When the Government Wants There to be Fewer of Us........Time to Watch Our Backs

Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
bobobrainless is talking out of his ass again. He never wrestled past Jr High.
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less

They got you RIGHT where they want you......

Hating your fellow American

The old "Divide and conquer" routine. People never learn
Your way works best for the rich. The rich are doing great. Have been for over 30 years. So what are you complaining about?
”The rich” always do great...they always have and always will...why do you hate high achievers?
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Perhaps those in power who are members of the Global Warming religion believe the only way to save the world from Global Warming is to murder half the people on the planet.
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Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
One of the many ways you can tell he is talking out his ass is that he doesn't even know what the weight classes were. It's hilarious what a clown this wannabe pussy is.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
I forgot 205. Unkotare knows these weight classes are right in 1988. You just suck Unkotare s semin
Keep talking shit, fraud.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Perhaps those in power who are members of the Global Warming religion believe the only way to save the world from Global Warming is to murder half the people on the planet.
Or perhaps it’s all about the money.
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

Yep....which is why you can't simply dismiss the idea that this release of the Chinese flu...with a 99% survivability rate ......was a test. What will the world do if China creates an actual deadly virus, comes up with a vaccine, innoculates CCP leadership and the populations they want to preserve, then releases the virus?

We need to face that possibility.....it saves on the need for mass destruction by a military campaign...

What's clear the shelves of toilet paper for 1K Alex?

I get your meaning for sure, we live in an interesting time, Demonicrats, cognitive decline, trickery & communists.

It's like 1984 met Idiocracy.
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Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Perhaps those in power who are members of the Global Warming religion believe the only way to save the world from Global Warming is to murder half the people on the planet.
Or perhaps it’s all about the money.
Fair point— it might be all about the money.

So half a million people die. It’s more important that the pharmaceutical industry make a big profit selling some new and expensive drug.

I hope Fauci is better than that but to be honest I am not sure I trust him any further than I could throw him. (Considering I am 75 with a back back that isn’t very far.)
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

Yep....which is why you can't simply dismiss the idea that this release of the Chinese flu...with a 99% survivability rate ......was a test. What will the world do if China creates an actual deadly virus, comes up with a vaccine, innoculates CCP leadership and the populations they want to preserve, then releases the virus?

We need to face that possibility.....it saves on the need for mass destruction by a military campaign...
If China releases a weaponized virus with a high death rate we nuke China and turn it into a radioactive wasteland. The leadership and those they want to preserve can hide in underground bunkers but when they come out there will be little left.

It has been estimated the US has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world four times. That should be enough to put China back in the Stone Age.

Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
I forgot 205. Unkotare knows these weight classes are right in 1988. You just suck Unkotare s semin
I can tell when someone's full of shit. You are; he ain't.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
That’s all you got? How should I respond lil
I'm sure you'll think of some incredibly lame way to do so...... it's kind of what you do here.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Perhaps those in power who are members of the Global Warming religion believe the only way to save the world from Global Warming is to murder half the people on the planet.

Plagues wiping out a big part of the population is a topic that seems to be on the minds of a lot of people.

(Good book btw; highly recommend it)
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Trump mentioned HCQ was an effective treatment for COVID-19 but democrats ridiculed that suggestion. It’s hard to estimate how many lives would have been saved if his advice would not have been laughed at.

View attachment 505676
Any treatment not acceptable to the establishment was denied covid patients, not just HCQ. Ivermectin was also denied. Hospitals went to extraordinary lengths to prevent it’s usage. Patients families had to sue hospitals to save their loved one.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?
Perhaps those in power who are members of the Global Warming religion believe the only way to save the world from Global Warming is to murder half the people on the planet.
Or perhaps it’s all about the money.
It's usually about the money, but it's also usually not all about one thing.
I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........
The vaccine was given to old folks first. They'll likely be dropping of old age in a few years anyway. Lest anyone think me aloof, I am one of those old folks.
It would be great if the vaccine killed all people 65 years and up. The planet and social security would love it.

or the next war we should put seniors on the front line
And when you reach 65 you’ll be taken to an extermination station.
Not m because I have money. It’s you cons that want to kill poor people who from 65-95 collect social security. Or you want to kill social security. You want everyone except rich people to die penny less

They got you RIGHT where they want you......

Hating your fellow American

The old "Divide and conquer" routine. People never learn
Your way works best for the rich. The rich are doing great. Have been for over 30 years. So what are you complaining about?
”The rich” always do great...they always have and always will...why do you hate high achievers?
That’s what I say. So why since Reagan have we given them tax breaks not us dummy?

By the way I am rich now so fuck it.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

The white-right (Republicans) hostility toward reason and facts is trashing this country.

GOP mismanagement has caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, yet you claim Democrats don't value human life?

What alternate dimension do y'all inhabit?
Unkotare wont admit voting Republican but he sure seems like one right? He’s a coward pussy
I think Unkotare can rip your arm off and slap you around with the wet end.

So keep on talking shit.
He wrestled at 130 lbs.

when I wrestled at 155 I beat up every 167, 188, 195 and heavyweigh.

my lightweight friends didn’t like wrestling me because I threw you weather I liked you or not
Yeah sure guy.
One of the many ways you can tell he is talking out his ass is that he doesn't even know what the weight classes were. It's hilarious what a clown this wannabe pussy is.
137, 145, 155, 167, 189, 195 and heavyweight. I don’t remember the lighter weights you most likely wrestled at.

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