Zone1 When Will Black People Get Over The Past?

He’s so deranged that he is a Jew who defends Israel on the Israel forum - and then votes for the Anti-Israel Democrat Party, and the liberals who set up “No Jew Zones” at leftist Berkeley.
Yep. I see it every day. They're brainwashed.
He’s so deranged that he is a Jew who defends Israel on the Israel forum - and then votes for the Anti-Israel Democrat Party, and the liberals who set up “No Jew Zones” at leftist Berkeley.
Give him a quarter and tell him to call sombody who cares
And stop treating us (white people) like it's our fault for the way that their ancestors were treated?

When will whites stop listening to black idiots who say what they want to hear?

There is unfixed damages caused by the past and there are whites who have the same attitudes of the past.

Like you.
When whites stop talking about the Revolutionary War and the founding fathers.
How about the way you (White people) continue to treat black people in the present?

Why can't White People just stop taking away black people's rights whenever Blacks get any rights at all?
What an incredible crock of shit. You should be embarrassed to have written such a stinking pile of lies.

Blacks have been given an unbelievable amount of special treatment in this country. GIVEN to them by WHITE PEOPLE.

Standards have been lowered across the board in order to help blacks.

College entrance requirements, employment qualifications - lowered, college tuition paid, rent paid. Shit, if a black has a fucking pulse colleges and employers are FORCED, by law, to give them special treatment. And STILL, they can't cut the mustard.

Blacks may begin to succeed when people stop making excuses for their failures And disgusting behavior.

Or, blacks may simply be incapable of assimilation into ANY advanced society, or of attaining success therein..

Until then quit the fucking whining and excuse making.
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What an incredible crock of shit. You should be embarrassed to have written such a stinking pile of lies.

Blacks have been given an unbelievable amount of special treatment in this country. GIVEN to them by WHITE PEOPLE.

Standards have been lowered across the board in order to help blacks.

College entrance requirements, employment qualifications - lowered, college tuition paid, rent paid. Shit, if a black has a fucking pulse colleges and employers are FORCED, by law, to give them special treatment. And STILL, they can't cut the mustard.

Blacks may begin to succeed when people stop making excuses for their failures And disgusting behavior.

Or, blacks may simply be incapable of assimilation into ANY advanced society, or of attaining success therein..

Until then quit the fucking whining and excuse making.
Annd here we see a white man saying what white men said in 1823.
What an incredible crock of shit. You should be embarrassed to have written such a stinking pile of lies.

Blacks have been given an unbelievable amount of special treatment in this country. GIVEN to them by WHITE PEOPLE.

Standards have been lowered across the board in order to help blacks.

College entrance requirements, employment qualifications - lowered, college tuition paid, rent paid. Shit, if a black has a fucking pulse colleges and employers are FORCED, by law, to give them special treatment. And STILL, they can't cut the mustard.

Blacks may begin to succeed when people stop making excuses for their failures And disgusting behavior.

Or, blacks may simply be incapable of assimilation into ANY advanced society, or of attaining success therein..

Until then quit the fucking whining and excuse making.
He wrote the truth. The only people who have got special rights have been whites. Specifically white men.

Like you.
Hey Lisa, do you still wonder why some blacks might not like Jews?

Read your posts.
I’ve said nothing wrong about blacks, other than suggest that the follow the path that Jews have taken despite unspeakable bigotry - concentrate on education and don’t have children out of wedlock. it is the BEST advice you‘ll ever get.

The fact that blacks, such as you, are more antisemitic than whites is simply due to their anger that a persecuted minority can rise above it and become so successful.
What an incredible crock of shit. You should be embarrassed to have written such a stinking pile of lies.

Blacks have been given an unbelievable amount of special treatment in this country. GIVEN to them by WHITE PEOPLE.

Standards have been lowered across the board in order to help blacks.

College entrance requirements, employment qualifications - lowered, college tuition paid, rent paid. Shit, if a black has a fucking pulse colleges and employers are FORCED, by law, to give them special treatment. And STILL, they can't cut the mustard.

Blacks may begin to succeed when people stop making excuses for their failures And disgusting behavior.

Or, blacks may simply be incapable of assimilation into ANY advanced society, or of attaining success therein..

Until then quit the fucking whining and excuse making.
True. And if you want another example of special arrangements designed to accommodate blacks, consider this very sub-forum. It was set up, and as a Zone 1 thread, to allow IM2 to spew his hatred while those of us on the receiving end have to moderate our responses so as not to violate the terms.
Bed wetters want history to spin a bullshit tale that ONLY BLACKS were ever enslaved and that it was only at the hands of white Americans.

The fact is slavery has been prevalent since the dawn of time, and the fact is there are currently more slaves from all over the world, working in bondage all over the world than there may have ever been before.

Rather than address it and attempt to end it, bed wetters exploit a false history narrative to maintain a state of division, and promote racial hostility. Democrooks profit on this, and will never allow the wounds to heal because they're sick, malignant fucks that ought to be forced into labor camps themselves.
How about the way you (White people) continue to treat black people in the present?

Why can't White People just stop taking away black people's rights whenever Blacks get any rights at all?
"Money answereth everything".
The key to black 'rights' is black economic power. Save and invest to build black capital and the whole world will change for you.
Didn't Jews support ending segregation in America? One would assume that Blacks should be more courteous to the Jewish people. Instead, they come to my state and commit domestic terrorism against them.

Too many Black people hating other minorities because they're jealous.
Didn't Jews support ending segregation in America? One would assume that Blacks should be more courteous to the Jewish people. Instead, they come to my state and commit domestic terrorism against them.

You would think so. Jews marched alongside blacks during the Civil Rights movement, risking their lives. Jews were often the only people willing to rent apartments to them (like my grandparents did) or give them a job.

This is the thanks we get. As I’ve said before, I think they’re angry (and jealous) that a tiny little persecuted minority could, with their positive traits, rise above bigotry and become successful. Jews show that bigotry does NOT explain failure, and for that we are hated.

[You’re a great poster.]

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