When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didnā€™t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

No actually YOU did, dickwad. A stupid basketball player died and everyone here said it was his helicopter, and I said that was a real shame that a mere jock can afford an 18 million dollar chopper when scientists with PhDs don't make anywhere near that and took those poor kids up in it when in fact, it was just a rental and pilot error and you called me a racist then wanted me to give you my ADDRESS because I don't have any buses that run near me!

Then you stalked me all over, called me racist, and now your triggered ass has bit off more than you can chew.

And you have the nerve to call other people retarded. :21:

Dude again you are full of shit..... because you never stop lying Dude. You attacked me with your usual low class disgusting human scum attitude.

It is psycho bullshit like that which proves to me you are a lying buttwipe. I really hope you go through with debating Dale. I never even spoke to you, I was talking about how stupid and a waste that Kobe flew in fog just to save time from driving and YOU jumped all over me out of no where calling me a racist. I didn't even know who Kobe was, I had to look him up.

And anyone can go find that thread in SPORTS and read it all as proof. It's all there. Mutts to you (or should I say OINK).

What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you donā€™t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.
Last edited:
LMAO!!!!!!! YOU stated "Face time" or via live conference video", dumb ass. Have you been drinking? Lay off the sauce, Charwin......seriously.

I am fine with skype....no worries there at all. I can record our conversation on my phone for youtube.

You talk too much......... Let me repeat it again. Read my post 281 and respond from there.

You have my e-mail addy. We can exchange skype #s and set up a time to debate. Tuesday through Thursday any time of the day works best.

Wrong read my post #281. I gave you specifics and will go from there. You do NOT set the rules. Itā€™s my challenge my rule. YOU GOT THAT??

WTF???? I am suppose to go to a hotel of your choosing, rent a room in order to "video chat" with you? You don't have skype? Hell, you can just CALL me and I will give you my number and I can put my phone on speaker and record it. What the fuck are you so afraid of? You are attempting to complicate something that can be taken care of in such a simple manner.......you are crawfishing, Charwin....you must be REALLY scared.

No dumb fuck. You donā€™t rent a room. You go to a hotel with a with live video conferencing. My expense..

Using a Skype what is that can accomplished in a debate? I want you to see my houses, my boat and my business. You can cover your face if you want. You didnā€™t answer my set of topics. Again my challenge my rules. Not you dictating me.

Oh, Jesus.

You see that name on his avatar? You see the photo he uses? Those are as real as the sun that rises in the East and as real as the President you have to deal with on a daily basis. He has gone around this nation, and met several real good people on this site, good posters, from both parties. He doesn't bullshit or deal in lies buddy. This is the real deal. I don't know about you though.

At the point I made my post? You were equivocating. And then, as toobfreak rightfully pointed out, you are setting unrealistic terms and conditions on any said debate. Dale is an honest to god, good discerning Christian man. You can't snake out of being plain on this. You bullshit this and try to lawyer your way out of it like a typical leftist, folks will see right through you. Kind of like everyone with common sense sees right through Bloomberg.

If he says Dale says is going to do something? You can be damn sure, he will do it.

You on the other hand? The very nature of all your posts make it look like Dale is already getting himself set up to waste a bunch of time and money. Frankly? You're barely worth even worth responding too IMO. I only do so because you are more entertaining than the commercials on TEE VEE, and it's grown too late to pick up a video game. :71:

You are nothing but another bullshit. Look your original post. You are telling me I back out. I proved you wrong. .
I didnt back out. My challenge is very simple and easy rather traveling like these jerks wants.

Are you saying Dale cannot defend himself?

So whatever you are babbling is nothing but cow dung


You have already debated?

. . . do. . . please post that video so we can all view it and judge the winner . . please? I was hoping it would be done tonight while you were still drunk and all hopped up on what ever it is your on. . . :71:

Let me repeat it again. Iā€™ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. For the mean time. Stay the fuck out of my way.

Yeah, MisterBeale, Charwin is in charge!!!! He sets ALL the parameters! Or so this big time blowhard imagines. Methinks that Charwin is fucking scared because this conversation/debate doesn't require anything more than a phone call or the use of skype......

What can you accomplish in a debate with a Skype? Tell me.
SERIOUSLY, Dude? Are you like for real?

You have already debated?

. . . do. . . please post that video so we can all view it and judge the winner . . please? I was hoping it would be done tonight while you were still drunk and all hopped up on what ever it is your on. . . :71:

Let me repeat it again. Iā€™ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. For the mean time. Stay the fuck out of my way.

Yeah, MisterBeale, Charwin is in charge!!!! He sets ALL the parameters! Or so this big time blowhard imagines. Methinks that Charwin is fucking scared because this conversation/debate doesn't require anything more than a phone call or the use of skype......

What can you accomplish in a debate with a Skype? Tell me.

The same thing we could accomplish by a "conference call", dumb ass. I have sent you two private IMs so we don't clutter up this thread like Markle asked. Contact me through there...and stop being such a fucking coward.

You were begging for a debate? I will give ya one......

Wrong again. Skype and live video conferencing is very different. Who is Markle? Did you ask for another help again?

DUDE! C.Mon! Are you in a sanitarium or what? Markle is the guy who has patiently asked you twice to take this off group, PM it, make the call with Dale, debate, and LET'S MOVE ON! You are one high-maintenance SOB!
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
You'll grow to love him. He may be the first third term president ever

You could do that back then
LMAO!!!!!!! YOU stated "Face time" or via live conference video", dumb ass. Have you been drinking? Lay off the sauce, Charwin......seriously.

I am fine with skype....no worries there at all. I can record our conversation on my phone for youtube.

You talk too much......... Let me repeat it again. Read my post 281 and respond from there.

You have my e-mail addy. We can exchange skype #s and set up a time to debate. Tuesday through Thursday any time of the day works best.

Wrong read my post #281. I gave you specifics and will go from there. You do NOT set the rules. Itā€™s my challenge my rule. YOU GOT THAT??

WTF???? I am suppose to go to a hotel of your choosing, rent a room in order to "video chat" with you? You don't have skype? Hell, you can just CALL me and I will give you my number and I can put my phone on speaker and record it. What the fuck are you so afraid of? You are attempting to complicate something that can be taken care of in such a simple manner.......you are crawfishing, Charwin....you must be REALLY scared.
It's meant as a deterrent to make you back out.

Make it as expensive and as big a pain in the ass to do something that should be easy and simple. He is also trying to make it difficult for you to record so the it can't be posted onto YouTube and then be posted onto USMB obviously.

IOW, he was bullshitting. He doesn't really want to do this. Refer to post #275

Don't forget so he can show us his 12 homes, 5 boats, 2 businesses and Rolls Royce. I just hope he includes a trip to the gas station so we can see him not having to put gas in his tank. :( Lives of the rich and famous! I bet Charwin is actually a famous celebrity we've seen on TV too.
America has decided the do nothing politician is no longer needed in government
Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

and even if she wasnā€™t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, youā€™d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. Thatā€™s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, sheā€™s my pick

If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

You made a claim......and now you won't say which law? LOL!
EVERY day I thank GOD that the Hildebeast never WAS and never WILL BE president of the USA.

She would have made a much better president than Trump. She was better suited for the job and much more qualified
Again, no president's every word has been viewed by a one party controlled press to find any "lie" they can.
Never really had to
Other presidents were trusted in the majority of what they said.
Alternative facts were not the stated objective of a president

Lol, progs always accuse opposition presidents of lying, they just never decided to keep count like they are now.
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


And yet I didn't keep my plan but I liked my plan.

Keep bringing up chickenshit stuff like this, it's what will get Trump a victory in 2020.
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance plans.
Alabama was not hit by Hurricane Dorian despite what Mr Sharpie says

They kept the plan provider, they did not keep the exact plan. Either costs went up, or coverage changed to meet the mandates of the ACA.

Nice spin.

You do know the map is a 5 day projection map, and the hurricane didn't hit every point inside even the official spread. right?
It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

They are. If they think Trump is going to bring back the good old days where factory workers made $35 hr.

All you middle class (if even) Republicans are idiots. In the 2000's you defended Bush sending those good paying union jobs overseas. You wanted GM to go bankrupt so to break the unions. You said those middle class Americans had it too good. Pensions, profit sharing, great healthcare. You were jealous. Now you want to brag that Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs that pay $15 hr?

Yes, you're idiots.

I'm an idiot too. I make $100K and I advocate for people like you to have a better life. I am going to stop.

What a completely unearned sense of smug self worth you have.

Lol I make more than you, peasant.
Maybe that's why you don't care about the poor and middle class.

I'm upper class and care. Your way has widened the gap between the rich and rest of us and made the middle class much smaller than it used to be.

You can brag that the middle class is fine under your policies but if your policies turn half the middle class into the working poor then you are sort of missing the point.

Lol, you make yourself feel better by pretending to care, and yet probably support policies you can afford to get around, but other people can't.

"Care" is quite frankly bullshit. It's nothing more than you trying to make yourself feel better about having more than other people.

Sorry, but forcing people to do stupid things like bring their own shopping bags by force, use only certain lightbulbs that cost more, and making them pay more to commute with things like congestion pricing isn't "caring"

I probably come from a far less bougie background than you, I was the first in my direct family to go and graduate from 4 year college, my father went into the navy right out of high school and my mother got a 2 year nursing degree from community college.

If you want to go into class warfare bullshit bonafides, lets have at it.
Nope, those who supported Mushroom Dick must forever wear a Scarlet T. Shunned & ridiculed until such time as the Scarlet T is added to their gravestones.
But they'll be hard to find like former Hitler fans or former Bush fans. Today you can hardly find any Republicans here who say they supported Bush. But back then they all did. Today he's a globalist rino deep state bad man. In 2007 he was GOD's chosen one.

Lol, like you hang out with republicans, you poseur hack.

Almost all my friends are Republicans or idiots who are going to vote for Trump. Fucking idiots. Either that or they are rich. I don't mind those guys voting Republican. I almost don't blame them. Why should they vote for fairness when this way works better for them?

Even though I'm upper class I feel middle class

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

And when we talk they're always saying, "how are you a liberal?" because I can be racist at times or I say don't give the bum on the corner any money.

And personally, I'm one of the best paid employees here. I don't want collective bargaining at my work. I like it that I got a big raise for my work. Not like in a union. Still I know unions are important for a strong middle class.

But again, fuck it. I'm upper class, my brother is upper class and his kids go to the most expensive private school in Michigan. If you like Republicans then either don't show up and vote or vote for Republicans. See if they fix anything. Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

That's math, moron.
Yea, so when the republicans, after years of tax breaks for the rich and corporate America tell you they have to cut your retirement and raise your retirement age, just remember you bent over and took it. I at least objected

Many of the RWNJs on this board claim to be insanely rich (plus martial arts experts & dragging around a ten inch cocks ;-) - Some say they donā€™t need SS or Medicare and donā€™t plan to take it.

Iā€™ve generously suggested that they sign those SS checks over to me, but have yet to get a single taker. Theyā€™ll take the higher retirement ages and reduced bennies, come here, and blame Obama;)
Reality, they all lie, spin and ignore obvious issues with their positions. Trump is just a blowhard about it and lacks the filter they do.

Lol, WaPo being foisted by you as an unbiased source. Have they done the same level of effort with Obama or any Democrat in general?

And your side has also stretched what a "lie" is. A lie is knowing something is one thing, and saying another. calling dog a cat. saying a blue thing is red. What you call lies are mostly opinions that you don't agree with.

A good example of a lie is saying a man who removes their penis and balls and has a fake vagina made to replace it is actually a woman.
Once again, nobody lies with the audacity of Trump in either party.
Not even close

So ā€œthey all do it ā€œ is not an excuse

Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary youā€™d know what laws.

and even if she wasnā€™t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, youā€™d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. Thatā€™s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, sheā€™s my pick

This just shows you are OK with your side lying, but get the vapors when someone else does it.

Hacky McHackhack. Hackimoto Hackomashi. Hackquito Hackmirez.
Nope, those who supported Mushroom Dick must forever wear a Scarlet T. Shunned & ridiculed until such time as the Scarlet T is added to their gravestones.
But they'll be hard to find like former Hitler fans or former Bush fans. Today you can hardly find any Republicans here who say they supported Bush. But back then they all did. Today he's a globalist rino deep state bad man. In 2007 he was GOD's chosen one.

Lol, like you hang out with republicans, you poseur hack.

Almost all my friends are Republicans or idiots who are going to vote for Trump. Fucking idiots. Either that or they are rich. I don't mind those guys voting Republican. I almost don't blame them. Why should they vote for fairness when this way works better for them?

Even though I'm upper class I feel middle class

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

And when we talk they're always saying, "how are you a liberal?" because I can be racist at times or I say don't give the bum on the corner any money.

And personally, I'm one of the best paid employees here. I don't want collective bargaining at my work. I like it that I got a big raise for my work. Not like in a union. Still I know unions are important for a strong middle class.

But again, fuck it. I'm upper class, my brother is upper class and his kids go to the most expensive private school in Michigan. If you like Republicans then either don't show up and vote or vote for Republicans. See if they fix anything. Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

That's math, moron.
Yea, so when the republicans, after years of tax breaks for the rich and corporate America tell you they have to cut your retirement and raise your retirement age, just remember you bent over and took it. I at least objected

So increasing life expectancy and the fact that people can be productive at older ages shouldn't be considered?

Things change, 200 years ago someone making it to 60 was considered venerable.
Once again, nobody lies with the audacity of Trump in either party.
Not even close

So ā€œthey all do it ā€œ is not an excuse

What these guys don't realize is all the things Trump said when he was campaigning that made him seem different from the other Republicans, I loved all that shit. He was going to unite. He was not pro life. He wanted to help labor and solve illegal immigration. He was going to tax billionaires. Fix/improve healthcare. He was the only republican who would admit there were no WMD's.

I know how he conned a lot of people who don't like Republicans into voting for him. He's a con artist. We got conned.

And he gets to lie with impunity. Scary how dumb America is.

And I'll survive another 4 years of Trump. Cuts to my social security and medicare and raising the retirement age. I'll survive all that. But that's another huge step backward for the middle class now isn't it?

It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

That means you invested stupid and dumb stocks.. That means you are bass investor. My nephew is only 37yo and he is far better than you.

Sorry $480k, mistyped, and I only check once every 3 months to avoid moving stuff around too much.

I work in Engineering, As long as I keep my mental faculties I can work into my 60's easy.
Never really had to
Other presidents were trusted in the majority of what they said.
Alternative facts were not the stated objective of a president

Lol, progs always accuse opposition presidents of lying, they just never decided to keep count like they are now.
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


And yet I didn't keep my plan but I liked my plan.

Keep bringing up chickenshit stuff like this, it's what will get Trump a victory in 2020.
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance plans.
Alabama was not hit by Hurricane Dorian despite what Mr Sharpie says

They kept the plan provider, they did not keep the exact plan. Either costs went up, or coverage changed to meet the mandates of the ACA.

Nice spin.

You do know the map is a 5 day projection map, and the hurricane didn't hit every point inside even the official spread. right?

The question was keeping your plan
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their plans

5 day projection maps work better when you have a Sharpie !
Lol, progs always accuse opposition presidents of lying, they just never decided to keep count like they are now.
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


And yet I didn't keep my plan but I liked my plan.

Keep bringing up chickenshit stuff like this, it's what will get Trump a victory in 2020.
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance plans.
Alabama was not hit by Hurricane Dorian despite what Mr Sharpie says

They kept the plan provider, they did not keep the exact plan. Either costs went up, or coverage changed to meet the mandates of the ACA.

Nice spin.

You do know the map is a 5 day projection map, and the hurricane didn't hit every point inside even the official spread. right?

The question was keeping your plan
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their plans

5 day projection maps work better when you have a Sharpie !

No, they didn't. They kept a name, the substance of the plan changed, or they had to change to another plan IN THE SAME COMPANY because of costs.

I went from affording PPO's to High deductible plans.
I didnā€™t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

No actually YOU did, dickwad. A stupid basketball player died and everyone here said it was his helicopter, and I said that was a real shame that a mere jock can afford an 18 million dollar chopper when scientists with PhDs don't make anywhere near that and took those poor kids up in it when in fact, it was just a rental and pilot error and you called me a racist then wanted me to give you my ADDRESS because I don't have any buses that run near me!

Then you stalked me all over, called me racist, and now your triggered ass has bit off more than you can chew.

And you have the nerve to call other people retarded. :21:

Dude again you are full of shit..... because you never stop lying Dude. You attacked me with your usual low class disgusting human scum attitude.

It is psycho bullshit like that which proves to me you are a lying buttwipe. I really hope you go through with debating Dale. I never even spoke to you, I was talking about how stupid and a waste that Kobe flew in fog just to save time from driving and YOU jumped all over me out of no where calling me a racist. I didn't even know who Kobe was, I had to look him up.

And anyone can go find that thread in SPORTS and read it all as proof. It's all there. Mutts to you (or should I say OINK).

What a good fucking liar. I blasted you several times over and over on separate thread how a low class disgusting human scum you are. Attacking a dead person that just died with his daughter because of your jealousy.
What kind human scum are you? How low can you get?

If you donā€™t know Kobe then why the hell you keep repeating your trash about Kobe?
Jealousy? Of a basketball player I cared so little about I wasn't even sure what sport he had been in?

Liar? Human scum? Racist? Attacking a dead person? What, you like worship this guy? So like, we cannot discuss the events of a guy on a thread ABOUT the events of a guy?

You'll tell people when they are "worthy" of talking to you? o_O

What about that story that you invited a bunch of people here to see your factory or something where you help and do a lot of charity for others and no one took you up on it?

You're the real deal? You don't F around?

Hotel rooms? Too late at night to Skype?

Look bud, if there is one thing I know, it is how to read people, and you have a smoking wire inside. You walk around here with a chip on your shoulder looking for someone to knock it off. All I said to you long ago was that I lived in a gated community with no public transportation in the area and that's all it took to set you off. Don't even remember why you dragged the conversation to that. You have some inordinate need to try to impress people or show them up that you have more or better homes or more wealth or greater importance like that matters or anyone cares! You don't fill your own gas tank? Both your homes are "set up" for teleconferencing? Meantime, you're posting from a smartphone? Puh-leeaze. Whom do you think your talking to here with these people? The one thing that's certain is that if half what you claim were true, you wouldn't be acting or speaking like this.

I may not always see or agree with people here, but I know when someone's full of it. I'd bet $500 that Dale is more than ready and able to debate you any day. You? Frankly, I'll be surprised if you ever go through with the call. much less discuss and debate half the things you listed.

You begged for this, Charwin, now the ball's in YOUR court. We'll wait and see the result though, I'm not sure what any of it'll prove. Regardless of the outcome, the toe tag is on you for good after this thread.

Oh and that bit about me being a retard and a pig wrestler? Words don't bother me, boy. I live for words. If any of that ever was really said, I probably missed it because all those idiots were already on ignore like I bet a lot of people already have you on!

Man, you have some SERIOUS hang-ups! Some people like you apparently come ape-shit unglued with TDS hatred over a simple brash white guy real-estate developer with enough shit together to easily pummel a bunch of jive politicians! :21:

Now make your debate call with Dale. But don't keep us waiting too long. I suspect he is more than worthy enough to debate you. o_O That's a conversation I gotta hear.

Nah! You are lying big time.

I didnā€™t back out on Dale challenge. I responded to his email.
Let me repeat it again. Iā€™ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. For the mean time. Stay the fuck out of my way.

Yeah, MisterBeale, Charwin is in charge!!!! He sets ALL the parameters! Or so this big time blowhard imagines. Methinks that Charwin is fucking scared because this conversation/debate doesn't require anything more than a phone call or the use of skype......

What can you accomplish in a debate with a Skype? Tell me.

The same thing we could accomplish by a "conference call", dumb ass. I have sent you two private IMs so we don't clutter up this thread like Markle asked. Contact me through there...and stop being such a fucking coward.

You were begging for a debate? I will give ya one......

Wrong again. Skype and live video conferencing is very different. Who is Markle? Did you ask for another help again?

DUDE! C.Mon! Are you in a sanitarium or what? Markle is the guy who has patiently asked you twice to take this off group, PM it, make the call with Dale, debate, and LET'S MOVE ON! You are one high-maintenance SOB!

I didnā€™t see Markle post. I was busy trashing your low class scum attitude. Plus misterbeale and Dale.
But I responded to his email. Iā€™m waiting.
What these guys don't realize is all the things Trump said when he was campaigning that made him seem different from the other Republicans, I loved all that shit. He was going to unite. He was not pro life. He wanted to help labor and solve illegal immigration. He was going to tax billionaires. Fix/improve healthcare. He was the only republican who would admit there were no WMD's.

I know how he conned a lot of people who don't like Republicans into voting for him. He's a con artist. We got conned.

And he gets to lie with impunity. Scary how dumb America is.

And I'll survive another 4 years of Trump. Cuts to my social security and medicare and raising the retirement age. I'll survive all that. But that's another huge step backward for the middle class now isn't it?

It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

That means you invested stupid and dumb stocks.. That means you are bass investor. My nephew is only 37yo and he is far better than you.

Sorry $480k, mistyped, and I only check once every 3 months to avoid moving stuff around too much.

I work in Engineering, As long as I keep my mental faculties I can work into my 60's easy.

Good for you. Donā€™t forget not to leave all your money in one basket like my friend did now in 60s way too late to recover.
It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

That means you invested stupid and dumb stocks.. That means you are bass investor. My nephew is only 37yo and he is far better than you.

Sorry $480k, mistyped, and I only check once every 3 months to avoid moving stuff around too much.

I work in Engineering, As long as I keep my mental faculties I can work into my 60's easy.

Good for you. Donā€™t forget not to leave all your money in one basket like my friend did now in 60s way too late to recover.

Nope, mostly in high gain funds now, less than 15% in company stock (i always sell if it gets higher than that) and right now around 5-6% in bonds and money markets. at 45 and 50 ill re-assess and see if i need to start moving more into less risk moderate return funds.

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