When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

It's so hard to say who's in the right in this conflict. On one side you've got facts and evidence and nonstop raw video footage documenting massacres of civilians, but on the other side you've got people calling you an anti-semite if you disagree with them. It's so complicated.
It isn’t complicated, Palestinians are brainwashed barbaric savages with a medieval mindset, and the Israelis are the good guys.
So people attack the Israelis and the Americans for nothing, get real.
Yes, that’s what Arabs and Muslims have done, they invaded, killed and raped since the beginning of Islam. In India alone they killed 500 million over time, in order to Islamicize India, and they did, for a while. You look at every country that is now Muslim, it’s because Arabs invaded and forced Islam down the throats of the people at the point of a sword.
Yes, that’s what Arabs and Muslims have done, they invaded, killed and raped since the beginning of Islam. In India alone they killed 500 million over time, in order to Islamicize India, and they did, for a while. You look at every country that is now Muslim, it’s because Arabs invaded and forced Islam down the throats of the people at the point of a sword.
If you want to go on a rant about centuries of History i give you the Crusades, now get back on track in the here and now.
Hannibal?! Ha ha ha. Another nut job chimes in. Show us proof otherwise up your terrorist ass kissing ass. You are 150% always full of shit.
Are you telling me that the hannibal directive doesn't exist you moron? there are Israeli eyewitness accounts of it being used.
It isn’t complicated, Palestinians are brainwashed barbaric savages with a medieval mindset, and the Israelis are the good guys.
Proving only one thing. You are a complete idiot and a bigot.
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.
If you want to go on a rant about centuries of History i give you the Crusades, now get back on track in the here and now.
The crusades were a response to repel the Muslim invaders and occupiers Of Europe and Christian lands but especially Jerusalem, aka Zion. Bottom line is Arabs acquired land through invasions and occupations. Arab Muslims are The invaders and squatters on Jewish holy land, they have zero rights to it.

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.​
-Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against.
Proving only one thing. You are a complete idiot and a bigot.
Ha ha ha. Says who, you? The Jew hating, Muslim Palestinian terrorist lover who claims Oct. 7 was faked? You people are enemy within traitors.
Ha ha ha. Says who, you? The Jew hating, Muslim Palestinian terrorist lover who claims Oct. 7 was faked? You people are enemy within traitors.
I love Jews, but hate fucking dumb Zionists like you. Dumb as dumb can be.

You’ll deny you supported genocide.
I love Jews, but hate fucking dumb Zionists like you. Dumb as dumb can be.

You’ll deny you supported genocide.
Now you are vomitting Taquiyyah, lying to the infidel in the name of Islam. You love Muslim genocidal terrorists and islamic barbarism.

“This manoeuvre of making us believe that they are "our friends", that they are integrated into our society and that in fact, they abhor jihadism, is enshrined in the Sharia, Islamic law, expressing that it is a tactic to survive in the face of the superiority of infidels. We mention an example from Abu Darda's treatise in the Shari'a: "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them."”
  1. Taqiyya: Deceiving the infidels for the good of Islam - (enlacejudio.com)
  2. Did Prophet Muhammad (sa) teach Muslims to lie in order to spread Islam? (ahmadiyya-islam.org)
  3. Taqiyya, lying in the name of Allah (enlacejudio.com)
  4. Taqiyya: Deceiving infidels for the sake of Islam - (enlacejudio.com)
  5. The 'Taqiyya', the jihadist resource that allows to violate the Koran in order to commit an attack (europapress.es)
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The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal. The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits an occupying power from transferring its population to the area it occupies.
Others who have said that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegal include:
Laws Violated: Israel has violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (which are legally binding on member-nations U.N. Charter, Article 25 (1945)
  • United Nations Special Rapporteur: Michael Lynk said in 2017 that the Israeli occupation was illegal
  • Legal Adviser of the Department of State of the United States: In 1978, the Legal Adviser reached the same conclusion
Israel has also violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Israel has occupied Jerusalem since 1967. Israel administers most of the West Bank, but 42% of it is under autonomous rule by the Palestinian Authority. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

About half of Gaza's population of 2.3 million people are children. Since October 7, Israeli attacks have killed at least 5,500 children, according to Palestinian officials. That is one Palestinian child killed every 10 minutes, or about one out of every 200 children in the Gaza Strip.
The International court means nothing to Israel.

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