When the Government Wants There to be Fewer of Us........Time to Watch Our Backs

.... If you are one of us the kids just a parasite.
"Us" meaning empty, morally bankrupt ghouls? Your acting out like this won't alleviate your shame and regret, brainless.
I won this argument. ...
You've never won anything, loser. That's why you feel so badly about yourself.
I won league and district. My brother ran into a senior wrestler my freshman year of college. He remembered me even though I only wrestled 1 year. I’m a bad ass you’re a lightweight
.... If you are one of us the kids just a parasite.
"Us" meaning empty, morally bankrupt ghouls? Your acting out like this won't alleviate your shame and regret, brainless.
I won this argument. ...
You've never won anything, loser. That's why you feel so badly about yourself.
You’re wrestling buds coming to see you next month so they can run a train on you again? Lil man. Lil bitch. Lol
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Hahahaha..you dumbmotherfucker, Mexicrats are harvesting wetbacks by the millions right now...They have no interest in “population control”....trust me.
It’s ok because according to Unkotare there’s plenty of room for him. And if that’s true they benefit us because we need more bodies for growth.

Proof republicans don’t mind illegals. They don’t understand we’re overpopulated and the understand in order to grow we need more bodies not less
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

From the OP's link: "The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact," states the thesis, which was first flagged by the Daily Caller on Thursday. "We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans."
I think Tracy Stone-Manning should off herself first.
It’s true humans are over consuming the planets natural resources
We need a few wars and street wars to take care of the problem.

We need a rise in Norse Paganism.
The largest single gathering of American Heathens was in 2014 near Kansas City; there were only 280 people there. 60 of them were children.

Going to have to be a hell of a rise before it makes any difference.
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Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

From the OP's link: "The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact," states the thesis, which was first flagged by the Daily Caller on Thursday. "We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans."
I think Tracy Stone-Manning should off herself first.
It’s true humans are over consuming the planets natural resources
We need a few wars and street wars to take care of the problem.

We need a rise in Norse Paganism.
This planet needs a

a. Pandemic
b. Ww3
c. Virus like aids
d. Poor people to stop having more than 1 kid
e. Welfare reform
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
This makes her similar to the eugenics loving Bush family, Bill Gates and Hitler. I don't understand how she squares her philosophy that lower population results in better environment with the Democrats open border policy..

Income and high birth rates are strongly linked, not just in the United States, but around the world. Women in lower income brackets tend to have higher birth rates across the board. There are many factors at play in birth rates, such as the education level of the mother, ethnicity of the mother.

Perhaps if poor women started having the same birth rate as women with more money we'd be fine? Do you like it that poor women have more kids than middle class and rich women? Does that make sense? This is why I like welfare reform. No more free money for poor single moms. Perhaps she won't make another mistake after the first one. I have a cousin he married a whore. She had 4 kids from four different guys. Each one of them on welfare. Each father financially a bum. Bet she wouldn't have had 4 kids if she didn't have welfare to subsodize her lifestyle. That's why middle class women don't have more kids. Don't you think they would like to have 4 kids too? Sure they would but they can't afford it. Yet poor women can? Doesn't make sense.

No one is talking eugenics except you Republicans. Perhaps it's you that wants that.
You make sense until your semi accusatory last sentence. For a minute there I thought you were coming around.
He's accusing us of eugenics and you mind that I pointed out it's always Republicans who bring up the word?

Did the Democrat suggest Eugenics? Look up the word. It's funny because if anyone wants to practice Eugenics it would be Republicans not Democrats.

historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.

Sounds like white supremist bullshit to me

closely associated with scientific racism

eugenics was more about preserving the position of the dominant groups in the population

Again, sounds like a Republican thing to me.

a disproportionate number of those who fell victim to eugenicists' sterilization initiatives were women who were identified as African American, Hispanic, or Native American.

You telling me Trump doesn't want to practice Eugenics in black "shitholes"? His words.

Early proponents of the eugenics movement included not only influential white Americans but also several proponent African-American intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee University, Howard University, and Hampton University.[70] However, unlike many white eugenicists, these black intellectuals believed the best African Americans were as good as the best White Americans, and "The Talented Tenth" of all races should mix.[70] Indeed, Du Bois believed "only fit blacks should procreate to eradicate the race's heritage of moral iniquity."
If you read what I said, I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I'm not a proponent of eugenics and I don't think much of those who are. I'm in favor of population control through personal responsibility. If this lady was that worried about population degrading our environment, you would think she would be screaming about what Biden is doing with open borders and inviting an outright invasion of illegal aliens on our southern border. The fact that she isn't even making a peep about our alien invasion leads me to believe she is nothing more than a political bullshit artist.
I'm in favor of population control through personal responsibility too.

Well, as long as Big Brother is paying for illegitimate kids for Mom who lays on the bed and spits them out as fast as she can (you know, more cash) I guess "personal responsibility" doesn't come into play...
So you agree with me?
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
I forgot 205. Unkotare knows these weight classes are right in 1988. You just suck Unkotare s semin
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
That’s all you got? How should I respond lil
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less

They got you RIGHT where they want you......

Hating your fellow American

The old "Divide and conquer" routine. People never learn
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less

They got you RIGHT where they want you......

Hating your fellow American

The old "Divide and conquer" routine. People never learn
Your way works best for the rich. The rich are doing great. Have been for over 30 years. So what are you complaining about?
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less
Nah, they'll put you down and take your money.
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

Yep....which is why you can't simply dismiss the idea that this release of the Chinese flu...with a 99% survivability rate ......was a test. What will the world do if China creates an actual deadly virus, comes up with a vaccine, innoculates CCP leadership and the populations they want to preserve, then releases the virus?

We need to face that possibility.....it saves on the need for mass destruction by a military campaign...
You realize we have labs right here with viruses that are many times more deadly than covid19, don't you?
99.7% survival rate? We had better.

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