When they refer to you as a cult...

Or perhaps they call Trump supporters terrorists because of the
  • mass shootings,
  • the threats from your cult leader to “beat the crap” out of people,
  • the mailing of bombs to people,
  • the needlessly aggressive threats of violence, etc...

Oh yeah,
  • the tiki torch march through Charlottesville,
  • the running your car through a crowd of political opponents,
  • the insurrection attempt,
  • the telling the Proud Boys to “stand by”, dozens and dozens of other things--
  • shooting up pizza parlors,
  • stripping kids from their parents just for the sake of cruelty,
  • wanting to mow down folks crossing the border...
Mass shootings aren't maga generated they are democrats.
They bring a knife we bring a gun marching orders for the democrat cult.
What bombs were mailed?
You also forgot the smollett lynching.
To cut through all your bullshit democrats like to make a lot of shit up just as in all this bullshit you wrote
Still glad that worthless corrupt bitch lost. Must still burn that she lost to Trump.
It would burn me too.

Clinton- 65,853,514 votes.
Trump- 62,984,828 votes.

Trump tries to claim victory even as ballots are being ...​

https://www.cnbc.com › 2020/11/04 › trump-tries-to-clai...

Nov 4, 2020 — President Trump claimed victory even though millions of legitimate votes had yet to be counted and races in half a dozen swing states still ...

It sure burned the orange traitor.

Biden- 81,283,501 votes.
Trump- 74,233,975 votes.

And his cult.

and all the illiberal leftists here welcome it.

It must have been like this in Germany in 1930 -- you keep hearing it, but you can't bring yourself to believe they mean it.

They call themselves 'Third Positionists' . Hitler's last roadblock to power was a right wing General, in fact, so while he was fighting street wars with the commies and rival fascists he was also assassinating right wingers.

Schleicher remained active in military and political circles, a decision that sealed his fate. On June 30th 1934, Schleicher became one of the first and highest-profile victims of Hitler’s ‘Night of the Long Knives’, gunned down with his wife in the hallway of their Neubabelsberg home.

He was Papen's and Hindenburg's fair-haired boy and had lots of Army support, so he had to go.
It would burn me too.

Clinton- 65,853,514 votes.
Trump- 62,984,828 votes.

Trump tries to claim victory even as ballots are being ...

View attachment 839754
https://www.cnbc.com › 2020/11/04 › trump-tries-to-clai...
Nov 4, 2020 — President Trump claimed victory even though millions of legitimate votes had yet to be counted and races in half a dozen swing states still ...

It sure burned the orange traitor.

Biden- 81,283,501 votes.
Trump- 74,233,975 votes.

And his cult.

View attachment 839756
Hillary still lost.
Best thing to ever happen to America.
...these are the principles they hate and therefore use as a benchmark to justify their use of the language....

View attachment 839420

Their hatred for these principles is why they hate you. It's why they attack you for your belief in them. It's why they refer to you as a terrorist.

And clearly, as is witnessed herein....they're rather open about it.

Actually no. A cult is people who believe in serious nonsense. They believe that their leader is infallible. Blessed by God.
Damn right! Democrats want a banana republic run by a Castro or a Papa Doc. No silly white dictators need apply.
If that were the case, Trump would be in prison, with the rest of his cult.
No trial.

Like China...................the country Trump praised.

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump offers 'congratulations' as China's Communist Party ...​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2019/10/01

Oct 1, 2019 — A Chinese paramilitary policeman is silhouetted by a display showing the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in ...
If that were the case, Trump would be in prison, with the rest of his cult.
No trial.

Like China...................the country Trump praised.

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump offers 'congratulations' as China's Communist Party ...

View attachment 839763
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2019/10/01
Oct 1, 2019 — A Chinese paramilitary policeman is silhouetted by a display showing the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in ...
In essence that is what you people are trying....The indictments are judge and jury shopped, and Trump's rights are being stomped on...

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