When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.
It is psycho bullshit like that which proves to me you are a lying buttwipe. I really hope you go through with debating Dale. I never even spoke to you, I was talking about how stupid and a waste that Kobe flew in fog just to save time from driving and YOU jumped all over me out of no where calling me a racist. I didn't even know who Kobe was, I had to look him up.

And anyone can go find that thread in SPORTS and read it all as proof. It's all there. Mutts to you (or should I say OINK).

What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you don’t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didn’t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If I’m scared I can just ignored you. Don’t you think?

Hey Buttwipe, put a brown paper bag over your head during the Skype call with a smiley face on it. We won't know the difference.
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didn’t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If I’m scared I can just ignored you. Don’t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages.

Any of them well?
Nah! You are lying big time.

I didn’t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If I’m scared I can just ignored you. Don’t you think?
for such a captain of industry, you sure don't know the difference between present tense and past tense.

I have not read every word of your reactive vomits, but this is the second one I have noticed.

Your severe inability to express your views in a rational matter coupled with your poor grammar does not speak well of your political acumen.

I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? I’m also traveling and I’m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.
We getta two choices every 4 years. W. ended up being a pure globalist. Just like Obama was. Just like Bush senior was. W. removed freedoms. He passed himself off as a Christian and was not. Obama passed himself off as a Christian and was a Muslim. W. did not steal the 2000 election. Florida should not have even been that close. As the heavily Republican panhandle voters stopped voting when the state was called for Bush prematurely. The Florida panhandle is one hour behind the rest of the state. The supervisor of elections of one of the prog counties in the SE part of the state put out a voting election guide that was stupid. The elderly and mostly Jewish people using it voted for Buchanan over Gore and that was not their intent.They were N.Y. transplants. Prog to the core.
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.

We didn't impeach anyone. You guys impeached Clinton over a blowjob. Not for lying us into Iraq, not for Iran Contra and not for trying to get a foreign country to make up lies about McCain or Romney.
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.

I love it when Republicans try to suggest it was the Democrats who tried to steal Florida. They ignore all the shady shit Katherine Harris did. They forget how she threw away votes because of hanging chads.

They want to ignore Bush's brother was in charge of that state and Harris was a lapdog.

But so America isn't embarrassed no one will admit 2000 was a stolen election. They don't want the rest of the world to know our elections are corrupt too sometimes.

And then 2004 Uncle Tom helped GW steal another election

Further, Blackwell’s use of the word “deliver” finds striking resonance with another controversial fundraising letter sent by the CEO of voting machine manufacturer Diebold Walden O’Dell in the summer of 2003 when he said he was “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”

Ken Blackwell Boasts of “Delivering” Ohio to Bush | Democracy Now!
What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you don’t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didn’t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.

Yeah, you backing out.....you are now backing out of having your face on a conference call even if I agreed to it. Just admit that you don't want to debate and never intended on debating and be done with it. I sent you my phone #....no face pic required and you can hide your #.

I thought someone told you not to clutter this thread and use the email.
I responded all to your email.

You want Skype then YouTube. Why should I allow you to record my face? For your low life that is okay because you got nothing to lose.

If I’m scared I can just ignored you. Don’t you think?

Hey Buttwipe, put a brown paper bag over your head during the Skype call with a smiley face on it. We won't know the difference.

Charwin needed some Charmin toilet paper because he shit himself when I cornered him and took him up on his challenge. What is so hilarious is that he did it to himself....I simply handed him some rope.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

You know nothing about me, yet you think you are qualified to describe "people like me". You then proceed to build your straw man and tear it down, apparently thinking you're accomplishing something, while you've only succeeded in revealing your irrational hatred for people you don't know, have never met, and likely never will meet. In fact, if you did meet them, you wouldn't recognize them because they exist primarily in your mind. You make no effort to determine if I meet the criteria you've set up as being worth your hate, then proceed to spew your hate at me as if I've upset your pet goldfish.

Can you understand why I pity you?
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

You know nothing about me, yet you think you are qualified to describe "people like me". You then proceed to build your straw man and tear it down, apparently thinking you're accomplishing something, while you've only succeeded in revealing your irrational hatred for people you don't know, have never met, and likely never will meet. In fact, if you did meet them, you wouldn't recognize them because they exist primarily in your mind. You make no effort to determine if I meet the criteria you've set up as being worth your hate, then proceed to spew your hate at me as if I've upset your pet goldfish.

Can you understand why I pity you?
If you are supporter of Donald Trump, resting on your morals simply because your stock and pensions are producing fine yields, than the pity one feels is on you. There is no way in hell, to support this evil corrupt bastard, other than money and a feel good feeling about having white skin.And the price this nation will pay when all this shit is over, will be unimaginable and harsh. Nothing is worth the purging of good honest hard working people in gov. just to have corrupt mf's do your bidding, nothing and shame on you and those that support this shit.
Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.

I love it when Republicans try to suggest it was the Democrats who tried to steal Florida. They ignore all the shady shit Katherine Harris did. They forget how she threw away votes because of hanging chads.

They want to ignore Bush's brother was in charge of that state and Harris was a lapdog.

But so America isn't embarrassed no one will admit 2000 was a stolen election. They don't want the rest of the world to know our elections are corrupt too sometimes.

And then 2004 Uncle Tom helped GW steal another election

Further, Blackwell’s use of the word “deliver” finds striking resonance with another controversial fundraising letter sent by the CEO of voting machine manufacturer Diebold Walden O’Dell in the summer of 2003 when he said he was “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”

Ken Blackwell Boasts of “Delivering” Ohio to Bush | Democracy Now!
NEWS FLASH, After Bush Sr....no repubican has ever entered the Washington without cheating, gerrymandering and scaring the shit out of gullable ignorant rednecks.
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.
The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering, stacking the deck, disenfranchising minority voters, will be the day the fuckin world comes to an end....you mf's couldn't win shit without cheating and you know it.
Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.
The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering, stacking the deck, disenfranchising minority voters, will be the day the fuckin world comes to an end....you mf's couldn't win shit without cheating and you know it.

The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering,

Is that how GW Bush got elected?
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

You know nothing about me, yet you think you are qualified to describe "people like me". You then proceed to build your straw man and tear it down, apparently thinking you're accomplishing something, while you've only succeeded in revealing your irrational hatred for people you don't know, have never met, and likely never will meet. In fact, if you did meet them, you wouldn't recognize them because they exist primarily in your mind. You make no effort to determine if I meet the criteria you've set up as being worth your hate, then proceed to spew your hate at me as if I've upset your pet goldfish.

Can you understand why I pity you?
If you are supporter of Donald Trump, resting on your morals simply because your stock and pensions are producing fine yields, than the pity one feels is on you. There is no way in hell, to support this evil corrupt bastard, other than money and a feel good feeling about having white skin.And the price this nation will pay when all this shit is over, will be unimaginable and harsh. Nothing is worth the purging of good honest hard working people in gov. just to have corrupt mf's do your bidding, nothing and shame on you and those that support this shit.

Your lack of understanding as to what is really going on (while typical for a uneducated commie) is absolutely staggering. I shan't be lectured nor shamed by a blithering idiot such as yourself.
It has to be miserable hating tens of millions of people for a lifetime. It is to pity.

Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

You know nothing about me, yet you think you are qualified to describe "people like me". You then proceed to build your straw man and tear it down, apparently thinking you're accomplishing something, while you've only succeeded in revealing your irrational hatred for people you don't know, have never met, and likely never will meet. In fact, if you did meet them, you wouldn't recognize them because they exist primarily in your mind. You make no effort to determine if I meet the criteria you've set up as being worth your hate, then proceed to spew your hate at me as if I've upset your pet goldfish.

Can you understand why I pity you?
If you are supporter of Donald Trump, resting on your morals simply because your stock and pensions are producing fine yields, than the pity one feels is on you. There is no way in hell, to support this evil corrupt bastard, other than money and a feel good feeling about having white skin.And the price this nation will pay when all this shit is over, will be unimaginable and harsh. Nothing is worth the purging of good honest hard working people in gov. just to have corrupt mf's do your bidding, nothing and shame on you and those that support this shit.

Let's see if we have this right. You simplify everything because you see the world as "orange man bad", and can't see anything more complex than that?

It is to pity you.
Just like you guys hate gays mexicans and blacks.
Projection much? I don't hate "gays, mexicans, and blacks", and no one I know does either. Such irrational flinging of hate around, it is to pity.

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.
The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering, stacking the deck, disenfranchising minority voters, will be the day the fuckin world comes to an end....you mf's couldn't win shit without cheating and you know it.
Trump made a crack at the Co. Springs rally about being gone in about 26 years. Since lefties have no sense of humor they might be contemplating another impeachment charge.
That's bs and you want to know why? Because everything he does is purposely shit that he knows will piss off the left. He's a divider not a uniter and he didn't have to be this way. He would have easily won re election if he chose to be a moderate president.

For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

They all know, it is a lie.

Yet, they can't admit it, because they know that their whole world view, is based on lies. They admit one, they fear that it will come tumbling down.


It is the only explanation I can think of, that explains the way you libs hold on to this lie, even when you implicitly admit that you know it is a lie.

I would be willing to hear alternatives, if you have any.

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