When the Majority becomes a Minority

You do realize that American blacks speak a southern American dialect of English and that these Spanish-speaking brown people are just as foreign and invasive to blacks as they are whites?
So the white minority thing is a misnomer.
But don’t let that impede the lefty W Post propaganda.

Because all black people talk the same.
Statements like yours show that you need to hang around people different than your face more often.

And black people do not have a specific dialect. I am from Philly and have a mid Atlantic dialect and accent. My paternal grandparents had a southern accent but that’s because they were actually from the south. However my aunt and uncles do not have one because they grew up in Philly.

My cousins grew up in Cali. They all have valley girl accents because they grew up in the valley.

No we do not all have the same dialect or accent.
Sounds like you need to spend more time in Africa America. That’s where I live.
I never said all black people speak the same dialect. I said those who self-segregate do, which is the vast majority.
That's also false, but keep the stupid going..
You need to explain or else you’re a loser.
Let's see, how do I explain logic to a person who thinks his bigotry is truth?? Oh yea, you can't -- you just let their idiocy show for itself...
You do realize that American blacks speak a southern American dialect of English and that these Spanish-speaking brown people are just as foreign and invasive to blacks as they are whites?
So the white minority thing is a misnomer.
But don’t let that impede the lefty W Post propaganda.

Because all black people talk the same.
Statements like yours show that you need to hang around people different than your face more often.

And black people do not have a specific dialect. I am from Philly and have a mid Atlantic dialect and accent. My paternal grandparents had a southern accent but that’s because they were actually from the south. However my aunt and uncles do not have one because they grew up in Philly.

My cousins grew up in Cali. They all have valley girl accents because they grew up in the valley.

No we do not all have the same dialect or accent.
Sounds like you need to spend more time in Africa America. That’s where I live.
I never said all black people speak the same dialect. I said those who self-segregate do, which is the vast majority.
That's also false, but keep the stupid going..
You need to explain or else you’re a loser.
Let's see, how do I explain logic to a person who thinks his bigotry is truth?? Oh yea, you can't -- you just let their idiocy show for itself...
Another disparagement devoid of any points. You’re another loser.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.

Fuck you liberals, you truly are disgusting pieces of shit.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.


Bullshit. There have ALWAYS been many languages spoken in the US.

English was the overwhelmingly used language and you fucking know it. Everything from our government, our schools, money, printed word, etc. etc.
Nothing else had even a fraction of the use of English. We all had that common tie by using the same language. Today, that's not the case, and we will continue to fracture further, and much of it is due to losing that common tie.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.


Bullshit. There have ALWAYS been many languages spoken in the US.

English was the overwhelmingly used language and you fucking know it...

...it still is and you fucking know it.

Not like it once was, and it's only going to eventually get to the point that America will be less and kess united, and much of the reason will be due to a communication divide.
You do realize that American blacks speak a southern American dialect of English and that these Spanish-speaking brown people are just as foreign and invasive to blacks as they are whites?
So the white minority thing is a misnomer.
But don’t let that impede the lefty W Post propaganda.

Do you really think that all black Americans speak the same way? Leave the linguistics to the experts, champ.

Black, regardless different dialects from different regions, they speak ENGLISH. They will never be a majority, ethnic or linguistic.

So, the point is that Blacks will be just as vulnerable to the Spanish speaking invaders as whites, linguistically.
An interesting article in the Washington Post today about how some people are reacting to changing demographics. Something to think about.

Some people don’t respond well to any kind of change, especially when it touches on one’s sense of self and place.

That the one about the gal working at the Fredericksburg chicken processing plant?


One of my takeaways from that article was, kids in school today would do well to pay attention in their foreign language class and learn. You can pass all the laws you want making English the "official language" of the United States or making learning English a prerequisite of citizenship (which I would think a person would do anyway, I mean I wouldn't move to France, or Russia, or Japan, or England and not learn the language, they're not going to speak English for me), but when you get a big enough group of people who all speak the same language that isn't yours, they're going to talk to each other in the language in which they are most comfortable. That's just the way it is...

English speakers already speak the world's second language. They don't need to learn Spanish, unless they're hiring a lot of illegals or something. You'll find English speakers nearly anywhere except backward barbarian sink holes. Another European language, or the Chinese dialects in Singapore or Taiwan would be a lot more useful. I've always been fond of French Canadian female vocalists, so I'll be trying to learn French soon. My children liked German best, one has immigrated to Germany, in fact, where his wife is from. He could get by just fine with just English there, but needed German for citizenship.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.


Bullshit. There have ALWAYS been many languages spoken in the US.

English was the overwhelmingly used language and you fucking know it...

...it still is and you fucking know it.

Not like it once was, and it's only going to eventually get to the point that America will be less and kess united, and much of the reason will be due to a communication divide.

Nonsense. Stop being such a chickenshit.

America’s multilingualism is a strength, and one that we can build upon.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.


Bullshit. There have ALWAYS been many languages spoken in the US.

English was the overwhelmingly used language and you fucking know it...

...it still is and you fucking know it.

Not like it once was, and it's only going to eventually get to the point that America will be less and less united, and much of the reason will be due to a communication divide.

It will still be a very long time before another language supersedes English in the U.S., though. Those minorities are still going to be minorities, even if they're non-white. Asians are the fastest growing demographic now, not latinos. And Japanese is still very useful, too; their demise is greatly exaggerated.
Long ago many of us warned of fracturing the country by not requiring everyone to use a common language.


Bullshit. There have ALWAYS been many languages spoken in the US.

English was the overwhelmingly used language and you fucking know it...

...it still is and you fucking know it.

Not like it once was, and it's only going to eventually get to the point that America will be less and less united, and much of the reason will be due to a communication divide.

It will still be a very long time before another language supersedes English in the U.S., though....

A long time, like never.

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