When the Government Wants There to be Fewer of Us........Time to Watch Our Backs

Because you took a high school history class?

Poke your holes. I don't care. I know better than most because I've paid attention to everything I've been taught, seen, heard, and have been told by those who have been involved in such.

There are trends and "lines" and other identifying facts that lead to the repeat of certain types of history.

Just because you can't be bothered with learning and understanding human history and American history, and the history of war, doesn't mean other people don't have the stability and fortitude to dig into history to find out everything humans need to know and understand about it, in order to see where our future is headed to.

Don't project your ignorance towards me.
I know better than most because I've paid attention to everything I've been taught, seen, heard, and have been told by those who have been involved in such.
How the hell does that equate to you knowing "better than most"? Do you think no one else ever pays attention? You are trying to claim some special status based on nothing.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------.....
Oh, how scientific... :rolleyes:
I didn't claim that it was a scientific study-------I claimed what I see day in and day out.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------.....
Oh, how scientific... :rolleyes:
I didn't claim that it was a scientific study-------I claimed what I see day in and day out.
Do you understand that is not the basis for any logical conclusion?
I know better than most because I've paid attention to everything I've been taught, seen, heard, and have been told by those who have been involved in such.
How the hell does that equate to you knowing "better than most"? Do you think no one else ever pays attention? You are trying to claim some special status based on nothing.

You don't know anything about me.
You are the one claiming things that I have not said.

I'm not going to be your abused little patsy for the day, as you do with so many others on this site.
So stop pointing your finger at me, and go back to your video game.
I know better than most because I've paid attention to everything I've been taught, seen, heard, and have been told by those who have been involved in such.
How the hell does that equate to you knowing "better than most"? Do you think no one else ever pays attention? You are trying to claim some special status based on nothing.

You don't know anything about me.
I can only go by what you've posted here, and you have posted nothing that suggests you "know better than most."
I'd like to see prisoners get reduced sentences if they volunteer for surgical sterilization.

Like to see people the age of 18 have the option for free surgical sterilizations.

Or see chemical sterilizers put into the public water supply of certain zip codes.
I'd like to see prisoners get reduced sentences if they volunteer for surgical sterilization.

Like to see people the age of 18 have the option for free surgical sterilizations.

Or see chemical sterilizers put into the public water supply of certain zip codes.
You're a fucking nazi.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------.....
Oh, how scientific... :rolleyes:
I didn't claim that it was a scientific study-------I claimed what I see day in and day out.
Do you understand that is not the basis for any logical conclusion?
Do you understand that I am going to trust what I see and know over some silly poster on the chat boards? Hmmmm?
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------.....
Oh, how scientific... :rolleyes:
I didn't claim that it was a scientific study-------I claimed what I see day in and day out.
Do you understand that is not the basis for any logical conclusion?
Do you understand that I am going to trust what I see and know over some silly poster on the chat boards? Hmmmm?
Back in the 80s a local newscaster was reading the results of Reagan's reelection campaign as the numbers came in live. At one point he looked up at the camera and declared "This can't be. No one I know voted for Reagan!"

That was kinda stupid, huh?
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

I paid attention in history class. I've watched many interviews with American vets over the years. I've watched many war documentaries over the years as well. And I paid attention.

And one of my history classes in school was taught by a retired, decorated military Colonel that taught us the truth about American military, and how to tell the lies from the truths in historical books.

I know better than most what I'm talking about, what will happen, and what suffering must occur in order for change to happen.

Thanks for pretending you know anything about me. You gave it a good shot, but failed miserably.

Oh. You studied it. Cool. I lived it. I’ve seen people begging for food. Women willing to sell their bodies to be able to feed their children. I’ve seen death. Destruction. I’ve smelled the death. The mixture of rotting flesh snd voided Bowels. I’ve seen dogs eating human flesh.

You’ve studied it.

Help me out. Let’s pretend your scenario goes forward. Most people have three days worth of food in their cupboard. Let’s pretend it is two weeks. They are more prepared than the norm.

Ok. Food shipments stop. Truckers are not going to be running deliveries when the act has a coin toss if they ever return. So while you are engaging government forces. What do you do with the civilians who are hungry and demanding food? Fuck them? They’ll swarm and stomp you and your band of freedom fighters into the ground.

Medical? Have you considered that? Injuries require supplies and medications. Have any? Or are you going to loot pharmacies to take what you need?

Power. How will you provide power to areas you control? Order the workers to continue running the equipment? Hold them at gun point?

You haven’t thought about anything. Warfare is not about bombs and bullets. It is about supplies. The military has stockpiles on their bases. What do you have? Enough for yourself. Perhaps a friend or two? How long will that last?

How will you communicate? Walkie talkies from Walmart? CB radios? Cell phones will be shut down. So how will you communicate?

You’ve thought about it? You don’t even have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

For every infantry soldier there are ten troops in support. That is supply, medical, chaplains, intelligence, operations staff, engineers, artillery, aviation, cartographers, and a list that goes on for quite a while.

You’ve thought about it? You had a teacher who was a Colonel? Are you fucking kidding me? You watched some TV and masturbated imagining yourself as a Patton?

Jesus. You are clueless. The first soldier in your little army that gets a minor wound is going to die from infection.

Let’s explain it to you just using food. We will ignore the civilians. You obviously have.

Let’s say you have a total of thirty people in your command. Three meals a day. That is ninety meals a day for your troops. In a week and a half. About the time you are starting to get organized that is 900 meals. Do you have an enormous farm with vegetables and cattle running about?

In case you haven’t read this. Hungry troops don’t fight well. It takes a lot of calories to feed an army. Check your history books for the defense of Battan and Corregidor. Troops fighting on 3/5 rations were unable to get out of their fighting positions. See how many died on the death March. Malnutrition made marching impossible.

Any prisoners you take have to be fed too.

You’ve thought about it?

I was a sergeant. And in the field easily a quarter of my time was spent taking care of the needs of my troops. Food. Water. Hygiene. Maintenance of equipment.

Unless your little war is over in about three days. You’re fucked. And it won’t be over in a few days. It will barely be getting started.

You’ve thought about it.

What about Combat fatigue in your troops? When they are in emotional shock from seeing friends and family die? Just give them a slap like Patton? That will show them.

Until you’ve been in a hole trying to buckle your chin strap around your knees and become a turtle in your helmet you haven’t thought about shit.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

"We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans."

Which is true.

"Encouraged Americans to only have two children and no more."

Which is perfectly fine.

Planned Parenthood and women's freedom of choice is important.

The post title is misleading troll bait.

Oh, yes!

Planned parenthood is the BEST.

And if a couple makes a mistake, terminating a pregnancy is the wisest thing to do.

There ARE too many human beings being born.

Just read that the experts are expecting a really huge spike in births in a certain continent (that I shan't name).
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

I paid attention in history class. I've watched many interviews with American vets over the years. I've watched many war documentaries over the years as well. And I paid attention.

And one of my history classes in school was taught by a retired, decorated military Colonel that taught us the truth about American military, and how to tell the lies from the truths in historical books.

I know better than most what I'm talking about, what will happen, and what suffering must occur in order for change to happen.

Thanks for pretending you know anything about me. You gave it a good shot, but failed miserably.

Oh. You studied it. Cool. I lived it. I’ve seen people begging for food. Women willing to sell their bodies to be able to feed their children. I’ve seen death. Destruction. I’ve smelled the death. The mixture of rotting flesh snd voided Bowels. I’ve seen dogs eating human flesh.

You’ve studied it.

Help me out. Let’s pretend your scenario goes forward. Most people have three days worth of food in their cupboard. Let’s pretend it is two weeks. They are more prepared than the norm.

Ok. Food shipments stop. Truckers are not going to be running deliveries when the act has a coin toss if they ever return. So while you are engaging government forces. What do you do with the civilians who are hungry and demanding food? Fuck them? They’ll swarm and stomp you and your band of freedom fighters into the ground.

Medical? Have you considered that? Injuries require supplies and medications. Have any? Or are you going to loot pharmacies to take what you need?

Power. How will you provide power to areas you control? Order the workers to continue running the equipment? Hold them at gun point?

You haven’t thought about anything. Warfare is not about bombs and bullets. It is about supplies. The military has stockpiles on their bases. What do you have? Enough for yourself. Perhaps a friend or two? How long will that last?

How will you communicate? Walkie talkies from Walmart? CB radios? Cell phones will be shut down. So how will you communicate?

You’ve thought about it? You don’t even have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

For every infantry soldier there are ten troops in support. That is supply, medical, chaplains, intelligence, operations staff, engineers, artillery, aviation, cartographers, and a list that goes on for quite a while.

You’ve thought about it? You had a teacher who was a Colonel? Are you fucking kidding me? You watched some TV and masturbated imagining yourself as a Patton?

Jesus. You are clueless. The first soldier in your little army that gets a minor wound is going to die from infection.

Let’s explain it to you just using food. We will ignore the civilians. You obviously have.

Let’s say you have a total of thirty people in your command. Three meals a day. That is ninety meals a day for your troops. In a week and a half. About the time you are starting to get organized that is 900 meals. Do you have an enormous farm with vegetables and cattle running about?

In case you haven’t read this. Hungry troops don’t fight well. It takes a lot of calories to feed an army. Check your history books for the defense of Battan and Corregidor. Troops fighting on 3/5 rations were unable to get out of their fighting positions. See how many died on the death March. Malnutrition made marching impossible.

Any prisoners you take have to be fed too.

You’ve thought about it?

I was a sergeant. And in the field easily a quarter of my time was spent taking care of the needs of my troops. Food. Water. Hygiene. Maintenance of equipment.

Unless your little war is over in about three days. You’re fucked. And it won’t be over in a few days. It will barely be getting started.

You’ve thought about it.

What about Combat fatigue in your troops? When they are in emotional shock from seeing friends and family die? Just give them a slap like Patton? That will show them.

Until you’ve been in a hole trying to buckle your chin strap around your knees and become a turtle in your helmet you haven’t thought about shit.
All true, but that works both ways.

I was in a chow hall in Jalalabad back in 06 and I mentioned to the XO I was sitting with that if I was an insurgent, I would blow up or burn down every chow hall I could, and murder every cook and kitchen worker. I would also sabotage all the HVAC units on base, and kill all the AC repair and service contractors.
I told him I would have every troop there eating cold T-rats and sleeping in tents that were over 100 degrees inside. But I wouldn't hurt a single one of them....
He looked at me for a few minutes and just said; "Holy shit dude...."

Imagine what could be done here, on our own soil.
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

I paid attention in history class. I've watched many interviews with American vets over the years. I've watched many war documentaries over the years as well. And I paid attention.

And one of my history classes in school was taught by a retired, decorated military Colonel that taught us the truth about American military, and how to tell the lies from the truths in historical books.

I know better than most what I'm talking about, what will happen, and what suffering must occur in order for change to happen.

Thanks for pretending you know anything about me. You gave it a good shot, but failed miserably.

Oh. You studied it. Cool. I lived it. I’ve seen people begging for food. Women willing to sell their bodies to be able to feed their children. I’ve seen death. Destruction. I’ve smelled the death. The mixture of rotting flesh snd voided Bowels. I’ve seen dogs eating human flesh.

You’ve studied it.

Help me out. Let’s pretend your scenario goes forward. Most people have three days worth of food in their cupboard. Let’s pretend it is two weeks. They are more prepared than the norm.

Ok. Food shipments stop. Truckers are not going to be running deliveries when the act has a coin toss if they ever return. So while you are engaging government forces. What do you do with the civilians who are hungry and demanding food? Fuck them? They’ll swarm and stomp you and your band of freedom fighters into the ground.

Medical? Have you considered that? Injuries require supplies and medications. Have any? Or are you going to loot pharmacies to take what you need?

Power. How will you provide power to areas you control? Order the workers to continue running the equipment? Hold them at gun point?

You haven’t thought about anything. Warfare is not about bombs and bullets. It is about supplies. The military has stockpiles on their bases. What do you have? Enough for yourself. Perhaps a friend or two? How long will that last?

How will you communicate? Walkie talkies from Walmart? CB radios? Cell phones will be shut down. So how will you communicate?

You’ve thought about it? You don’t even have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

For every infantry soldier there are ten troops in support. That is supply, medical, chaplains, intelligence, operations staff, engineers, artillery, aviation, cartographers, and a list that goes on for quite a while.

You’ve thought about it? You had a teacher who was a Colonel? Are you fucking kidding me? You watched some TV and masturbated imagining yourself as a Patton?

Jesus. You are clueless. The first soldier in your little army that gets a minor wound is going to die from infection.

Let’s explain it to you just using food. We will ignore the civilians. You obviously have.

Let’s say you have a total of thirty people in your command. Three meals a day. That is ninety meals a day for your troops. In a week and a half. About the time you are starting to get organized that is 900 meals. Do you have an enormous farm with vegetables and cattle running about?

In case you haven’t read this. Hungry troops don’t fight well. It takes a lot of calories to feed an army. Check your history books for the defense of Battan and Corregidor. Troops fighting on 3/5 rations were unable to get out of their fighting positions. See how many died on the death March. Malnutrition made marching impossible.

Any prisoners you take have to be fed too.

You’ve thought about it?

I was a sergeant. And in the field easily a quarter of my time was spent taking care of the needs of my troops. Food. Water. Hygiene. Maintenance of equipment.

Unless your little war is over in about three days. You’re fucked. And it won’t be over in a few days. It will barely be getting started.

You’ve thought about it.

What about Combat fatigue in your troops? When they are in emotional shock from seeing friends and family die? Just give them a slap like Patton? That will show them.

Until you’ve been in a hole trying to buckle your chin strap around your knees and become a turtle in your helmet you haven’t thought about shit.
All true, but that works both ways.

I was in a chow hall in Jalalabad back in 06 and I mentioned to the XO I was sitting with that if I was an insurgent, I would blow up or burn down every chow hall I could, and murder every cook and kitchen worker. I would also sabotage all the HVAC units on base, and kill all the AC repair and service contractors.
I told him I would have every troop there eating cold T-rats and sleeping in tents that were over 100 degrees inside. But I wouldn't hurt a single one of them....
He looked at me for a few minutes and just said; "Holy shit dude...."

Imagine what could be done here, on our own soil.

The problem is the insurgents have to attack in this case. They have to capture vital installations. They have to remove and replace designated Government officers.

Imagine this. The Insurgents take Texas by storm. The Military bunkers down on their bases. What happens next?

The Insurgents think they’ve won. They have about half of the Oil Supply cut off. The rest of the nation becomes fuel starved in a couple weeks. They have won.

But have they? They can’t get food. They can’t get information. They can’t even get power imported from other states.

But their strengths are also targets. A single fighter can take out electrical choke points and black out entire sections of the state.

Your scenario of it being hot and uncomfortable is now statewide.

So the Insurgents have to take Washington. They have to stand in the Oval and declare victory. They have to eliminate the political leadership. Or force the leadership to surrender.

The alternative is to expect the Government to accept the cessation of Texas in our notional scenario.

The phrase no way in hell comes to mind to describe that likelihood.

No. It’s all or nothing. And that means fighting the US Military including Reserves and National Guard. Actual battle hardened troops with experience. Something our armchair Patton has never seen.

The only way the Insurgents have any hope of success is a years long campaign of guerrilla warfare. Cutting bridges. Cutting supply routes. Cutting train tracks.

Making it difficult or impossible for Government supplies to get through. Of course it also means supplies for the people don’t get through.

Best case scenario. 10% or maybe as much as a quarter of our population dead.

The nation breaks down into various nation states. Where each faction has strengths.
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

I paid attention in history class. I've watched many interviews with American vets over the years. I've watched many war documentaries over the years as well. And I paid attention.

And one of my history classes in school was taught by a retired, decorated military Colonel that taught us the truth about American military, and how to tell the lies from the truths in historical books.

I know better than most what I'm talking about, what will happen, and what suffering must occur in order for change to happen.

Thanks for pretending you know anything about me. You gave it a good shot, but failed miserably.

Oh. You studied it. Cool. I lived it. I’ve seen people begging for food. Women willing to sell their bodies to be able to feed their children. I’ve seen death. Destruction. I’ve smelled the death. The mixture of rotting flesh snd voided Bowels. I’ve seen dogs eating human flesh.

You’ve studied it.

Help me out. Let’s pretend your scenario goes forward. Most people have three days worth of food in their cupboard. Let’s pretend it is two weeks. They are more prepared than the norm.

Ok. Food shipments stop. Truckers are not going to be running deliveries when the act has a coin toss if they ever return. So while you are engaging government forces. What do you do with the civilians who are hungry and demanding food? Fuck them? They’ll swarm and stomp you and your band of freedom fighters into the ground.

Medical? Have you considered that? Injuries require supplies and medications. Have any? Or are you going to loot pharmacies to take what you need?

Power. How will you provide power to areas you control? Order the workers to continue running the equipment? Hold them at gun point?

You haven’t thought about anything. Warfare is not about bombs and bullets. It is about supplies. The military has stockpiles on their bases. What do you have? Enough for yourself. Perhaps a friend or two? How long will that last?

How will you communicate? Walkie talkies from Walmart? CB radios? Cell phones will be shut down. So how will you communicate?

You’ve thought about it? You don’t even have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

For every infantry soldier there are ten troops in support. That is supply, medical, chaplains, intelligence, operations staff, engineers, artillery, aviation, cartographers, and a list that goes on for quite a while.

You’ve thought about it? You had a teacher who was a Colonel? Are you fucking kidding me? You watched some TV and masturbated imagining yourself as a Patton?

Jesus. You are clueless. The first soldier in your little army that gets a minor wound is going to die from infection.

Let’s explain it to you just using food. We will ignore the civilians. You obviously have.

Let’s say you have a total of thirty people in your command. Three meals a day. That is ninety meals a day for your troops. In a week and a half. About the time you are starting to get organized that is 900 meals. Do you have an enormous farm with vegetables and cattle running about?

In case you haven’t read this. Hungry troops don’t fight well. It takes a lot of calories to feed an army. Check your history books for the defense of Battan and Corregidor. Troops fighting on 3/5 rations were unable to get out of their fighting positions. See how many died on the death March. Malnutrition made marching impossible.

Any prisoners you take have to be fed too.

You’ve thought about it?

I was a sergeant. And in the field easily a quarter of my time was spent taking care of the needs of my troops. Food. Water. Hygiene. Maintenance of equipment.

Unless your little war is over in about three days. You’re fucked. And it won’t be over in a few days. It will barely be getting started.

You’ve thought about it.

What about Combat fatigue in your troops? When they are in emotional shock from seeing friends and family die? Just give them a slap like Patton? That will show them.

Until you’ve been in a hole trying to buckle your chin strap around your knees and become a turtle in your helmet you haven’t thought about shit.
All true, but that works both ways.

I was in a chow hall in Jalalabad back in 06 and I mentioned to the XO I was sitting with that if I was an insurgent, I would blow up or burn down every chow hall I could, and murder every cook and kitchen worker. I would also sabotage all the HVAC units on base, and kill all the AC repair and service contractors.
I told him I would have every troop there eating cold T-rats and sleeping in tents that were over 100 degrees inside. But I wouldn't hurt a single one of them....
He looked at me for a few minutes and just said; "Holy shit dude...."

Imagine what could be done here, on our own soil.

The problem is the insurgents have to attack in this case. They have to capture vital installations. They have to remove and replace designated Government officers.

Imagine this. The Insurgents take Texas by storm. The Military bunkers down on their bases. What happens next?

The Insurgents think they’ve won. They have about half of the Oil Supply cut off. The rest of the nation becomes fuel starved in a couple weeks. They have won.

But have they? They can’t get food. They can’t get information. They can’t even get power imported from other states.

But their strengths are also targets. A single fighter can take out electrical choke points and black out entire sections of the state.

Your scenario of it being hot and uncomfortable is now statewide.

So the Insurgents have to take Washington. They have to stand in the Oval and declare victory. They have to eliminate the political leadership. Or force the leadership to surrender.

The alternative is to expect the Government to accept the cessation of Texas in our notional scenario.

The phrase no way in hell comes to mind to describe that likelihood.

No. It’s all or nothing. And that means fighting the US Military including Reserves and National Guard. Actual battle hardened troops with experience. Something our armchair Patton has never seen.

The only way the Insurgents have any hope of success is a years long campaign of guerrilla warfare. Cutting bridges. Cutting supply routes. Cutting train tracks.

Making it difficult or impossible for Government supplies to get through. Of course it also means supplies for the people don’t get through.

Best case scenario. 10% or maybe as much as a quarter of our population dead.

The nation breaks down into various nation states. Where each faction has strengths.
Oh yeah, it will be a complete shit show, no doubt, but I think you seriously overestimate how formidable the .mil is.
I watched them fuck up logistics in epic fashion, over and over again, when they were actually being supported by the general population.
When everyone is throwing monkey wrenches into things, every chance they get, and privates and NCOs are fragging every higher officer they can, I don't see them being much of an obstacle.

And I been there and done that too, guy. My assessment comes from observations at the sharp end of things.
Just counting the days until a real Civil War breaks out, and the Dems are found hanging from trees around the White House and Capitol buildings.

What makes you think it will be the Dems? Or the Dems alone? You have no clue what you are advocating. You have no clue about the suffering that will occur. And sadly. You have no clue that the most probable outcome is the very totalitarian Government you decry.

I paid attention in history class. I've watched many interviews with American vets over the years. I've watched many war documentaries over the years as well. And I paid attention.

And one of my history classes in school was taught by a retired, decorated military Colonel that taught us the truth about American military, and how to tell the lies from the truths in historical books.

I know better than most what I'm talking about, what will happen, and what suffering must occur in order for change to happen.

Thanks for pretending you know anything about me. You gave it a good shot, but failed miserably.

Oh. You studied it. Cool. I lived it. I’ve seen people begging for food. Women willing to sell their bodies to be able to feed their children. I’ve seen death. Destruction. I’ve smelled the death. The mixture of rotting flesh snd voided Bowels. I’ve seen dogs eating human flesh.

You’ve studied it.

Help me out. Let’s pretend your scenario goes forward. Most people have three days worth of food in their cupboard. Let’s pretend it is two weeks. They are more prepared than the norm.

Ok. Food shipments stop. Truckers are not going to be running deliveries when the act has a coin toss if they ever return. So while you are engaging government forces. What do you do with the civilians who are hungry and demanding food? Fuck them? They’ll swarm and stomp you and your band of freedom fighters into the ground.

Medical? Have you considered that? Injuries require supplies and medications. Have any? Or are you going to loot pharmacies to take what you need?

Power. How will you provide power to areas you control? Order the workers to continue running the equipment? Hold them at gun point?

You haven’t thought about anything. Warfare is not about bombs and bullets. It is about supplies. The military has stockpiles on their bases. What do you have? Enough for yourself. Perhaps a friend or two? How long will that last?

How will you communicate? Walkie talkies from Walmart? CB radios? Cell phones will be shut down. So how will you communicate?

You’ve thought about it? You don’t even have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

For every infantry soldier there are ten troops in support. That is supply, medical, chaplains, intelligence, operations staff, engineers, artillery, aviation, cartographers, and a list that goes on for quite a while.

You’ve thought about it? You had a teacher who was a Colonel? Are you fucking kidding me? You watched some TV and masturbated imagining yourself as a Patton?

Jesus. You are clueless. The first soldier in your little army that gets a minor wound is going to die from infection.

Let’s explain it to you just using food. We will ignore the civilians. You obviously have.

Let’s say you have a total of thirty people in your command. Three meals a day. That is ninety meals a day for your troops. In a week and a half. About the time you are starting to get organized that is 900 meals. Do you have an enormous farm with vegetables and cattle running about?

In case you haven’t read this. Hungry troops don’t fight well. It takes a lot of calories to feed an army. Check your history books for the defense of Battan and Corregidor. Troops fighting on 3/5 rations were unable to get out of their fighting positions. See how many died on the death March. Malnutrition made marching impossible.

Any prisoners you take have to be fed too.

You’ve thought about it?

I was a sergeant. And in the field easily a quarter of my time was spent taking care of the needs of my troops. Food. Water. Hygiene. Maintenance of equipment.

Unless your little war is over in about three days. You’re fucked. And it won’t be over in a few days. It will barely be getting started.

You’ve thought about it.

What about Combat fatigue in your troops? When they are in emotional shock from seeing friends and family die? Just give them a slap like Patton? That will show them.

Until you’ve been in a hole trying to buckle your chin strap around your knees and become a turtle in your helmet you haven’t thought about shit.
All true, but that works both ways.

I was in a chow hall in Jalalabad back in 06 and I mentioned to the XO I was sitting with that if I was an insurgent, I would blow up or burn down every chow hall I could, and murder every cook and kitchen worker. I would also sabotage all the HVAC units on base, and kill all the AC repair and service contractors.
I told him I would have every troop there eating cold T-rats and sleeping in tents that were over 100 degrees inside. But I wouldn't hurt a single one of them....
He looked at me for a few minutes and just said; "Holy shit dude...."

Imagine what could be done here, on our own soil.

The problem is the insurgents have to attack in this case. They have to capture vital installations. They have to remove and replace designated Government officers.

Imagine this. The Insurgents take Texas by storm. The Military bunkers down on their bases. What happens next?

The Insurgents think they’ve won. They have about half of the Oil Supply cut off. The rest of the nation becomes fuel starved in a couple weeks. They have won.

But have they? They can’t get food. They can’t get information. They can’t even get power imported from other states.

But their strengths are also targets. A single fighter can take out electrical choke points and black out entire sections of the state.

Your scenario of it being hot and uncomfortable is now statewide.

So the Insurgents have to take Washington. They have to stand in the Oval and declare victory. They have to eliminate the political leadership. Or force the leadership to surrender.

The alternative is to expect the Government to accept the cessation of Texas in our notional scenario.

The phrase no way in hell comes to mind to describe that likelihood.

No. It’s all or nothing. And that means fighting the US Military including Reserves and National Guard. Actual battle hardened troops with experience. Something our armchair Patton has never seen.

The only way the Insurgents have any hope of success is a years long campaign of guerrilla warfare. Cutting bridges. Cutting supply routes. Cutting train tracks.

Making it difficult or impossible for Government supplies to get through. Of course it also means supplies for the people don’t get through.

Best case scenario. 10% or maybe as much as a quarter of our population dead.

The nation breaks down into various nation states. Where each faction has strengths.
Oh yeah, it will be a complete shit show, no doubt, but I think you seriously overestimate how formidable the .mil is.
I watched them fuck up logistics in epic fashion, over and over again, when they were actually being supported by the general population.
When everyone is throwing monkey wrenches into things, every chance they get, and privates and NCOs are fragging every higher officer they can, I don't see them being much of an obstacle.

And I been there and done that too, guy. My assessment comes from observations at the sharp end of things.

Believe me I know how screwed up supplies can get. And operations. And all that.

When I met my first member of the John Birch Society. I spent an hour listening to him. Then I said. “I’ve been in the Army for years. Years. And they have never issued me a pair of boots that fit right. Not once. Not by accident. You want me to believe that they are behind all these conspiracies and are doing it all perfectly when they never once got my boot size right?”
The questions surrounding overpopulation and birth control have always been tricky at best. Bottom line: you can't be against population control but complain about too many people in one area. Nor can you be against social services that help all those people you formally claimed had a right to be born. Since we live in a competative society with limited resources and opportunities, we should have our priorities straight. Case in point: you can't be against treating availability of contraceptives to those 16 and above then tell single parents or two parent families who lose their jobs through no fault of their own, "tough cookies! No one told you to have kids you couldn't afford to look after. Go off and die somewhere or leave the country altogether."

And the band played on.
I travelled over to the Worley Idaho area from eastern Washington state to purchase tobacco for my pipe. I always purchase my tobacco from the same store as it's native American owned & I support our native American enterprises whenever I can do so. As I entered I seen a cute lil fox behind the counter but she looked stressed out to the max. I ordered my tobacco flavor of choice & while paying I asked her: "you looked pretty stressed out are you having a rough day"? She replied back to me that the tribe said she needed to take the C-19 vaccination or she will lose her job. I felt that heat in my face & then heard that high pitch whine in my ears as I replied back to her... "that's a violation of @ least both your 10th & 14th amendment rights".

I told her to stand her ground as she could anchor employment anywhere anytime(exceptionally good looking/well built-28-32 yrs of age or so). She then said & I quote: "I am afraid they(g'ment/lefties?) are trying to sterilize us, depopulate us". I again told her to "stand her ground & do not run from them. As I pulled out of that smoke shops parking lot I then remembered that the tribe(s) are a sovereign nation but depend upon g'ment assistance to a point. I ended up talking with my son who specializes in constitutional law as well as contract law. He confirmed to me that the tribes are a special case when it comes to law. I sure hope that my suggestion to her to hold her ground did not get her fired. I'm telling you that the lefties are catering to the dark side of humanity. It really is coming down to a show down between what is right vs what is wrong.

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