When they refer to you as a cult...

YOu meet on the internet and wear red hats.

Are you stupid? It's not about the clothes or the meeting (have you ever seen a tRump rally, though? All those whack jobs doing the NAZI salute and holding signs about how goe sent tRump?) it's about the drone-like mentality.
Funny cuz I've been doing this way before Trump was a thing. Am I OG cultist? Am I their leader?
The Trump tribe is a cult. They've flooded the internet and polls. They're like those Ron Paul trolls of 2012. They've invaded online forums like this and social media and made it look like hundreds of millions of Americans are supporting him.
This is total projection. If it wasn't for activist shills and bots, nobody would be here on sites like this defending Pedo Peter.

Here's a clue for the Trumpbots.
If you're pro life, he's not.
If you think the government should live within it's means, and not raise the debt ceiling. He doesn't. In fact he raised it twice (without spending reductions) And suspended it for two years.
If thin the 2A should be protected and believe in the "shall not be infringed" statement, Trump doesn't. He assaulted out 2A with his unconstitutional bumpstock ban. And stated publicly that law enforcement "should take the guns first and do due process later."
If you think the government should get a warrant before spying on Americans, Trump doesn't. He reauthorized FISA 702.

So either the Trumpbots are nothing but a bunch of left wing moles who have invaded the GOP. Or they are simply brainwashed by a life long, north eastern democrat with a conservative sales pitch.
I think the GOP has been invaded by the WEF and MAGA is the cure.

Democrats = WEF
Oh' yeah................

Trump's Fraud Case Requires Highly Qualified Receiver

View attachment 839799
The Real Deal
https://therealdeal.com › new-york › 2023/09/29 › tru...
Sep 29, 2023 — Receivers effectively manage properties while legal proceedings conclude, and after that, they prepare the properties for sale in a way to ...

Just like the orange traitor, sold out the US, but less damage.
When the WEF deems these shillbot/NPCs ineffective, they are going to move to ban Americans access to sites like this.
Oh' yeah................

Trump's Fraud Case Requires Highly Qualified Receiver

View attachment 839799
The Real Deal
https://therealdeal.com › new-york › 2023/09/29 › tru...
Sep 29, 2023 — Receivers effectively manage properties while legal proceedings conclude, and after that, they prepare the properties for sale in a way to ...

Just like the orange traitor, sold out the US, but less damage.
So, tell me....What happens, if what you are describing here comes true, when YOU'RE preferred politician has this happen to them? Then you'll cry how unfair it is....
Speaking of detestable Democrats (HRC, J Biden), I wonder if one of the Leftists here could identify for me one or two of the "MAGA Republican" policies that they find so abhorrent.
They don't like America First.
when it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ...its a duck

yall are a cult and a dangerous one
hmm. dangerous how?
Hitler took out socialist factions who were competitors, as did Stalin, Mao, etcetera.....That's how they roll.

You're still a putz.
Hitler hated socialists. He eliminated them from the party. He kept the name.

Jesus dude this is a well know historical fact. It actually happened that way whether you like it or not.
Hitler hated socialists. He eliminated them from the party. He kept the name.

Jesus dude this is a well know historical fact. It actually happened that way whether you like it or not.
He hated competition, as do all socialists.

You really haven't the vaguest idea what you're blabbering about.
LOL, you were a tRump cultist before tRump?

Try this: Think first, then post.
These WEF shillbots/NPCs are getting weaker.

When the WEF deems these shillbots ineffective, they will move to ban Americans access to sites like this.

Watch the tech bills, especially as Bribins poll numbers continue to tank.
SPEAKING OF Cheating.... take a look a those numbers for reactions . NEVER seen numbers like that since I"VE been here..and seems to appear that someone is GAMING The system. Now ....how would they do that? heh right winger?
The Top Eight. LOLOL

RAther reminds me of Election 2020. Trickle down theory of CHEATING??
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SPEAKING OF Cheating.... take a look a those numbers for responses. NEVER seen numbers like that since I"VE been here..and seems to appear that someone is GAMING The system. Now ....how would they do that? heh right winger?

RAther reminds me of Election 2020. Trickle down theory of CHEATING??
If they were as popular as they claim to be, cheating would not be necessary.

You have fine stats BTW :salute:

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