When was America Great?

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The annual festival of Xipe Totec was celebrated on the spring equinox before the onset of the rainy season; it was known as Tlacaxipehualiztli ([t͡ɬakaʃipewaˈlist͡ɬi]; lit. "flaying of men").[33] This festival took place in March at the time of the Spanish Conquest.[34] Forty days before the festival of Xipe Totec, a slave who was captured at war was dressed to represent the living god who was honored during this period. This occurred in every ward of the city, which resulted in multiple slaves being selected.[35] The central ritual act of "Tlacaxipehualiztli" was the gladiatorial sacrifice of war prisoners, which both began and culminated the festival.[36] On the next day of the festival, the game of canes was performed in the manner of two bands. The first band were those who took the part of Xipe Totec and went dressed in the skins of the war prisoners who were killed the previous day, so the fresh blood was still flowing. The opposing band was composed of daring soldiers who were brave and fearless, and who took part in the combat with the others. After the conclusion of this game, those who wore the human skins went around throughout the whole town, entering houses and demanding that those in the houses give them some alms or gifts for the love of Xipe Totec. While in the houses, they sat down on sheaves of tzapote leaves and put on necklaces which were made of ears of corn and flowers. They had them put on garlands and give them pulque to drink, which was their wine.[37] Annually, slaves or captives were selected as sacrifices to Xipe Totec.[38] After having the heart cut out, the body was carefully flayed to produce a nearly whole skin which was then worn by the priests for twenty days during the fertility rituals that followed the sacrifice.[38] This act of putting on new skin was a ceremony called 'Neteotquiliztli' translating to "impersonation of a god".[39] The skins were often adorned with bright feathers and gold jewellery when worn.[40] During the festival, victorious warriors wearing flayed skins carried out mock skirmishes throughout Tenochtitlan, they passed through the city begging alms and blessed whoever gave them food or other offerings.[10] When the twenty-day festival was over, the flayed skins were removed and stored in special containers with tight-fitting lids designed to stop the stench of putrefaction from escaping. These containers were then stored in a chamber beneath the temple.[41]
The annual festival of Xipe Totec was celebrated on the spring equinox before the onset of the rainy season; it was known as Tlacaxipehualiztli ([t͡ɬakaʃipewaˈlist͡ɬi]; lit. "flaying of men").[33] This festival took place in March at the time of the Spanish Conquest.[34] Forty days before the festival of Xipe Totec, a slave who was captured at war was dressed to represent the living god who was honored during this period. This occurred in every ward of the city, which resulted in multiple slaves being selected.[35] The central ritual act of "Tlacaxipehualiztli" was the gladiatorial sacrifice of war prisoners, which both began and culminated the festival.[36] On the next day of the festival, the game of canes was performed in the manner of two bands. The first band were those who took the part of Xipe Totec and went dressed in the skins of the war prisoners who were killed the previous day, so the fresh blood was still flowing. The opposing band was composed of daring soldiers who were brave and fearless, and who took part in the combat with the others. After the conclusion of this game, those who wore the human skins went around throughout the whole town, entering houses and demanding that those in the houses give them some alms or gifts for the love of Xipe Totec. While in the houses, they sat down on sheaves of tzapote leaves and put on necklaces which were made of ears of corn and flowers. They had them put on garlands and give them pulque to drink, which was their wine.[37] Annually, slaves or captives were selected as sacrifices to Xipe Totec.[38] After having the heart cut out, the body was carefully flayed to produce a nearly whole skin which was then worn by the priests for twenty days during the fertility rituals that followed the sacrifice.[38] This act of putting on new skin was a ceremony called 'Neteotquiliztli' translating to "impersonation of a god".[39] The skins were often adorned with bright feathers and gold jewellery when worn.[40] During the festival, victorious warriors wearing flayed skins carried out mock skirmishes throughout Tenochtitlan, they passed through the city begging alms and blessed whoever gave them food or other offerings.[10] When the twenty-day festival was over, the flayed skins were removed and stored in special containers with tight-fitting lids designed to stop the stench of putrefaction from escaping. These containers were then stored in a chamber beneath the temple.[41]

18th Century liberals would be called conservatives.

By modern standards. Yes. However the liberals of the era are the ones who formed the nation in every generation.
You do realize that it was Liberals and Progressives that founded the nation don’t you?

The Conservative view was that the Americas was a part of England and subject to the King. It was impossible to defeat the greatest Navy and Army of the Era. It was the duty of men to stay loyal to the Crown.

25,000 loyalists fought for England. It was Liberals who believed they could achieve the impossible. Liberals who believed that the rights came from God not the King.

Liberals believed that the rights of our Nation were paramount when the issue of freedom of navigation became the war of 1812.

Liberals are willing to consider something new. Conservatives insist that things remain the same.
18th Century liberals would be called conservatives today.
Ok. Ask your Daddy what happens if a Soldier shoots an unarmed civilian.

My father was accepted to the Air Force Academy, but he had bad eyes and they said he could do anything BUT fly jets, which was what he wanted to do. So he was never in the military. My brother did go to the Navy Academy. He is a lot nicer than me, but had no support for your fuck America philosophy. I asked.

If I were the general of the Chinese Army, I've vote for you to be secretary of defense of the United States. I'd tell all my soldiers to take off their uniforms, arm themselves to the teeth and walk across our border. Oh yeah, jackass, they are DOING THAT. No military in history has ever said they don't defend their borders, just you.

So you say police should fight military trained soldiers and Mexican Drug Cartels who are stronger than the Mexican military (thanks to you and all those billions you are helping them earn selling sex, drugs and slavesto buy more weapons). Oh, and there isn't even one civilian police force, so it's scattered police who get to do that job.

There are two possibilities here.

1) You have no experience and didn't think it through
2) You REALLY hate America and cops and want us both to die

Those choices are not mutually exclusive
I was thinking about your various posts. So certain you know what the Military is like. What the Soldiers want, and believe. I hoped you could give me a little help with this.

A tiny bit more than one in three troops on active duty intended to vote for Trump.

That means more than 60% of the troops did not intend to support the Republicans.

I found that interesting when I read it back in 2020. I’ve considered it from time to time. Especially when I read a poll after the election where 44% of the Biden voters were primarily casting their ballots to vote against Trump. They were not motivated to vote for Biden, but against Trump.

Let’s consider that the poll was taken of people who subscribed to Military times and were on active duty. That means these were primarily the career Military personnel. About 40% of them were identified as independent, politically speaking.

I’ve said that I was a Moderate, slightly right of center. I’ve voted for Democrats, and Republicans in the past. In 2022 I voted for Kemp, the Republican for Governor. I voted for Warnock, the Democrat, for the Senate.

Most of Georgia voted the same way.

Most of the Military seems to feel similarly. These are the professional soldiers. The ones who know what they’re in for and reup anyway.

I get the impression you are fairly young. A young man. The next thing I’m going to say is probably obvious. You may not know it all yet. You might want to consider toning it down, and listening.

Things are rarely Black and White. There is usually a lot of grey area to navigate through.

I read through it, none of it addressed the main point we disagree on that you think defending our borders is the job of various unaffiliated police departments fighting foreign militaries and I say defense of our borders is always the military's job.

One comment my brother made was that he said basically some old school military don't recognize how the world has changed and you can't count on military wearing uniforms. I hadn't mentioned when you said you were in the military, he assumed you were Vietnam era because of your belief militaries always wear uniforms.

Though I pointed out and my brother agreed, that wasn't true in Vietnam either
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one nation under god. I believe it wasn't allowed anymore during the pledge. You're probably too young to know when the country was actually patriotic for the people of the USA and not Ukraine.
The Pledge of Allegiance wasn't written for America and didn't include the words "Under God". Those were added by an act of Congress during the cold war - violation of the Constitution and all copyright laws.

Besides the "Pledge of Allegiance" isn't a prayer, it's a pledge of loyalty to the USA, not a prayer to God.
I do remember. It actually goes back to 1948, but

Thank goodness!

Catch that? It "caused an ongoing debate" o_O Wtf? In other words, abortion had always been contentious to some degree. No one has ever wanted an abortion. Roe changed nothing in those terms. It just wadded the panties of freedom, liberty, and women hating control freaks more than ever before.

BULLSHIT. Once abortion became legal women a lot of women stopped being careful about who they had sex with. Quality of character in a man did not count for anything anymore. I knew women that didn't care if they got pregnant or who they got pregnant by - because they knew they could just get a abortion. All that mattered to them was an orgasm.

That was in the late 1970s & early 1980s. I hope that young women nowadays have changed.
To answer OP question:

America was great before 2020

or at least not as HIDEOUS as it is now
Well in my eyes and millions of others, it is a threat, and that is the purpose of the military to protect our fking border. Why would we invent a military that can't protect it's citizens within it's own boundaries? How fking stupid is that from ignorant fkwads?

Great question, isn't it SavannahMann ?

I was thinking we need a questionaire for Savannah's policies. If China or Russia want to fight the military, we should verify that they qualify. For example:

1) Will your soldiers be wearing uniforms? Yes/No. If no, you do not qualify for US military involvement, come to the border and we'll hold the door for you

2) Are you a terrorist organization? Yes/No, if yes, you do not qualify for US military involvement, come to the border and we'll hold the door for you

Granted I just got it started. What else do we need to find out to see if they qualify to fight our military or if they should just walk across the border, Savannah?
Only a Democrat would think that more regulation is a catalyst for improving the performance of anything. Maybe there is a market among dim-witted Democrats for “performance” tuning their cars. We will regulated and restrict your Ferrari in every way possible but we promise it will perform better. ;)
Every time the Republicans get eight years in the presidency they have a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust recession or depression. Trump was just getting started deregulating banks like the ones that went belly up last year, Super Duper. You need good regulations like cheaper health care for all and taxing the rich again for crying out loud....
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America really went downhill after 1929.
Thanks for the corrupt deregulation Great Depression of 2008 and the worst pandemic reaction anywhere based on dangerous vaccines LOL. The GOP is a catastrophe....just like 1929...
Only a Democrat would think that more regulation is a catalyst for improving the performance of anything. Maybe there is a market among dim-witted Democrats for “performance” tuning their cars. We will regulated and restrict your Ferrari in every way possible but we promise it will perform better. ;)
Thanks for the depressions and recessions in 1929 1989 2008 and 2020..
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