When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

It is psycho bullshit like that which proves to me you are a lying buttwipe. I really hope you go through with debating Dale. I never even spoke to you, I was talking about how stupid and a waste that Kobe flew in fog just to save time from driving and YOU jumped all over me out of no where calling me a racist. I didn't even know who Kobe was, I had to look him up.

And anyone can go find that thread in SPORTS and read it all as proof. It's all there. Mutts to you (or should I say OINK).

What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you donā€™t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.
That means you invested stupid and dumb stocks.. That means you are bass investor. My nephew is only 37yo and he is far better than you.

Sorry $480k, mistyped, and I only check once every 3 months to avoid moving stuff around too much.

I work in Engineering, As long as I keep my mental faculties I can work into my 60's easy.

Good for you. Donā€™t forget not to leave all your money in one basket like my friend did now in 60s way too late to recover.

Nope, mostly in high gain funds now, less than 15% in company stock (i always sell if it gets higher than that) and right now around 5-6% in bonds and money markets. at 45 and 50 ill re-assess and see if i need to start moving more into less risk moderate return funds.

My friend 64yo is also an engineer wants to go back to work but his old employer doesnā€™t want to take him back. I donā€™t have openings for him but he accepted to work (per diem) in service department decontamination (returned medical instruments from hospitals and labs) room.

MEEEE? If this Coronavirus doesnā€™t get any better in China any time soon. I will face my first major disaster and suffer a big loss in my business. Only employee in that operation in China is the security guard that lives in that building rest are scared to go out.

Like I posted several times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I can buy my reagents ( liquid products) in France or Plantation, Fl.

Plan B for my blood products will make them in Minnesota at a huge cost with negative profits. One product as an example from $28 in China to $155 to make it in Minnesota.
I have enough inventory to last me till end of August with expiration date mid October.

I canā€™t negotiate prices with my customers till November of every year.

We keep most of our senior engineers on a part time basis, usually the part time being thier request not the companies.

My boss in on 4 days a week at 72, my lead design engineer is on 3 days a week at 65.

Hell, my company is even great about letting women with kids work from home.

I use Intertel telephone system in my business they are great for converting these employees that work from their home. When customer called they canā€™t tell the difference if the employee is working from home or in the office.

Actually these employees are more productive.
What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you donā€™t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.
Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

and even if she wasnā€™t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, youā€™d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. Thatā€™s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, sheā€™s my pick

If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

You made a claim......and now you won't say which law? LOL!

Here's one

On the day House managers transmitted two articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan public auditor, reported that President Trump violated the Impoundment Control Act by unilaterally withholding $214 million of legislatively appropriated Defense Department aid for Ukraine without obtaining authorization from Congress. ā€œFaithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,ā€ the Government Accountability Office concluded.

A violation of the Impoundment Control Act is not a minor technicality. At the height of the Watergate scandal in 1974, Congress passed the law to prevent a rogue president like Richard Nixon from withholding lawfully appropriated funds.

Trump disputed the conclusion of the Government Accountability Office, saying that he acted lawfully under his authority to carry out American foreign policy.

What law did Donald Trump break?

And I'm sure that's good enough for you trumpkins.

And then there's this

Donald Trump got caught red handed. He used taxpayer-funded military aid to bribe a foreign government to help his reelection; itā€™s an open-and-shut case.

The latest Fox News poll found that by 15 percentage points, more Americans say Trump has abused his power than not (53 to 38%), and that by 8 percentage points, more say he has committed bribery (45 to 37%).

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that three-quarters of Americans say Trump has done something wrong. Regardless of their views on impeachment or removal, people see the air of corruption and criminality around him.

Making matters slightly worse for the president, the same reportfound that 63% of Americans believe the Republican either has definitely or probably done illegal things, while 70% believe Trump has definitely or probably done unethical things. All of which suggests the public does not hold their president in the highest regard.

That said, there was one easy-to-miss gem in the Pew Research Center's findings:

Among the two-thirds of Republicans who say Trump has definitely or probably not done things that are illegal, nearly all (97%) say that he should remain in office following the Senate trial. While a majority of the 32% of Republicans who say Trump has likely done illegal things either during the campaign or while in office also say he should remain in office (59%), about four-in-ten (38%) say the president should be removed from office.

Or as the Washington Post's Greg Sargent put it, "A solid majority of Republicans who say Trump has probably done illegal things say he should remain in office."

Poll: GOP voters acknowledge, dismiss Trump's law-breaking

House managers make meticulous presentations detailing the president's abuses, corruption, and illegalities, there's a large group of Republican voters who are willing to concede that Trump appears to be a criminal, but they nevertheless want him in office.

It suggests that there is a very large portion of Trump's base that simply can't be peeled away, even if he was proved to have committed a crime. It seems unlikely they'll then be swayed by an 'abuse of power' or 'obstruction of Congress' -- the two impeachment articles Democrats have offered -- almost no matter the evidence."

To understand why so many congressional Republicans have embraced Trump with such irrational and unshakable vigor, look no further than the Pew results.

violated the Impoundment Control Act by unilaterally withholding $214 million of legislatively appropriated Defense Department aid for Ukraine

By what day did Congress say it had to be sent?

Donald Trump got caught red handed. He used taxpayer-funded military aid to bribe a foreign government to help his reelection; itā€™s an open-and-shut case.


persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.

That doesn't seem to fit your claim.

If a corrupt person, like Biden, runs for office, we can't investigate his corruption if that investigation helps Trump? Can we investigate Biden's corruption in a few months, after he drops out of the race?
What law did Trump break?
Take 18 U.S. Code Ā§ 872: ā€œExtortion by officers or employees of the United States.ā€ Itā€™s not hard to grasp:

ā€œWhoever, being an officer, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, or representing himself to be or assuming to act as such, under color or pretense of office or employment commits or attempts an act of extortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.ā€

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

What percentage of our government is guilty of that? The IRS, for sure.
Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

and even if she wasnā€™t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, youā€™d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. Thatā€™s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, sheā€™s my pick

If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

You made a claim......and now you won't say which law? LOL!

Donald Trump mocks Constitution's emoluments clause as 'phony'

Thanks for all your attempts, now which ones did Trump "admit [it] on National TV and then not get in trouble"?
Our children and grandchildren will ask us.....How could you elect a man like Trump?
Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

These proved that you are totally ignorant.

I met lots of business owners that donā€™t even speak English but German or French or Asian.
The owner of Minnesota plant is from Germany that he brings his engineer (translator) every time we have a meeting. Iā€™m going there next week.

How ignorant can you be?

This is like the stewardess that didnā€™t believed an African American was a doctor during flight.
Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

and even if she wasnā€™t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, youā€™d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. Thatā€™s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, sheā€™s my pick

If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

You made a claim......and now you won't say which law? LOL!

Donald Trump mocks Constitution's emoluments clause as 'phony'

So far the Courts are all agreeing with him, at least as the clause applies to Trump in your fetid dreams.

Sounds like partisan right wing judges legislating from the bench

A federal appeals court appeared divided Thursday over whether to revive a lawsuit that claims President Donald Trump's ownership of a luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., violates the Constitution's ban on receiving financial benefits from the states or foreign leaders.

During lively arguments before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, one judge called the lawsuit "a lemon" that should be tossed out, while another said the court must decide the issue for all presidents to come, not just Trump.

The case was brought two years ago by the attorney general of Maryland and the District of Columbia, claiming that Trump's hotel ownership violates the Constitution's emoluments clause.

Just remember you don't mind this stuff Trump's doing so you won't mind in the future when a Democrat does it.

But we all know you will flip flop just like you do now with Trump lying and cheating on his wife. Remember you minded that Clinton did it but now you give Trump a pass because he's your guy. Okay, so when the next Democrat opens up a hotel in DC and foreign leaders stay at it, don't cry. And when Hunter Biden is making billions around the globe because he's the President's son, don't cry because Don Jr. does it now.

Same way you don't care that Trump uses private phones and hides information in secret servers but you cared that Hillary used a private email.

Sounds like partisan right wing judges legislating from the bench

That's outrageous!!!
Only partisan left wing judges should be legislating from the bench.

Same way you don't care that Trump uses private phones and hides information in secret servers but you cared that Hillary used a private email.

Trump is keeping information on secret government servers?
Is that what Hillary did?
Our children and grandchildren will ask us.....How could you elect a man like Trump?
.....and if you get what you wish, they will be saying it in Spanish as the socialist state crumbles around them.

"How could you elect a man like Trump? People didnt have to scavenge for food like we get to do."
Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

These proved that you are totally ignorant.

I met lots of business owners that donā€™t even speak English but German or French or Asian.
The owner of Minnesota plant is from Germany that he brings his engineer (translator) every time we have a meeting. Iā€™m going there next week.

How ignorant can you be?

This is like the stewardess that didnā€™t believed an African American was a doctor during flight.
People speaking Asian?

What language is Asian Mr. imposter?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.

Then it'll be a Lose-Lose for you either way.

If Trump's reelected, YOU LOSE.

If Bernie, Lizzy, Joey or Mini Mike win, you REALLY lose! :auiqs.jpg:

Any of the democrats presidential candidates are far better than this inept president.
It's unfortunate for you worthless leftist traitors that not a one has a chance against Trump.
They all have a great chance. Remember Trump barely beat Hillary and she sucked at running for President.

It's anyone but Trump. I like Elizabeth Warren now. That Pokahontas crap aint gonna phase her. Not with all of Trump's lies. You want to hold one thing against her when you have to defend all of Trump's lies?

Meanwhile, the economy only grew 2.3% in 2019. Candidate Trump would say President Trump is a fucking failure.
Good luck with that.
Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

One of my ( Anaheim Global ) customer hospital was sold to an Iranian I met last month. Barely speak English.

I swear to god. How ignorant can you be?
I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

These proved that you are totally ignorant.

I met lots of business owners that donā€™t even speak English but German or French or Asian.
The owner of Minnesota plant is from Germany that he brings his engineer (translator) every time we have a meeting. Iā€™m going there next week.

How ignorant can you be?

This is like the stewardess that didnā€™t believed an African American was a doctor during flight.
People speaking Asian?

What language is Asian Mr. imposter?

I mean Asian languages idiot. I speak Mandarin and Tagalog.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.
Tump "prays" in idiots? So what does he do - line some up and then kneels on their backs or something?

One tds sufferer doesn't know the difference between pray and prey. Another doesnt know the difference between present and past tense. They both brag about being rich.

Such peas in a pod as they are, they might as well be the same poster.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If Iā€™m scared I can just ignored you. Donā€™t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? Iā€™m also traveling and Iā€™m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

One of my ( Anaheim Global ) customer hospital was sold to an Iranian I met last month. Barely speak English.

I swear to god. How ignorant can you be?
I have said nothing at all ignorant. you are merely spewing nosensically.

Your imaginary dealings with those who speak Farsi has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that a person's political acumen is revealed by the insights they actualmy reveal and not the wild claims they make in order to create an illusion of superiority.

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