When they refer to you as a cult...

I wonder if they could identify who a MAGA Republican is in the first place! Biden demonizes them, but never defines them. That is by intent - to cast dispersions on ANYONE who voted for Trump.
You can identify a MAGAFASCIST by the way they accuse people of castings dispersions thinking that word means aspersions.
Relevant reading...

''There are very few legitimate cultural divisions in the world. Most of them are arbitrarily created, not only by political and financial elites, but also by the useful idiots and mindless acolytes infesting the sullied halls of academia.

It is perhaps no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of social justice warriors, PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals...

This is what cultural Marxists do: divide and conquer or homogenize and conquer, whatever the situation happens to call for.

And so, here are my solutions, which must be enacted by individuals in their daily lives regardless of the potential backlash...''

Continued - How to stamp out cultural Marxism in a single generation
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Lol, it's cute that you think everyone is programmed just because you are.

Biden praises terrorists, biden praises child molestors, drug users, criminals, sex traffickers ANYTHING That is in opposition to the Constitiution and God.
Sure...................If YOU and your cult say so.
That should be enough for a guilty verdict.
Just like a communist.

It's was initially about the policies. Trump claimed to be pro life... Turns out he's not. He claimed to support the 2A. Turns out he didn't. He claimed to be fiscally conservative. Turns out he's not. (Just print more money).

He claimed to be all these things, and more. But 80% of those claims turned out to be a lie.

So now, for his worshippers, it is all about Trump and not policies. If it was still about policies, and his supporters were expecting a Republican to live up to conservative principles, Trump wouldn't be polling more than 10%. Because Trumps words and his actions on almost all issues, differ. For the simple fact that Trumps actions were that of a moderate democrat.

Assaulting the 2A like Trump did, would be something Hillary would've done. Increasing the debt ceiling like Trump did, would be something Biden would have, or has already done. Especially without any spending reduction mandates.
My ""Preferred" politician doesn't exist.
Liar, you are on here daily shilling for democrats.
The closest that came to, that was Reagan, in 1980.
GTFOH, no way you voted for Reagan.
After his lying, dumb, treasonous ass, I knew I would never ever, vote republican again.
You never voted for him in 1980 either.
Obama came close but I was still voting against someone.
Clinton, the same.
Your Obama vote is exactly why I am confident calling you a liar on Reagan.
Whining about how unfair a politician has been treated is like feeling sorry for a bank robber.
So, now you want to be seen as what? An independent? LOL....That's a hoot.
Liar, you are on here daily shilling for democrats.
No, commenting against communist teabaggers.
GTFOH, no way you voted for Reagan.
NOT twice, dumbass.
You never voted for him in 1980 either.
I don't give a fuck whether you believe it or not, I did.
Your Obama vote is exactly why I am confident calling you a liar on Reagan.
The first and last corrupt republican, I ever voted for.

So, now you want to be seen as what? An independent? LOL....That's a hoot.
Fuck no, an independant a liar, may as well be a republican.
Ashley lied to her diary. LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
So......WHY would she do this...........for her terrible daddy?

Ashley Biden finds her voice: 'I know my worth'


https://www.cnn.com › politics › ashley-biden-white-house
Nov 4, 2022 — First daughter Ashley Biden has been a regular presence in President Joe Biden's White House – she quit her job before the 2020 campaign ...

Meanwhile the orange pervert..........

Donald Trump Fantasized About Having Sex With Ivanka ...​

New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › post › donald-trump-fantasi...

“I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure,” Trump replied. “I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating .
SPEAKING OF Cheating.... take a look a those numbers for reactions . NEVER seen numbers like that since I"VE been here..and seems to appear that someone is GAMING The system. Now ....how would they do that? heh right winger?
The Top Eight. LOLOL

RAther reminds me of Election 2020. Trickle down theory of CHEATING??
It's so obvious they are purposefully giving each other Reaction Reach Arounds.
That and all the fake news and negs they get while trolling.
Right wing mass shootings are a way of life in this nation thanks to the 2nd Amendment.

Moron, most mass public shooters are left wingers....as are political killers....

Of the 82 mass public shootings from January 1998 to May 2021, 9 percent have known or alleged ties to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, or anti-immigrant views, and many of those, such as the Buffalo murderer, hold decidedly socialist, left-wing views. Another nine percent are carried out by people of middle eastern origin, making Middle Easterners, who make up only 0.4% of the country, by far the most likely ethnic/racial group to carry out mass public shootings. Non-Middle Eastern Whites and Hispanics who engage in these attacks are underrepresented as a share of the population. Blacks, Asians, and American Indians commit these attacks at a slightly higher rate than their share of the population.


Seventy-one percent of mass public shooters have no identifiable political views.



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