When was America Great?

Regulatoin is what's corrupt, asshole.
That would be giveaway to the rich insider GOP regulations.... We are the richest country in the world and the only one in the modern world that doesn't tax the rich and have health care for all cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations daycare paid parental leave. You are suckers
Regulatoin is what's corrupt, asshole.
yes yes
The annual festival of Xipe Totec was celebrated on the spring equinox before the onset of the rainy season; it was known as Tlacaxipehualiztli ([t͡ɬakaʃipewaˈlist͡ɬi]; lit. "flaying of men").[33] This festival took place in March at the time of the Spanish Conquest.[34] Forty days before the festival of Xipe Totec, a slave who was captured at war was dressed to represent the living god who was honored during this period. This occurred in every ward of the city, which resulted in multiple slaves being selected.[35] The central ritual act of "Tlacaxipehualiztli" was the gladiatorial sacrifice of war prisoners, which both began and culminated the festival.[36] On the next day of the festival, the game of canes was performed in the manner of two bands. The first band were those who took the part of Xipe Totec and went dressed in the skins of the war prisoners who were killed the previous day, so the fresh blood was still flowing. The opposing band was composed of daring soldiers who were brave and fearless, and who took part in the combat with the others. After the conclusion of this game, those who wore the human skins went around throughout the whole town, entering houses and demanding that those in the houses give them some alms or gifts for the love of Xipe Totec. While in the houses, they sat down on sheaves of tzapote leaves and put on necklaces which were made of ears of corn and flowers. They had them put on garlands and give them pulque to drink, which was their wine.[37] Annually, slaves or captives were selected as sacrifices to Xipe Totec.[38] After having the heart cut out, the body was carefully flayed to produce a nearly whole skin which was then worn by the priests for twenty days during the fertility rituals that followed the sacrifice.[38] This act of putting on new skin was a ceremony called 'Neteotquiliztli' translating to "impersonation of a god".[39] The skins were often adorned with bright feathers and gold jewellery when worn.[40] During the festival, victorious warriors wearing flayed skins carried out mock skirmishes throughout Tenochtitlan, they passed through the city begging alms and blessed whoever gave them food or other offerings.[10] When the twenty-day festival was over, the flayed skins were removed and stored in special containers with tight-fitting lids designed to stop the stench of putrefaction from escaping. These containers were then stored in a chamber beneath the temple.[41]
in Mexico, not Native Americans...
That would be giveaway to the rich insider GOP regulations.... We are the richest country in the world and the only one in the modern world that doesn't tax the rich and have health care for all cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations daycare paid parental leave. You are suckers
The rich pay 90% of all taxes, shit for brains.

We also don't pay 60% of our income to the government.
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BULLSHIT. Once abortion became legal women a lot of women stopped being careful about who they had sex with. Quality of character in a man did not count for anything anymore. I knew women that didn't care if they got pregnant or who they got pregnant by - because they knew they could just get a abortion. All that mattered to them was an orgasm.

That was in the late 1970s & early 1980s. I hope that young women nowadays have changed.
And you imagine women were somehow significantly different before Roe because? They're actually a lot like men, you know.
The rich pay 90% of all taxes, shit for brain.

We also don't pay 60% of our income to the government.
Then they make 90% of the income, Super Duper we have a flat tax system and the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty anywhere in the modern world by far ever. Great job, that's forty years of G O P giveaway to the rich tax rates still going on....
Republicans all want to suck Jane Fonda's toes now, and parrot her 'anti-war' bullshit, so MAGA isn't a GOP thing any more; raising taxes on the poor and increasing the deficits with massive corporate welfare is what they're into now. Same as the Democrats.
Republicans all want to suck Jane Fonda's toes now, and parrot her 'anti-war' bullshit, so MAGA isn't a GOP thing any more; raising taxes on the poor and increasing the deficits with massive corporate welfare is what they're into now. Same as the Democrats.
No, not the same as the Democrats. Republicans are bought and paid for by corporations and garbage propaganda media OMG and the greedy idiot rich....
No, not the same as the Democrats. Republicans are bought and paid for by corporations and garbage propaganda media OMG and the greedy idiot rich....

lol and you hope to sell the fiction that your Democrats aren't being bribed, and by foreign govts. at that, eh? Good luck with that; you will have to move to another planet. Biden's bill was the biggest corporate welfare bill in American history.
Don't really care what you believe.
Wiki is not a reliable source.
I know the history of my people because I've studied the actual history of my people for decades.

Then you know your ancestors were mass murdering homocidal maniacs and slavers and tortured people for fun.
America Was great under LBJ except for the darn war OMG. Cheap college Living wage.
And he blew our wad and set the fiat currency to eventual self-destruction. The deficits started a few years later along with the arrival of feminism, affirmative action, diversity and quotas.

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