When they refer to you as a cult...

It's not just "the cult" they hate, I think they hate all of us peasants in general, and just want to control us all, like chattel.

Well it's clearly what she means when she expresses disdain for the American electorate wanting to be in control of their own lives.

When she says they need to be deprogrammed.
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...these are the principles they hate and therefore use as a benchark to justify their use of the language....

View attachment 839420

Their hatred for these principles is why they hate you. It's why they attack you for your belief in them. It's why they refer to you as a terrorist.

And clearly, as is witnessed herein....they're rather open about it.
Or perhaps they call Trump supporters terrorists because of the
  • mass shootings,
  • the threats from your cult leader to “beat the crap” out of people,
  • the mailing of bombs to people,
  • the needlessly aggressive threats of violence, etc...

Oh yeah,
  • the tiki torch march through Charlottesville,
  • the running your car through a crowd of political opponents,
  • the insurrection attempt,
  • the telling the Proud Boys to “stand by”, dozens and dozens of other things--
  • shooting up pizza parlors,
  • stripping kids from their parents just for the sake of cruelty,
  • wanting to mow down folks crossing the border...
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Or perhaps they call Trump supporters terrorists because of the
  • mass shootings,
  • the threats from your cult leader to “beat the crap” out of people,
  • the mailing of bombs to people,
  • the needlessly aggressive threats of violence, etc...

Oh yeah,
  • the tiki torch march through Charlottesville,
  • the running your car through a crowd of political opponents,
  • the insurrection attempt,
  • the telling the Proud Boys to “stand by”, dozens and dozens of other things--
  • shooting up pizza parlors,
  • stripping kids from their parents just for the sake of cruelty,
  • wanting to mow down folks crossing the border...

What had happen wuh..she specifically stated, and I quote, ''Make America Great Again was a bid for nostalgia. To return to a place where...you know...people could be in charge of their own lives, feel empowered, say what they want and insult whomever came in their way, and that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So it is like a cult.''
Or perhaps they call Trump supporters terrorists because of the
  • mass shootings,
  • the threats from your cult leader to “beat the crap” out of people,
  • the mailing of bombs to people,
  • the needlessly aggressive threats of violence, etc...

Oh yeah,
  • the tiki torch march through Charlottesville,
  • the running your car through a crowd of political opponents,
  • the insurrection attempt,
  • the telling the Proud Boys to “stand by”, dozens and dozens of other things--
  • shooting up pizza parlors,
  • stripping kids from their parents just for the sake of cruelty,
  • wanting to mow down folks crossing the border...
This list is dumb.

There was no pizza "parlors" shootings. Wasn't even 1. Total lie.
As we see in this forum, anybody who does not obsess with Donald Trump to the complete exclusion of all other political thoughts is accused of being in a cult by those who can think of nothing else.

It's right up there with Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength.
But it's not just her.

She's just the spokesperson. She's just the face. She's where people with the same disdain for your freedom get their encouragement to openly label you a terrorist or refer to you as a member of a cult for your belief in your right to, as she said ''be in control of your own life.''

Think about every person on this board, or wherever else on the www who has told you that you're in a cult.

And think about what she just said here in order to justify that label.
The Dem elitists fancy themselves as a master race.

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