When Lies Collide

The truth is uncomfortable for you so you try to distract by creating a thread within a thread...poor baby.
To say nothing of her "careless" use of the nation's secrets.

means nothing to a good segment of our population.
[RP] This stuff makes me laugh. You do realize she didn't hide a thing as all government email would have been (should have been) saved - on the receiving and sending gov servers - if it was important or even not important. When republicans did the same nothing was said. When the Bush admin erased lots of email or lost it little was said. Email is not local, or hidden, it is shared and transferred and backed up. Golden email rule: send nothing you wouldn't say out loud in a crowded room. The billion dollar security groups in government didn't know this? They had to know it as the email address would have given it away. But believe what you want. This is the usual useless republican BS as they do nothing else. And devices are not data holders, some info resides there but destroying them is the right thing to do for personal information. I have drilled through several drives and devices to assist paranoid people nothing will be found.

Powell did the same maybe even worse. Hillary Clinton's emails with Colin Powell released - CNNPolitics.com

And then there is: Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Republicans waste time and money and accomplish nothing, when will Americans wake up.
You DO know that by using personal servers she avoided all her e-mails being saved by the government and that the Director of the FBI testified under oath that the FBI found THOUSANDS of work-related emails she hid from the government, meaning she broke laws (FOIA & Federal Records Act), right?!
He and most lefties don't know this...and if they do, it matters not.

gipper does not lie much in my opinion. EasyT lies, imo, as much as HRC and DJT, which makes him (her?) fun to read.
The problem with lying constantly is having to keep up with all of them. Hillary is learning / proving she just can't keep up with all of hers:

When lies collide: New Hillary email spin directly contradicted by own previous claim - Hot Air
This is how John Kerry lost. He would say something to one group and a couple of hours later say something totally contradictory to it during his next speech. He tailored his events to the audience. With Trump, they have to go back 20-30 years to find a contradiction with Trump, but when you're a liar, you're often tripped up by your previous statements. It's okay to change your mind (unless you're a Republican), but Hillary has a habit of lying and having to change her story to fit the evidence as it comes out. Then new evidence proves she lied, so she changes her excuse again to fit what is known.

The fact is, Hillary knew she had classified information on her servers and devices because she attempted to completely destroy all evidence of it. Problem is, those she sent information to, they didn't destroy their accounts as well, and that's how she is getting caught lying.
Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary.

Hillary wonderful.

The truth is uncomfortable for you so you try to distract by creating a thread within a thread...poor baby.

No, this is the 'Politics' forum. There's a presidential campaign going on. The race for president is a binary choice, therefore,

any attack on one candidate opens the door for a direct comparison to the other candidate.

Even a simpleton like yourself, if you strain your brain really really really hard,

should be able to comprehend that.
The truth is uncomfortable for you so you try to distract by creating a thread within a thread...poor baby.

No, this is the 'Politics' forum. There's a presidential campaign going on. The race for president is a binary choice, therefore,

any attack on one candidate opens the door for a direct comparison to the other candidate.

Even a simpleton like yourself, if you strain your brain really really really hard,

should be able to comprehend that.
And the topic of this thread is Hillary's contradicting lies...so you and other libs, finding the truth uncomfortable, seek to distract by creating threads within a thread....again, poor baby.
The truth is uncomfortable for you so you try to distract by creating a thread within a thread...poor baby.

No, this is the 'Politics' forum. There's a presidential campaign going on. The race for president is a binary choice, therefore,

any attack on one candidate opens the door for a direct comparison to the other candidate.

Even a simpleton like yourself, if you strain your brain really really really hard,

should be able to comprehend that.
Jake and Jimbo know Trump lies and I agreed with them. When I asked them if Hillary lies, they ran away.

How about you? Is Hillary a liar?

Yes or no.

Not a trick question.

Is there one honest Hillary supporter on this forum?
Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary. Hillary wonderful. CRAZY!!!!
In reality, you are letting Trump service you. :ssex:HRC is no more worthy to be president than Trump.
Don't project your fantasies onto me, Jake. (I suggest taking a cold shower this morning...or therapy) HRC is worse than Trump, though I agree neither are anywhere near the best this country has to offer.
The truth is uncomfortable for you so you try to distract by creating a thread within a thread...poor baby.

No, this is the 'Politics' forum. There's a presidential campaign going on. The race for president is a binary choice, therefore,

any attack on one candidate opens the door for a direct comparison to the other candidate.

Even a simpleton like yourself, if you strain your brain really really really hard,

should be able to comprehend that.
Jake and Jimbo know Trump lies and I agreed with them. When I asked them if Hillary lies, they ran away.

How about you? Is Hillary a liar?

Yes or no.

Not a trick question.

Is there one honest Hillary supporter on this forum?
As I expected. Lefties can't even admit on this anonymous forum, that Cankle's is liar.

Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary. Hillary wonderful. CRAZY!!!!
In reality, you are letting Trump service you. :ssex:HRC is no more worthy to be president than Trump.
Don't project your fantasies onto me, Jake. (I suggest taking a cold shower this morning...or therapy) HRC is worse than Trump, though I agree neither are anywhere near the best this country has to offer.
See Jake thinks Donnie is worse than Cankles. How can anyone think this, unless they have been duped by the lib MSM?

Cankles has decades of public service...she is strictly a politician and has lied for decades. She has committed corrupt acts while in government. Donnie has none of this. This logically means he is a better choice.
Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary. Hillary wonderful. CRAZY!!!!
In reality, you are letting Trump service you. :ssex:HRC is no more worthy to be president than Trump.
Don't project your fantasies onto me, Jake. (I suggest taking a cold shower this morning...or therapy) HRC is worse than Trump, though I agree neither are anywhere near the best this country has to offer.
See Jake thinks Donnie is worse than Cankles. How can anyone think this, unless they have been duped by the lib MSM?

Cankles has decades of public service...she is strictly a politician and has lied for decades. She has committed corrupt acts while in government. Donnie has none of this. This logically means he is a better choice.

So being corrupt in the private sector doesn't count now. Interesting.
Donald Trump lied his goddamn ass off!!! 133 times he lied in the debate! Over 70% were false or mostly false!!!

Clinton on the other hand was more like 70% true or mostly true...

So you can shove your goddamn thread up your ass.
Donnie lies so it is okay for Hillary to lie. The logic of the leftist is akin to the logic of a five year old.

Hillary has decades of lying, while in public office or while her predator husband was in office. Means nothing to the average D voter. The facts do not change them.

They live in Orwell's 1984 and like it.

To us, 1984 was a cautiounary tale; to Progressives, it's a handbook
Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary. Hillary wonderful. CRAZY!!!!
In reality, you are letting Trump service you. :ssex:HRC is no more worthy to be president than Trump.
Don't project your fantasies onto me, Jake. (I suggest taking a cold shower this morning...or therapy) HRC is worse than Trump, though I agree neither are anywhere near the best this country has to offer.
See Jake thinks Donnie is worse than Cankles. How can anyone think this, unless they have been duped by the lib MSM?

Cankles has decades of public service...she is strictly a politician and has lied for decades. She has committed corrupt acts while in government. Donnie has none of this. This logically means he is a better choice.

So being corrupt in the private sector doesn't count now. Interesting.
It does count. No one said it didn't. Do you think Trump's corrupt actions are WORSE than Hillary's?

Also can you admit that Hillary is a liar?
Do you think Trump's corrupt actions are WORSE than Hillary's?
Trump never sacrificed 4 American lives then lied his ass off to save his own political future...which is evidently OK with Libs for Hillary to do.

It is ironic how the 2 people who argued with each other over who would be the best President when the '2am' phone call came in...and when it did, both were awol, sucked, and lied about it, proving neither one was worth a damn.
Morning Joke is saying Trump is stupid and scary. Hillary wonderful. CRAZY!!!!
In reality, you are letting Trump service you. :ssex:HRC is no more worthy to be president than Trump.
Don't project your fantasies onto me, Jake. (I suggest taking a cold shower this morning...or therapy) HRC is worse than Trump, though I agree neither are anywhere near the best this country has to offer.
See Jake thinks Donnie is worse than Cankles. How can anyone think this, unless they have been duped by the lib MSM?

Cankles has decades of public service...she is strictly a politician and has lied for decades. She has committed corrupt acts while in government. Donnie has none of this. This logically means he is a better choice.

So being corrupt in the private sector doesn't count now. Interesting.
It does count. No one said it didn't. Do you think Trump's corrupt actions are WORSE than Hillary's?

Also can you admit that Hillary is a liar?

I don't know anyone who isn't a liar. Does that answer your question?
I don't know anyone who isn't a liar. Does that answer your question?
No. You don't 'know' Hillary. You know about / of her, but you don't know her.

(Funny how Dems can't bring themselves to say the words - 'Hillary is a liar'. :p )

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