When they refer to you as a cult...

That's lame.

Tell me about the cult you think I'm in. Do we meet on Wednesdays? Wear robes?

The Trump tribe is a cult. They've flooded the internet and polls. They're like those Ron Paul trolls of 2012. They've invaded online forums like this and social media and made it look like hundreds of millions of Americans are supporting him.

Here's a clue for the Trumpbots.
If you're pro life, he's not.
If you think the government should live within it's means, and not raise the debt ceiling. He doesn't. In fact he raised it twice (without spending reductions) And suspended it for two years.
If thin the 2A should be protected and believe in the "shall not be infringed" statement, Trump doesn't. He assaulted out 2A with his unconstitutional bumpstock ban. And stated publicly that law enforcement "should take the guns first and do due process later."
If you think the government should get a warrant before spying on Americans, Trump doesn't. He reauthorized FISA 702.

So either the Trumpbots are nothing but a bunch of left wing moles who have invaded the GOP. Or they are simply brainwashed by a life long, north eastern democrat with a conservative sales pitch.
...these are the principles they hate and therefore use as a benchmark to justify their use of the language....

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Their hatred for these principles is why they hate you. It's why they attack you for your belief in them. It's why they refer to you as a terrorist.

And clearly, as is witnessed herein....they're rather open about it.

when it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ...its a duck

yall are a cult and a dangerous one
Hillary is still very angry about losing.
She has a violent rage problem.

Just remember, like everything else, the left deflects by trying to accuse their victims of what they are doing. So when they call people domestic terrorists, what they are really saying is that they want to deflect from years and decades of their own domestic terrorism going all the way back to the LA riots in order to cover for their own.

The left are like a prestidigitator where they operate by misdirection of the audience's eyes while they manipulate the cards. Nothing they ever say, claim or do is the truth.
We all need a few people like Hitlery to remind us that we are not so bad after all .
This bitch is the lowest form of first amendment hater that there is. Authoritarian people like her are the reason the first amendment was written in the first place. Up until the last couple of decades, this speech suppressing attitude had been seemingly irradicated, but today's Democrats have taken us back to colonial days with their totalitarian bullshit. They're turning Orwell's book, 1984, into a true story.
...these are the principles they hate and therefore use as a benchmark to justify their use of the language....

View attachment 839420

Their hatred for these principles is why they hate you. It's why they attack you for your belief in them. It's why they refer to you as a terrorist.

And clearly, as is witnessed herein....they're rather open about it.
She is only saying this to get back in the relevancy arena so she sells more books.
She is probably working on a book now, and wants to say a few outrageous things to remind people she is still alive.
For the record, I am a "MAGA Republican."

I believe that the 2020 President election was stolen, but there was not enough provable fraud to have accomplished that. If that makes me a "cult" member, please send me the appropriate cult ID card. I will show it proudly.

I also believe that Donald Trump cannot win in 2024, and my fellow Republicans are going down the path of destruction of the republic by continuing to support him. But if he is the nominee, I will support him to the fullest, voting for him as early and often as I possibly can.

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