When Obama said he wanted an Internet that was "free" what did he mean?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The last bastion of freedom is the Internet. Without government interference it has grown and expanded in five years to what we have today. Driven solely by free capitalism. Everyone is free to post what they want and pretty much do what they want on the net. How can government regulation improve that situation?

So did Obama mean to imply that somehow the Internet is not "free" to some and the government needs to step in with regulation such as, net neutrality, in my opinion will hinder growth not help it as has mostly all government regulation. Internet Regulation - Who Regulates the Internet Internet Society Internet regulation is basically restricting or controlling access to certain aspects or information. Internet regulation consists of: Censorship of data, and controlling aspects of the Internet such as domain registration, IP address control and more.

OR did he mean that fast internet access should be free to everyone? As we know nothing is free and if free is provided who is going to pay for the maintenance? Again, in my opinion, this would not help.

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