When Jefferson warned of Bankers he was warning of Socialists


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2022
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

View attachment 658023
No. He's speaking of the ruling class elite. The term "socialism" originated during the French Indian War but didn't really make it into lexicon until Marx and Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto.
Sheesh..the tenuous grasp of history.....
Our "Capitalist" banking system is nothing but Socialist so whether it's what he meant or not it's completely true.
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

View attachment 658023
Just think if Jefferson got his way with an Agrarian way of life.
No. He's speaking of the ruling class elite. The term "socialism" originated during the French Indian War but didn't really make it into lexicon until Marx and Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto.
Sheesh..the tenuous grasp of history.....
I'm talking about his specific warning against BANKERS. Loser.

Get out of here you dumb democrat.
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

View attachment 658023

Jefferson is referring to the evils of bankers and stock brokers, not socialism.
Jefferson was always a socialist.
He speaks of "credit" as being bad, not shared means of production.
Jefferson is referring to the evils of bankers and stock brokers, not socialism.
Jefferson was always a socialist.
He speaks of "credit" as being bad, not shared means of production.
Maybe you need to read the book I quoted because you now sound r3tarded.

Jefferson was NEVER a socialist. Clearly people back then thought of credit/banks as risking other people's money. And using your own money was capitalist.

No where is criticism of banking being a socialist.
Here is an easy to prove quote that Jefferson was socialist.
Europeans were imperial colonists, which is ultra capitalist.
The natives were socialist.
Here is what Jefferson said:
I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.

Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of Europe.

Cherish therefore the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you & I, & Congress & Assemblies, judges & governors shall all become wolves.

It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor.[11]

— Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington - January 16, 1787
Maybe you need to read the book I quoted because you now sound r3tarded.

Jefferson was NEVER a socialist. Clearly people back then thought of credit/banks as risking other people's money. And using your own money was capitalist.

No where is criticism of banking being a socialist.

Banks and credit are a creation of capitalists, so they can manipulate a monopoly on the capital needed to produce the means of production.
Capitalists manipulate capital in order to generate profits, without necessarily making anything themselves.
Everywhere criticism of banking is socialist.
The whole idea of socialism is that you pool resources in order to get the money you need for the means of production.
You do NOT borrow it from a bank.
Banks are leeches, and so is capitalism always.
Socialism is against banks and does things communally, collectively, and cooperatively instead.
Banks are the opposite of communal, collective, and cooperative.
They are greedy and profit motivated.
Your definition is irrelevant. Lombard Street's definition is more intelligent

You misunderstood it.
It did not mean you have to only use your own money.
There is nothing wrong with people pooling their money as with socialism.
What they are against is those who manipulate money as a source of income, without actually producing anything.
Bankers are using extortion to gain unearned advantages only for them.
Socialism is to the benefit of all.
What does that have to do with the fact he wasn't an idiot who would let socialists misallocate his capital for him?

Bankers are not at all socialists, are extreme anti-socialist, and are the ultimate in capitalists.
Banks are leeches, and so is capitalism always.

That's why China went from a starving commie shithole to the second largest economy in the world.

Banks are the opposite of communal, collective, and cooperative.
They are greedy and profit motivated.

No profit motive in the Soviet Union.
Probably why they won the Cold War, eh comrade?
Just think if Jefferson got his way with an Agrarian way of life.
The forcing of the Federal Reserve on us opened the nation to Socialists coopting the levers of government. The Fiat Currency became legal in 1913 and the owners of the Federal Reserve said there will be no recessions and depressions. The Federal Reserve was pushed because of a bank scare with the gold back currency in 1907. There were always scares with a currency though. Outside Fiat Currency influencers from Europe were around from the beginning of the nation infecting people. Great rises and great falls are possible with Fiat Currencies. And everyone born is already dying. Today we are suffering because of the Currency because the people voted in stay in power pushing and promising goodies. We just gave Ukraine near 50 billion dollars easily as an example and we did not even blink. Just print it up. It is magic. Free wealth for all.
No. He's speaking of the ruling class elite.
yeah, white elitists are todays liberals

The term "socialism" originated during the French Indian War but didn't really make it into lexicon until Marx and Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto.
the quote uses the word "banker" not socialists .... so it at least authenticates the language of the time if not the content
Socialist is used by the poster to show how those who use the money of others are the "bankers"/socialists and not the capitalists who use their own money...to refer to the bankers of the/that time as socialists is necessary and quite correct today .

Sheesh..the tenuous grasp of history.....
Well it's all straightened out now

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