When was America Great?

lol and you hope to sell the fiction that your Democrats aren't being bribed, and by foreign govts. at that, eh? Good luck with that; you will have to move to another planet. Biden's bill was the biggest corporate welfare bill in American history.
I'd like to see a link to a good source on that, it's absolute GOP garbage propaganda. While Trump's son in law gets 2 billion from Saudi Arabia and Ivanka gets $700 million in contracts with China, all while they are in the government and his trusted advisors, you people have no clue whatsoever. Hunter is a trained international lawyer with a history of good work and he can say whatever he likes about his father, there is no business connection.
And he blew our wad and set the fiat currency to eventual self-destruction. The deficits started a few years later along with the arrival of feminism, affirmative action, diversity and quotas.
That war was a catastrophe for the country that gave us the drug crisis and the financial crises that followed. Had nothing to do with lbj's important work like Medicare and Medicaid and voting rights, the Great Society it was, except that damn war... And it is only now that some Democratic policies are being passed again.
Then you know your ancestors were mass murdering homocidal maniacs and slavers and tortured people for fun.
It is absolutely ridiculous to make such a generalization. Check out the matriarchy of the Iroquois Nation. The Indians were more worried about being humiliated in battle than being killed. Out on the plains, both sides would get a chance to charge no matter how bad the battle was going for one of them, And it was worse to get hit with a wooden club than to be killed LOL. All Kinds of weird and interesting religious stuff going on. yes Indians often loved killing white people that were destroying their way of life totally. Eighty to 90 percent of the Indian population died from white diseases. So there were all kinds of reasons for them to be pissed off....
BULLSHIT. Once abortion became legal women a lot of women stopped being careful about who they had sex with. Quality of character in a man did not count for anything anymore. I knew women that didn't care if they got pregnant or who they got pregnant by - because they knew they could just get a abortion. All that mattered to them was an orgasm.

That was in the late 1970s & early 1980s. I hope that young women nowadays have changed.

So anti-Semitism .. by Democrats ... is just fine with you. All for the cause, huh. Now if a Republican said that you'd drop a load. Suddenly anti-Semitism would be Hitler murderers. And yet you don't care either that Republicans don't have an anti-Semitism problem, the Democrat party does.

It's all good, just keep those government checks coming and you're good
So anti-Semitism .. by Democrats ... is just fine with you. All for the cause, huh. Now if a Republican said that you'd drop a load. Suddenly anti-Semitism would be Hitler murderers. And yet you don't care either that Republicans don't have an anti-Semitism problem, the Democrat party does.

It's all good, just keep those government checks coming and you're good
Disagreeing with right wing scumbag Israeli politicians is not anti semitism, Super Dupe. And red neck conspiracy nutjob brainwashed Republicans are the people going out and beating up gays trans blacks Jews Asians muslims etcetera Etcetera. The only spike in violence since Trump got involved...... Now the DOJ the FBI and the prosecutors of Trump JURORS judges all have to spend millions on protection from you ignoramus dupes.... everything you know is anti American garbage propaganda, the election steel the vaccine hoax biden's inflation et cetera et cetera et cetera. Trump and GOP propaganda are the worst things that have ever happened to the United States political scene.
And you imagine women were somehow significantly different before Roe because? They're actually a lot like men, you know.

Before Roe, the vast majority of women wouldn't put out unless they were married. They needed to make sure that the men they married were responsible men of good character.

Of course wealth distribution at that time allowed young people to get married and have kids at a young age. A young man who was willing to do a hard days work could afford to feed, clothe and keep a roof over his family's head.

Nowadays, we have to have 2 college grads with additional skills before anyone can afford to get married and have kids. People used to get married right after High School. Nowadays people don't get married until their late twenties or early thirties.

Instead of young women falling in love, getting married and starting a family, they all just want to go disco dancing and 'have sex' with strangers.

Notice how people use to 'make love', but nowadays they 'have sex' like dumb animals? A meaningless biological act that has no more significance then taking a crap.

Abortion is what enabled the shift of wealth away from young people, the end of young families, and the revision back to pagan sexuality.
So anti-Semitism .. by Democrats ... is just fine with you. All for the cause, huh. Now if a Republican said that you'd drop a load. Suddenly anti-Semitism would be Hitler murderers. And yet you don't care either that Republicans don't have an anti-Semitism problem, the Democrat party does.

It's all good, just keep those government checks coming and you're good

That's the second time you've posted babbling that had nothing to do with my posts.

Defending Al Gore's accomplishments in information Technology has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

Try not to babble and to pay attention to the discussion before you post.
That's the second time you've posted babbling that had nothing to do with my posts.

Defending Al Gore's accomplishments in information Technology has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

Try not to babble and to pay attention to the discussion before you post.

Democrats are so stupid. I guess at least you admitted you didn't understand. And you did correctly identify that what I said isn't what Democrats told you to think. I'm not explaining it at your third grade level, so if you don't understand now, you aren't going to in the future. Sorry, Dopey
Democrats are so stupid. I guess at least you admitted you didn't understand. And you did correctly identify that what I said isn't what Democrats told you to think. I'm not explaining it at your third grade level, so if you don't understand now, you aren't going to in the future. Sorry, Dopey

You're truly a babbling idiot. I don't know how or why you drew me into some argument you were having with EMH on a completely different topic thread.

I guess it just shows that you're not too bright.
  • Informative
Reactions: EMH
You're truly a babbling idiot. I don't know how or why you drew me into some argument you were having with EMH on a completely different topic thread.

I guess it just shows that you're not too bright.

I already told you I'm not dumbing it down to your grade school level. Read it a few times and see if you can grasp it. If not, try reading it again several times slower and see if that helps. It's all I have for you, after that you're on your own
America has always been great. What lefties fail to understand is that Trump is talking about a sense of pride. Americans were proud during Reagan but the pride deteriorated especially during the sleazy Clinton administration. The only thing democrats seem to pride themselves on is a sense of victimization.
  • Fact
Reactions: kaz
I already told you I'm not dumbing it down to your grade school level. Read it a few times and see if you can grasp it. If not, try reading it again several times slower and see if that helps. It's all I have for you, after that you're on your own

Yup, I followed the thread back and confirmed - YOU'RE a BABBLING IDIOT!!!
America has always been great. What lefties fail to understand is that Trump is talking about a sense of pride. Americans were proud during Reagan but the pride deteriorated especially during the sleazy Clinton administration. The only thing democrats seem to pride themselves on is a sense of victimization.

Democrats want to win at all costs, including throwing the baby out with the bath water
Yup, I followed the thread back and confirmed - YOU'RE a BABBLING IDIOT!!!

We covered that, I'm not dumbing my posts down to a third grade level so you can read them. You're going to have to figure it out or let it go
Democrats want to win at all costs, including throwing the baby out with the bath water

While all the patriotic MAGGOTS just try to storm the capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power to the legally elected President.
Before Roe, the vast majority of women wouldn't put out unless they were married. They needed to make sure that the men they married were responsible men of good character.

Of course wealth distribution at that time allowed young people to get married and have kids at a young age. A young man who was willing to do a hard days work could afford to feed, clothe and keep a roof over his family's head.

Nowadays, we have to have 2 college grads with additional skills before anyone can afford to get married and have kids. People used to get married right after High School. Nowadays people don't get married until their late twenties or early thirties.

Instead of young women falling in love, getting married and starting a family, they all just want to go disco dancing and 'have sex' with strangers.

Notice how people use to 'make love', but nowadays they 'have sex' like dumb animals? A meaningless biological act that has no more significance then taking a crap.

Abortion is what enabled the shift of wealth away from young people, the end of young families, and the revision back to pagan sexuality.

The problem with young pagan sexuality is that the women prefer sex with the "Hunter Gather alpha male" types. These are egotistical, self centered, chauvinistic, aggressive men who do not have the slightest concern for anyone except themselves, and no intertest in being a good husband or father.

Yet the earmark of Western Civilization has been the domination of intellectual, altruistic, responsible, Gentlemen. Even military officers are required to be well educated Gentlemen. Western Civilization became dominant because of the intellectuals, not the dumb thugs.

The revision to paganism means that the most horrible men start their adult life with the huge ego boost that a good sex life brings, while the most intelligent and responsible men suffer the depression that comes with not having a sex life...the result is a de-evolution of the European/Western culture.

Most women don't grow up until they're about 25 years old and finally marry intelligent gentlemen...the type that they wouldn't give the time of day to when they were 19.

Nowadays the dumb thugs are eventually growing up to find out that not only are the intellectual nerds are bypassing them, but that many other non-white cultures have figured out why Western Civilization became so advanced and are emulating the West by promoting their intellectuals.

The dumb thugs are being left behind. Being born white isn't enough. You actually have to aspire to the principles that made the white race successful.

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