When was the last time you saw any discussion about $29,921,087,613,024,000?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A)The average nuclear power plant costs according to The MIT Future of Nuclear Study in 2003, to build is about $2,000/kW, not including financing costs.
source: https://www.synapse-energy.com/site....Nuclear-Plant-Construction-Costs.A0022_0.pdf
B) How many kWh be used for EVs and to replace fossil fuel power plants???
1) If 90% all cars are EVs according to Scientific American(SA) (they never mentioned EV trucks though)at the average EV car getting .25 kWh per hour,
the average miles driven per car in the USA is 14,263. Total EV cars in USA would use an additional 11,717,339,760,000 kWh per year.
2) Taking in account trucks, assuming 90% of 37.9 million trucks average 84,433 miles/year and use 4.3 kWh/mile.. total EV trucks would use 744,186,046,512 kWh.
3) Total kWh used strictly EV cars/trucks or 12,461,525,806,512 kWh.
Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals
C) Today the 11,070 USA power plants generate 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
D) Assuming an additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh is needed for EVs at cost to construct of $2,000/kW,
1) total new nuclear power plants costs: $24,923,051,613,024,000 --- $24.9 quadrillion. BUT... Biden has guaranteed..
a) "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
b) If Biden guarantee to rid "fossil fuels"means 60% fossil fuels electricity generating plants or 6,642 will also have to be built. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) id=104&t=3#:~:text=If%20the%20reactor%20generated%20that,every%20day%20of%20the%20year.
c) In summary, if 60% of 4,165,030,000,000 kWh generated per year in USA comes from fossil fuels or 2,499,018,000,000 kWh at the cost of $2,000/kh a total of
$4,998,036,000,000,000 ($4.9 Quadrillion) for a total of $29,921,087,613,024,000 (29.9 Quadrillion)

So why hasn't ANYONE asked the simple question... Where will the additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh come from?
And please you dummies.. don't say Biden wants to build 500,000 recharging stations!
Where do the recharging stations get the electricity to re-charge the EVs?
Four ways:

2] Reduce passenger vehicles by 90% (including EVs) ...
3] Reduce passenger airline travel by 90% ...
4] Reduce meat consumption by 90% ...

Why are you low-balling the cost of nuclear power? ... these power plants you're pricing are UNSAFE ... we can't be building these cheap-assed things ... I know water's cheap but it's useless as a nuclear power plant coolant ... have we not learned that lesson yet (Windscale, TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima) ...

Breeder reactors with salt coolant will be quite a bit more expensive ... have we even gotten a thorium plant running yet? ...
A)The average nuclear power plant costs according to The MIT Future of Nuclear Study in 2003, to build is about $2,000/kW, not including financing costs.
source: https://www.synapse-energy.com/site....Nuclear-Plant-Construction-Costs.A0022_0.pdf
B) How many kWh be used for EVs and to replace fossil fuel power plants???
1) If 90% all cars are EVs according to Scientific American(SA) (they never mentioned EV trucks though)at the average EV car getting .25 kWh per hour,
the average miles driven per car in the USA is 14,263. Total EV cars in USA would use an additional 11,717,339,760,000 kWh per year.
2) Taking in account trucks, assuming 90% of 37.9 million trucks average 84,433 miles/year and use 4.3 kWh/mile.. total EV trucks would use 744,186,046,512 kWh.
3) Total kWh used strictly EV cars/trucks or 12,461,525,806,512 kWh.
Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals
C) Today the 11,070 USA power plants generate 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
D) Assuming an additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh is needed for EVs at cost to construct of $2,000/kW,
1) total new nuclear power plants costs: $24,923,051,613,024,000 --- $24.9 quadrillion. BUT... Biden has guaranteed..
a) "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
b) If Biden guarantee to rid "fossil fuels"means 60% fossil fuels electricity generating plants or 6,642 will also have to be built. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) id=104&t=3#:~:text=If%20the%20reactor%20generated%20that,every%20day%20of%20the%20year.
c) In summary, if 60% of 4,165,030,000,000 kWh generated per year in USA comes from fossil fuels or 2,499,018,000,000 kWh at the cost of $2,000/kh a total of
$4,998,036,000,000,000 ($4.9 Quadrillion) for a total of $29,921,087,613,024,000 (29.9 Quadrillion)

So why hasn't ANYONE asked the simple question... Where will the additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh come from?
And please you dummies.. don't say Biden wants to build 500,000 recharging stations!
Where do the recharging stations get the electricity to re-charge the EVs?

The Left has no interest in trying to replace the energy demands for society, rather, they will simply tell you to make due.

You will either need to move to the city and be dependent on public transportation and live in row houses akin to Jewish ghettoes and be happy, or you will die.
The Left has no interest in trying to replace the energy demands for society, rather, they will simply tell you to make due.

You will either need to move to the city and be dependent on public transportation and live in row houses akin to Jewish ghettoes and be happy, or you will die.

All the renewable energy we're adding isn't closing fossil fuel power plants ... we're just using more energy ...

Half of us already live in cities ... and depend on burning fossil fuels to truck our food to us ... 4 billion mouths, two meals a day ... every day ...

... and growing ...
Four ways:

2] Reduce passenger vehicles by 90% (including EVs) ...
3] Reduce passenger airline travel by 90% ...
4] Reduce meat consumption by 90% ...

Why are you low-balling the cost of nuclear power? ... these power plants you're pricing are UNSAFE ... we can't be building these cheap-assed things ... I know water's cheap but it's useless as a nuclear power plant coolant ... have we not learned that lesson yet (Windscale, TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima) ...

Breeder reactors with salt coolant will be quite a bit more expensive ... have we even gotten a thorium plant running yet? ...
OK reduce Passenger vehicles... right???
Let's see.. reduce the average mileage from 14,263 to 10% or 1,4263 X 182,560,000 cars or 260,365,328,000 miles or 65,096,322,000
That still leaves EV trucks that can't use airlines, trains to ship their local goods.. and average Truck travels 100,000 miles and will use 7,352,100,000,000 kWh!
That is still more than nearly 2 times the current electricity generated ( 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.) just Truck EVs.
Regardless of the electric generating systems, ($ 5 trillion for 22,710,140,575 solar panels.. or $83 Trillion for 791,129 Wind Turbines
All figures that HAVEN'T been considered and what ever efforts to reduce transportation costs, the reality is Trillions to Quadrillions of $$ will be needed.
That is my point. Please show where any of the alternatives to electricity generation will be less than what I've calculated?


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We hear the same old shit from you about every two weeks it's spamulicious.
The comments I put up are for smarter people than you obviously because you don't see any differences!
But your comments each time truly shows your ignorance and just plain inability to comprehend the issues. Where will 30 Quadrillion $$s come from to meet the
EVs nearly double our current electricity generation? Oh wait you think adding "re-chargers" is the solution! Right!!!!
We hear the same old shit from you about every two weeks it's spamulicious.
Electric is being forced on us so the Progressives can take credit for it. It most likely would be more viable a decade or so after their mandates.
Stop using electricity ... grow your own damn food and ride a bicycle to work ... go to sleep at sunset, get up at sunrise ... stop living where it snows ...
Oh going off the grid means NO MORE Internet! Well good riddance to ignorance!
A)The average nuclear power plant costs according to The MIT Future of Nuclear Study in 2003, to build is about $2,000/kW, not including financing costs.
source: https://www.synapse-energy.com/site....Nuclear-Plant-Construction-Costs.A0022_0.pdf
B) How many kWh be used for EVs and to replace fossil fuel power plants???
1) If 90% all cars are EVs according to Scientific American(SA) (they never mentioned EV trucks though)at the average EV car getting .25 kWh per hour,
the average miles driven per car in the USA is 14,263. Total EV cars in USA would use an additional 11,717,339,760,000 kWh per year.
2) Taking in account trucks, assuming 90% of 37.9 million trucks average 84,433 miles/year and use 4.3 kWh/mile.. total EV trucks would use 744,186,046,512 kWh.
3) Total kWh used strictly EV cars/trucks or 12,461,525,806,512 kWh.
Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals
C) Today the 11,070 USA power plants generate 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
D) Assuming an additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh is needed for EVs at cost to construct of $2,000/kW,
1) total new nuclear power plants costs: $24,923,051,613,024,000 --- $24.9 quadrillion. BUT... Biden has guaranteed..
a) "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
b) If Biden guarantee to rid "fossil fuels"means 60% fossil fuels electricity generating plants or 6,642 will also have to be built. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) id=104&t=3#:~:text=If%20the%20reactor%20generated%20that,every%20day%20of%20the%20year.
c) In summary, if 60% of 4,165,030,000,000 kWh generated per year in USA comes from fossil fuels or 2,499,018,000,000 kWh at the cost of $2,000/kh a total of
$4,998,036,000,000,000 ($4.9 Quadrillion) for a total of $29,921,087,613,024,000 (29.9 Quadrillion)

So why hasn't ANYONE asked the simple question... Where will the additional 12,461,525,806,512 kWh come from?
And please you dummies.. don't say Biden wants to build 500,000 recharging stations!
Where do the recharging stations get the electricity to re-charge the EVs?

Are you assuming that all EVs will be charging at the same time?

That said, never underestimate American ingenuity. Not sure how they do it in Russia, perhaps they just give up, but in America we excel at solving problems and we don't give up.

Here is one of several ideas already in the works.

"Here's how it works: You arrive home with your EV's battery still at 70% capacity. You plug it in, but it doesn't start charging immediately due to high demand on the grid. Instead, power flows from your car to power your house and those around it until demand slackens. Then the power flow is reversed, and your EV charges fully overnight.

It's called vehicle-to-grid, or V2G technology, and it's a critical component of grid capacity planning."
Four ways:

2] Reduce passenger vehicles by 90% (including EVs) ...
3] Reduce passenger airline travel by 90% ...
4] Reduce meat consumption by 90% ...

Why are you low-balling the cost of nuclear power? ... these power plants you're pricing are UNSAFE ... we can't be building these cheap-assed things ... I know water's cheap but it's useless as a nuclear power plant coolant ... have we not learned that lesson yet (Windscale, TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima) ...

Breeder reactors with salt coolant will be quite a bit more expensive ... have we even gotten a thorium plant running yet? ...

Thorium salt reactors are cheaper than water cooled ones because they do not have the high pressure steam problems. They shut down automatically, so do not need all the moveable damping rods.
Are you assuming that all EVs will be charging at the same time?

That said, never underestimate American ingenuity. Not sure how they do it in Russia, perhaps they just give up, but in America we excel at solving problems and we don't give up.

Here is one of several ideas already in the works.

"Here's how it works: You arrive home with your EV's battery still at 70% capacity. You plug it in, but it doesn't start charging immediately due to high demand on the grid. Instead, power flows from your car to power your house and those around it until demand slackens. Then the power flow is reversed, and your EV charges fully overnight.

It's called vehicle-to-grid, or V2G technology, and it's a critical component of grid capacity planning."

The reality is that batteries will be less than 50% charged, due to inefficiency, temperature, wipers, fans, etc.
Trying to drain batteries to repower the grid is extremely inefficient. At least 30% of the energy is converted to waste heat.
If your point is that the car battery charging can simply be delayed until the early morning lull, that can allow for existing infrastructure to be able to handle the load, but it will still pollute as much as ICE engines, and much more than hydrogen or bio fuel engines.
Thorium salt reactors are cheaper than water cooled ones because they do not have the high pressure steam problems. They shut down automatically, so do not need all the moveable damping rods.

No salt reactor has the problem with pressurized steam ... they use sodium as a coolant ... I don't know about shutting down automatically, but the sodium doesn't flash into steam ... like water does ... that was one of the main problems with TMI, Chernobyl and Fukushima ... and of course, using oxygen to cool things in moronic, Windscale was a disaster from the beginning ...
The problems of EVs have never been over come.
Batteries are still very inefficient, heavy, expensive, and short lived.

The solution is instead something like hydrogen, bio fuel, or a far more compact and light means of energy storage.
Not batteries.
These other alternatives also allow for conversion of existing ICE vehicles.

And mass transit likely is even better than all the other choices.

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