When the recession starts, how quickly will republicans/Fox News blame it entirely on democrats?

It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.

Why what did Barney Frank not do again?

It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.
You'll be in Denmark, right?
It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.
You'll be in Denmark, right?
The OP is straight bullshit.

The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here:

Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years.

(Part Two to come)
It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.

Gas prices are lower again
to bad they didnt continue rising cause you guys could of used another 55 threads on the lets blame trump for it

recessions dont scare most


The national gas price average increased five cents to $2.74 a gallon this week and is eight cents more than the same time last year, according to data from AAA. The rate is 28 cents higher versus a month ago.Apr 8, 2019
Gas prices are rising, thanks to supply issues - USA Today


(and we can't blame it on Iran, we are energy independent now!!)
Maybe you never noticed gas prices always go up during the summer because (gasp) most people travel during the summer which means more demand. Could it possibly be that a fire in a refinery lately means less gasoline on the market in certain areas? No not in hate Trump world at least.

Isn't that the reason we became energy independent?? You know I thought it was to become cheaper, so the states could add taxes to fix the roads, due to the republicans do not want to pay for infrastructure.
Lol I see you still don't have a clue.
We no longer import the largest share of our oil there for the term energy independence. In other words we are not relying on Saudi Arabia or Venzezuela for oil.
We can not put crude oil directly into the tank of a vehicle. It has to go through a refining process. Hence a refinery is needed. We have limited refinerys in the country. Part of the reason is expense, part due to environmental concerns.

One of the main reasons for becoming energy independent was so that we were not reliant on others. We were not paying others, we were not reliant on their willingness to sell to us. Did it make sense to need oil that someone could shutoff the supply on a whim? Did it make sense to pay someone that might use that money to buy war materiel that may at some point be turned against us?

As far as adding taxes to fix infrasturucture that could very well be needed. But think of this dunderhead. How many infrasturucture bills have the Democrats passed or even proposed? Callifornia has some of the highest gas prices in the nation and some of the highest taxes. They also have some of the worst infrasturucture.
It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.

Gas prices are lower again
to bad they didnt continue rising cause you guys could of used another 55 threads on the lets blame trump for it

recessions dont scare most


The national gas price average increased five cents to $2.74 a gallon this week and is eight cents more than the same time last year, according to data from AAA. The rate is 28 cents higher versus a month ago.Apr 8, 2019
Gas prices are rising, thanks to supply issues - USA Today


(and we can't blame it on Iran, we are energy independent now!!)
Maybe you never noticed gas prices always go up during the summer because (gasp) most people travel during the summer which means more demand. Could it possibly be that a fire in a refinery lately means less gasoline on the market in certain areas? No not in hate Trump world at least.

Isn't that the reason we became energy independent?? You know I thought it was to become cheaper, so the states could add taxes to fix the roads, due to the republicans do not want to pay for infrastructure.
Lol I see you still don't have a clue.
We no longer import the largest share of our oil there for the term energy independence. In other words we are not relying on Saudi Arabia or Venzezuela for oil.
We can not put crude oil directly into the tank of a vehicle. It has to go through a refining process. Hence a refinery is needed. We have limited refinerys in the country. Part of the reason is expense, part due to environmental concerns.

One of the main reasons for becoming energy independent was so that we were not reliant on others. We were not paying others, we were not reliant on their willingness to sell to us. Did it make sense to need oil that someone could shutoff the supply on a whim? Did it make sense to pay someone that might use that money to buy war materiel that may at some point be turned against us?

As far as adding taxes to fix infrasturucture that could very well be needed. But think of this dunderhead. How many infrasturucture bills have the Democrats passed or even proposed? Callifornia has some of the highest gas prices in the nation and some of the highest taxes. They also have some of the worst infrasturucture.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it. Among the 14 Republican opponents were three of the four presidential candidates serving in the Senate: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul. (Senator Bernie Sanders missed the vote.) The House cleared it, 359-65, earlier on Thursday. It won unanimous support from Democrats and opposition mainly from conservatives. Negotiators had struck a deal on the legislation only on Tuesday, but the House and Senate needed to act quickly before the Highway Trust Fund again ran dry.
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
Either way, when it happens, it will be the fault of Obama and Hillary. Or Hillary and Obama. And the commies.
You mean like Obama's bad economy was Bush's fault?

Is it really surprising that a multi-billionaire successful businessman is doing a better job with the economy than a community organizer did?
"When the recession starts"? When are crazy lefties going to stop posting fantasies and foreign based propaganda on the political forum? Seek professional help for TDS.
Either way, when it happens, it will be the fault of Obama and Hillary. Or Hillary and Obama. And the commies.
You mean like Obama's bad economy was Bush's fault?

Is it really surprising that a multi-billionaire successful businessman is doing a better job with the economy than a community organizer did?
So you think that the Meltdown was Obama's fault.

And you think the economy has significantly improved under Trump (exploded deficit notwithstanding, crashing bond yields notwithstanding).

I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe both of those things.
So you think that the Meltdown was Obama's fault.
I didn't say that. But the Marxist-In-Chief had eight years and couldn't fix it. Our President only took two years to get the economy roaring.

Of course you will say that Obama's economic recovery plan suddenly kicked in when Trump took office. Right.
And if it doesn’t happen and the economy stays strong will the left ever stop saying it’s Obama’s economy?
So you think that the Meltdown was Obama's fault.
I didn't say that. But the Marxist-In-Chief had eight years and couldn't fix it. Our President only took two years to get the economy roaring.

Of course you will say that Obama's economic recovery plan suddenly kicked in when Trump took office. Right.
The economy is roaring? 2.8% GDP, with an exploded deficit, with bond yields plummeting and the Fed saying it's ready to drop rates to deal with weakness?

Where do you get your news and information, exactly?
It’s the same dumb, baseless logic they used when the recession of 2008 started. The Dems won an election therefore it was all their fault. Never mind the fact that the recession ended 6 months into Obama’s first term when Dems had full control. Republicans seem to lack any sort of nuance when it comes to economics. They just blame democrats. It sounds good and it doesn’t challenge them to think critically as always.

And no, for the record, I don’t blame Trump for the upcoming recession. Granted his retarded tariff war with China will make it worse, but the recession would have occurred regardless of who won the election.

So when the recession does happen (and it’ll be soon), will it be the tired logic of it all being the Dems fault and not all Trump’s? Timing is all republicans need to reason with I guess.
If Democrats get their wish for a recession, it will most likely be because a Dem won the presidency and enacted all the business and job killing policies that the 10 angry people in the debate last night said they wanted to perpetrate on the American people...…...in the name of envy and "fairness".
So you think that the Meltdown was Obama's fault.
I didn't say that. But the Marxist-In-Chief had eight years and couldn't fix it. Our President only took two years to get the economy roaring.

Of course you will say that Obama's economic recovery plan suddenly kicked in when Trump took office. Right.
The economy is roaring? 2.8% GDP, with an exploded deficit, with bond yields plummeting and the Fed saying it's ready to drop rates to deal with weakness?

Where do you get your news and information, exactly?

So you think that the Meltdown was Obama's fault.
I didn't say that. But the Marxist-In-Chief had eight years and couldn't fix it. Our President only took two years to get the economy roaring.

Of course you will say that Obama's economic recovery plan suddenly kicked in when Trump took office. Right.
The economy is roaring? 2.8% GDP, with an exploded deficit, with bond yields plummeting and the Fed saying it's ready to drop rates to deal with weakness?

Where do you get your news and information, exactly?

So that's the extent of your knowledge on this?

The specifics I provided are irrelevant?

Okay, thanks.
Gas prices are lower again
to bad they didnt continue rising cause you guys could of used another 55 threads on the lets blame trump for it

recessions dont scare most


The national gas price average increased five cents to $2.74 a gallon this week and is eight cents more than the same time last year, according to data from AAA. The rate is 28 cents higher versus a month ago.Apr 8, 2019
Gas prices are rising, thanks to supply issues - USA Today


(and we can't blame it on Iran, we are energy independent now!!)
Maybe you never noticed gas prices always go up during the summer because (gasp) most people travel during the summer which means more demand. Could it possibly be that a fire in a refinery lately means less gasoline on the market in certain areas? No not in hate Trump world at least.

Isn't that the reason we became energy independent?? You know I thought it was to become cheaper, so the states could add taxes to fix the roads, due to the republicans do not want to pay for infrastructure.
Lol I see you still don't have a clue.
We no longer import the largest share of our oil there for the term energy independence. In other words we are not relying on Saudi Arabia or Venzezuela for oil.
We can not put crude oil directly into the tank of a vehicle. It has to go through a refining process. Hence a refinery is needed. We have limited refinerys in the country. Part of the reason is expense, part due to environmental concerns.

One of the main reasons for becoming energy independent was so that we were not reliant on others. We were not paying others, we were not reliant on their willingness to sell to us. Did it make sense to need oil that someone could shutoff the supply on a whim? Did it make sense to pay someone that might use that money to buy war materiel that may at some point be turned against us?

As far as adding taxes to fix infrasturucture that could very well be needed. But think of this dunderhead. How many infrasturucture bills have the Democrats passed or even proposed? Callifornia has some of the highest gas prices in the nation and some of the highest taxes. They also have some of the worst infrasturucture.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it. Among the 14 Republican opponents were three of the four presidential candidates serving in the Senate: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul. (Senator Bernie Sanders missed the vote.) The House cleared it, 359-65, earlier on Thursday. It won unanimous support from Democrats and opposition mainly from conservatives. Negotiators had struck a deal on the legislation only on Tuesday, but the House and Senate needed to act quickly before the Highway Trust Fund again ran dry.
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
So I assume you missed the fact it was pretty much bipartisan.
In case you did not notice that is just a drop in the bucket.
The biggest problem in any legislation is not right or left it is we the people.
First off we tend to vote for people that make promises then once elected have bad cases of amnesia. Once they are in office we allow them to stay instead of actually hold them accountable.
The biggest thing we as a nation vote for is tax decreases. Then complain that we run deficits when we try to finance social programs.
So that's the extent of your knowledge on this?
The specifics I provided are irrelevant?
Okay, thanks.

Oh you want more?

Unemployment rate after two years of Obama: 9.2%
Unemployment rate after two years of Trump: 3.6%

Shall I go on?

Seriously, do you really find it surprising that a successful multi-billionaire businessman is doing a better job with the economy than a community organizer did?
So that's the extent of your knowledge on this?
The specifics I provided are irrelevant?
Okay, thanks.

Oh you want more?

Unemployment rate after two years of Obama: 9.2%
Unemployment rate after two years of Trump: 3.6%

Shall I go on?

Seriously, do you really find it surprising that a successful multi-billionaire businessman is doing a better job with the economy than a community organizer did?
So your news and information sources didn't tell you that unemployment was already low and trending lower when Trump took office?

Your news and information sources haven't told you that the Fed says it will may well have to drop rates to deal with weakness?

Your news and information sources haven't told you how Trump's spending exploded the falling deficit?

Your news and information sources haven't told you about the 40% drop in Treasury yields, signaling the bond market is nervous?

Your news and information sources haven't told you that the GDP is still roughly half what Trump promised?

I know this won't work, but you may want to consider consuming news and information that is outside of your ideological vacuum.

There's a lot going on that you simply don't know about. Really.
Last edited:
Oh you want more?

Unemployment rate after two years of Obama: 9.2%
Unemployment rate after two years of Trump: 3.6%

Shall I go on?

Seriously, do you really find it surprising that a successful multi-billionaire businessman is doing a better job with the economy than a community organizer did?

So your news and information sources didn't tell you that unemployment was already low and trending lower when Trump took office?

There's a lot going on that you simply don't know about. Really.

Unemployment rate January 2009: 7.6%
Unemployment rate January 2011: 9.0%

Unemployment rate January 2017: 4.7%
Unemployment rate January 2019: 3.8%

So please correct me if I'm wrong, but in the community organizer's first two years in office unemployment went up, and in our President's first two years in office unemployment went down.

By the way, have you checked your 401K lately?

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