even know the facts on immigration. More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.

In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
Why do you delude yourself about Trump? I will never understand it.

What deluding? He's less than a week into his presidency and has already taken action on the illegal issue; several actually.
Oh gee he signed executive orders. The type of legislation you cons constantly whined about Obama doing. They don't mean dick right now. Actually building the wall is what matters and he will fail.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

Who cares? Trump is president, doing presidential things.

Hillary's home, emptying bottles of Merlot.
You do realize he hired the first woman to ever be put in charge of building a skyscraper in 1980. That is not a misogynist
The rw was a lot more honest with themselves about Trump than the left was with themselves about Hillary.

And as far as the codes, I would rather Trump have them than that psycho bitch.
No you don't. I'm sure you hate Hillary, but we both know you would still prefer her in charge of nukes.

She'd be more useful in the kitchen, making strawberry daiquiris for the men.
Okay so you're a retard misogynist. Ok that explains a lot.
In the future, they will be leaving with very few coming in.
That's already happening.

No, not really. It's going to happen though.
Why do you delude yourself about Trump? I will never understand it.

What deluding? He's less than a week into his presidency and has already taken action on the illegal issue; several actually.
Oh gee he signed executive orders. The type of legislation you cons constantly whined about Obama doing. They don't mean dick right now. Actually building the wall is what matters and he will fail.

Sorry he couldn't get that wall up in a week. Maybe he was golfing or something?????

Yes, executive order means something is going to happen. It's not cheap talk. It's an order by the President of the United States. Executive orders are fine provided they are not used to get around Congress.
It appears you are in the minority
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Your rightwing bullshit polls like Rasmussen don't reflect the actual polling average which is that most Americans disapprove.

"Hillary Clinton has 92% chance of winning the election."
She won the popular vote. The national polling didn't fail her. It was polling in 3 states that did. Try and keep up.

she didn't win crap because there was no race for the popular vote.
Lol stop pretending the popular vote doesn't matter just because Hillary won it. Had Trump won it, you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It doesn't matter because nobody was trying to see how many people they could get to vote for them, they were trying to win the electoral votes only. Hil-Liar happened to get the popular vote which only covered one state--California, but it was not intentional.

It's similar to my poll scenario I made up about this. You and I want to see who is the better pool player, so we have a game of 8 ball to decide. I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe. I choose the stripe balls because they are in better positions. I hit the striped balls until I miss the last one. Your turn is up and you proceed to hit all the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I claim to be the better pool player because I hit more balls in the pocket than you did. It's moot because we were not playing to see who could hit the most balls in--just the selected ones. If we were playing to see who could hit the most balls in, we both would have played the game entirely different.
Lol you do know that the US population isn't evenly distributed right? The major population centers are on the west and east coasts. Hillary won both New York and California. Obviously winning those states matters lol.

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