When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Now you are vomitting Taquiyyah, lying to the infidel in the name of Islam. You love Muslim genocidal terrorists and islamic barbarism.

“This manoeuvre of making us believe that they are "our friends", that they are integrated into our society and that in fact, they abhor jihadism, is enshrined in the Sharia, Islamic law, expressing that it is a tactic to survive in the face of the superiority of infidels. We mention an example from Abu Darda's treatise in the Shari'a: "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them."”
  1. Taqiyya: Deceiving the infidels for the good of Islam - (enlacejudio.com)
  2. Did Prophet Muhammad (sa) teach Muslims to lie in order to spread Islam? (ahmadiyya-islam.org)
  3. Taqiyya, lying in the name of Allah (enlacejudio.com)
  4. Taqiyya: Deceiving infidels for the sake of Islam - (enlacejudio.com)
  5. The 'Taqiyya', the jihadist resource that allows to violate the Koran in order to commit an attack (europapress.es)
Why do you support genocide like dumb Joe? Why did you vote for a war criminal? Are you stupid?

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Why do you support genocide like dumb Joe? Why did you vote for a war criminal? Are you stupid?

How do these pictures make you feel?






Why do you support genocide like dumb Joe? Why did you vote for a war criminal? Are you stupid?

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Excellent question. Sure makes me feel like Hamas made a bad mistake attacking Israel like they did. But good news. When this conflict is over Hamas won't wont make that mistake any more.
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Excellent question. Sure makes me feel like Hamas made a bad mistake attacking Israel like they did. But goo0d news. When this conflict is over Hamas won't wont make that mistake any more.
So you too support the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocent women and children because a terrorist group committed a war crime?

You are no different than Hamas.

Why are so many Americans dumb fuckers?
Why do you support genocide like dumb Joe? Why did you vote for a war criminal? Are you stupid?

How do these pictures make you feel?






But Achmed, those are headquarters, locations where rockets were launched towards Israel, buildings that top of tunnels, and Hamas hideouts. Plus, Israel warned People to evacuate and or go south. Did your beloved Palestinian animal’s warned innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 before they attacked and shoved live babies in ovens, slaughtered teenagers attending a concert, and raped women until they died of bleeding? No, these are the subhuman animals you weep for.
But Achmed, those are headquarters, locations where rockets were launched towards Israel, buildings that top of tunnels, and Hamas hideouts. Plus, Israel warned People to evacuate and or go south. Did your beloved Palestinian animal’s warned innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 before they attacked and shoved live babies in ovens, slaughtered teenagers attending a concert, and raped women until they died of bleeding? No, these are the subhuman animals you weep for.
Suck it you Zionist @#$&$#%+&****-#
But Achmed, those are headquarters, locations where rockets were launched towards Israel, buildings that top of tunnels, and Hamas hideouts. Plus, Israel warned People to evacuate and or go south. Did your beloved Palestinian animal’s warned innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 before they attacked and shoved live babies in ovens, slaughtered teenagers attending a concert, and raped women until they died of bleeding? No, these are the subhuman animals you weep for.
War Criminals! Fucking terrorists!
First they celebrate the Hamas attack on Israel without warning, killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors, taking over 200 hostages & chanting from the river to sea. Then they bitch when Israel retalitates. It's called Palestinian mentality.
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To stop the retaliation all Israel asked for is Hamas release all the hostages. But Hamas has refused & so the beat goes on letting their Palestinians get massacred, homeless & Gaza leveled.
To stop the retaliation all Israel asked for is Hamas release all the hostages. But Hamas has refused & so the beat goes on letting their Palestinians get massacred, homeless & Gaza leveled.
I don’t believe that’s true but do you think Israel is justified in mass murdering tens of thousands and destroying Gaza, because Hamas refused to release hostages?
Oh look Muslim donkey found a meme with big letters!
This is really good and explains how easily they can dupe dummies like you into supporting every war. Try to learn something today.
I don’t believe that’s true but do you think Israel is justified in mass murdering tens of thousands and destroying Gaza, because Hamas refused to release hostages?
Indeed I do. What more reasonable request than just releasing the hostages could Israel have offered Hamas to prevent this retaliation from continuing?
Binary thinking. Are you 6 years old?

Oh yeah, you’re a Nazi.
No actually, you have singular thinking...save Hamas. You don’t give a shit about anything else. You are a foot soldier for Islam.

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