When Maggots Are Faster Than Doctors!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim

Creepy, crawly little creatures scurrying in and out of an open flesh wound. Many people would associate this scene with a horror film rather than a hospital. Nonetheless, some physicians do apply maggots to wounds that are difficult to heal.

And now a new study published in the Archives of Dermatology this week lends further support to doctors who head for the maggots instead of the scalpel in some cases.

When a wound is not healing, dead and damaged tissue needs to be removed. This process is called debridement. Most commonly, it involves scraping the wound with a scalpel. But in this new study, wounds took only half the time to clean out when doctors treated them with maggots as opposed to using a scalpel.

Maggots are essentially baby flies — though you would hardly guess it, as they look like little white worms and lack wings. This particular study used the Lucilia sericata species, which is commonly known as the green bottle fly. When released into an open wound, these maggots feed on dead tissue, breaking it down and removing it.

The idea of using maggots to heal wounds goes back hundreds of years. But while the use of these bugs is hardly new, their specific role in wound care is still being worked out. In the United States, the FDA approved the use of maggots for wound care in 2004, but so far there have been very few clinical trials to determine when and where the bugs are most useful.

In the new study, Dr. Kristina Opletalova and colleagues in France studied more than 100 patients with open ulcers on their legs — the result of a condition in which blood pools in the veins.

Half of the patients received dressings containing about 80 maggots each. The other patients wore a standard bandage, and doctors cleaned out their wounds with a scalpel three times a week. Patients wore a blindfold during dressing changes, so they were unaware of what treatment they were receiving.

After about one week, the amount of dead or damaged tissue on the wounds of the patients doctors treated with maggots was significantly less than those who were not. In fact, the group treated with conventional debridement with a scalpel didn’t catch up until the two-week mark.

But maggots may offer other benefits for wounds healing beyond speed. The patients getting the maggot treatment did not experience any greater discomfort than the group receiving standard therapy — even though the maggot-treated patients did not receive any anesthesia while those who went under the knife required numbing medicine. Patients in this study were generally accepting of maggot use, and surprisingly, both groups were equally likely to report a crawling sensation in their wound, suggesting that this was not caused by the maggots themselves.

“Maggots are not painful,” says Ashinoff. “So that’s a big benefit. Surgical debridement is often extremely painful and patients dread having it done.”
Maggot therapy may also save time and money. The maggot group required 10 minutes of care twice a week as compared to 40 minutes three times a week with scalpel debridement. Maggot dressings can be changed by a nurse, while cleaning a wound with a scalpel is typically done by a physician.

“The overall cost on a large scale is probably less expensive than taking someone into the operating room,” says Ashinoff.

All these revelations about "alternate" or "green" health care indicate the left wing support for anything that might cut the cost of Barry-care. Maggot therapy "green" in more ways than one. Maggots don't eat live flesh so they theoretically leave you with a clean wound. My guess is that the procedure is somewhere in the 3,000 book they call the "health care law".
Maggots aren't going to fail to change a dressing until it becomes gangrenous the way health care workers under obamacare will.
All these revelations about "alternate" or "green" health care indicate the left wing support for anything that might cut the cost of Barry-care. Maggot therapy "green" in more ways than one. Maggots don't eat live flesh so they theoretically leave you with a clean wound. My guess is that the procedure is somewhere in the 3,000 book they call the "health care law".


Why don't you argue the actual medical science as opposed to grasping at straws?

You can either do your best to cut out necrotic flesh with a scalpel and spare healthy tissue or you can let an organism that knows do it.

Until you've turned a debridement into a bloody mess, you probably have no idea.
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Maggots aren't going to fail to change a dressing until it becomes gangrenous the way health care workers under obamacare will.

How does a dressing become gangrenous?

I should have said until the wound becomes gangrenous. Although where there is socialized medicine wounds become infested with maggots on their own.

I didn't think it was actually possible for a brain to become gangrenous until I read your posts....
How does a dressing become gangrenous?

I should have said until the wound becomes gangrenous. Although where there is socialized medicine wounds become infested with maggots on their own.

I didn't think it was actually possible for a brain to become gangrenous until I read your posts....

You are a leftist, so you never started out with much ability to think. I'll bet you consider obama a good president. Case closed.
I guess the greenies have discovered a way to sterilize fly larva or adult flies or maybe they never thought of it. Barry might have noticed that old dog meat is a good source for the little critters.
I guess the greenies have discovered a way to sterilize fly larva or adult flies or maybe they never thought of it. Barry might have noticed that old dog meat is a good source for the little critters.

Debridement is a semi sterile procedure. It's not done in the OR and the maggots are clean. They are from a lab. Not a dead cow, knucklehead.
I have heard a few stories regarding the use of maggots in medical procedures.
It sounds gross......and a bit creepy, and I would most likely be opposed to such treatment, just because of the fact I hate maggots.
But if I were put under, and was not aware of what was being done....being able to see to critters on my wound......I probably wouldn't object.
I have heard a few stories regarding the use of maggots in medical procedures.
It sounds gross......and a bit creepy, and I would most likely be opposed to such treatment, just because of the fact I hate maggots.
But if I were put under, and was not aware of what was being done....being able to see to critters on my wound......I probably wouldn't object.

If you were in the ICU on two presser with sepsis due to a massive wound infection, you'd change your mind.

Maggots are better then intubation and much better than the morgue.

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