When will California politicians do something about their poverty epidemic? 20.6% live in filth

Housing prices and rent prices are ludicrous. Flat out ludicrous. And if the house doesn't sell, its a tax write off. Meanwhile..the rich stay rich with hovels as homes they own and try to push off on someone not very smart and the poor stay poor and live in tents or their cars.
The Dems of the People's Socialist Democratic Republik of Kalipornia will keep the Po' White and Blacks and the little Brown Folk on the dole as long as they can.

Keep 'em suckin' on the State Teat and stay in power.
What’s mind blowing is; despite the level of poverty and filth in Mexifornia there seems to be no push by politicians to make any attempt at cleaning up the place and or attracting good quality people. It’s like they gave up, as if they know that no one decent will find their shithole attractive. It’s just plain bizarre.
Do politicians in all poverty stricken states bust their asses jumping through fiery hoops to continue recruiting federal criminals and the lowest grade humans they can find? Seems a bit counterproductive to an already filth infested state...no?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
What do you propose they do?

I’d start by identifying the root, the source, the catalyst to the problem.
The blind, deaf and retarded know exactly what that is....You and I both know the Mexicratic politicians running the shithole won’t dare do that and won’t dare admit what the root issue actually is. Doing so ruins their stronghold on the shithole.
So elaborate on that? What do you think the cause is? Sanctuary cities? Poor border security? Illegal immigrant population? Give us the cause and effect and then your proposed solutions... calling out a problem is not a solution, so dig deeper

We’ve been down this road before, you and I...no?
You can’t grasp the reality of the situation...am I remembering it all right?
That depends on what you think the reality is, which is what I’m asking for specifics about.
We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
What do you propose they do?

I’d start by identifying the root, the source, the catalyst to the problem.
The blind, deaf and retarded know exactly what that is....You and I both know the Mexicratic politicians running the shithole won’t dare do that and won’t dare admit what the root issue actually is. Doing so ruins their stronghold on the shithole.
So elaborate on that? What do you think the cause is? Sanctuary cities? Poor border security? Illegal immigrant population? Give us the cause and effect and then your proposed solutions... calling out a problem is not a solution, so dig deeper

No offense bud...but it’s hard to spend time exchanging meaningful dialogue with someone who refuses to accept truth, facts, statistics and the like. Hope you understand.
You haven’t presented any truth or facts in our conversation. You’ve wasted 5 posts now responding with empty banter instead of substance. I accept truth, facts and reasonable arguments. If you ever get around to presenting any then perhaps we can have a conversation. But it appears that you’re not interested in engaging.
More misinformation from the right .

The poverty level is about average in the US. It’s when you use that “supplemental “ version where the number is screwy . The article says that takes into account “cost of housing “ in that standard. Which causes a spike for Cali because housing is expensive because the state is SUCCESSFUL!

Hold on a minute..,are you suggesting that cost of living shouldn’t include housing expense?
When you figure your expense budget do you exclude your housing cost?
Back to the drawing board....Try again Timmy.

Im saying it’s not a true reflection of poverty. Just because you can’t afford a 1/2 million dollar house in Frisco doesn’t make you poor.

Here’s your list of poor states. All red accept New Mexico .

Quote) if one could find a house in San Francisco for 1/2 a million dollars you could re sell it and become a millionaire your self. that said, housing is the major reason for poverty in California. people want to live there, otherwise property would not be so high. true also average working people every where are less able to afford rent as wages stay stagnant & costs continue to rise.

Yes it’s pricey . Doesn’t mean people are “living in filth” like the op would have you believe .

The poorest states are mostly red states . That’s the fact . Unless you invent targeted stats to paint a fake picture of Cali.

I posted this earlier . Top 10 poorest states are red states, cept for New Mexico .


Haha...Timmy, you’re working your ass off to defend your LefTard utopia...that’s cute.
Your source is an editorial from a LefTard publication while my source is straight from the Census Bureau...good luck selling your bullshit as having more credibility.
Also, consider this....my numbers DO NOT include the illegal alien population of 5-10 million, ALL living in poverty. Mexifornia’s recorded population is 39 million so we can easily add another 10% to that 20.6% figure published by the census bureau...That would bring the REAL poverty level in Mexifornia to over 30%.....FUCKING WOW!

SPM Poverty Rate Much Higher in California Than in Rest of U.S. Today, the Census Bureau released poverty rates based on data from 2013 through 2015. Over this period, California’s OPM poverty rate was similar to the rest of the country. However, consistent with previous releases of Census Bureau data, California’s SPM poverty rate—at 20.6 percent—was much higher than in the rest of the U.S. This difference can primarily be attributed to the state’s higher housing costs. This rate is equivalent to about 8 million Californians being considered poor.
50. West Virginia
West Virginia’s unemployment rate of 4.5% in May was only slightly higher than the national jobless rate of 4.3% and exceptionally low compared to a number of other states on the low end of this list. However, the state has the worst job growth rate in the nation, with the number of jobs actually shrinking by 0.5% on average each year over the five years through 2016. Fewer than 20% of adults in West Virginia have a bachelor’s degree, the lowest percentage of all states. College-level education in a population is widely considered a key element of economic health.
West Virginia is one of the states that is entirely inside the poverty stricken region known as Appalachia.

We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
California is just one state.

Appalachia covers 13 Republican states.

Appalachian Poverty - Appalachian Poverty Project

Pictured: The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity

The White Ghetto

It's really quite sad. Republicans point to successful Democratic states and scream "foul".

But the truth is the Republican base is suffering. Their leaders only want them for their votes. As long ad they vote white, they feel they've won.

Evidently success is a subjective term.
The entire population of California is 38 or 39 million. The entire population of Appalachia is around 26 million.

So the poverty rate in both areas is about 20%.

It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.Aug 7, 2017

Think I would rather live in California.

Besides, California is just one state. Appalachia covers 13 states.
What’s mind blowing is; despite the level of poverty and filth in Mexifornia there seems to be no push by politicians to make any attempt at cleaning up the place and or attracting good quality people. It’s like they gave up, as if they know that no one decent will find their shithole attractive. It’s just plain bizarre.
Do politicians in all poverty stricken states bust their asses jumping through fiery hoops to continue recruiting federal criminals and the lowest grade humans they can find? Seems a bit counterproductive to an already filth infested state...no?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

How are you going to buy a 1/2 million dollar house on $15 dollars an hour?
We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
California is just one state.

Appalachia covers 13 Republican states.

Appalachian Poverty - Appalachian Poverty Project

Pictured: The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity

The White Ghetto

It's really quite sad. Republicans point to successful Democratic states and scream "foul".

But the truth is the Republican base is suffering. Their leaders only want them for their votes. As long ad they vote white, they feel they've won.

Evidently success is a subjective term.
The entire population of California is 38 or 39 million. The entire population of Appalachia is around 26 million.

So the poverty rate in both areas is about 20%.

It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.Aug 7, 2017

Think I would rather live in California.

Besides, California is just one state. Appalachia covers 13 states.

Your links lie...and the year is 2018, not 2014
Even if these 5 million poor people can't make it to their precincts.someone will make sure all 5 million ballots get filled out
We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
California is just one state.

Appalachia covers 13 Republican states.

Appalachian Poverty - Appalachian Poverty Project

Pictured: The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity

The White Ghetto

It's really quite sad. Republicans point to successful Democratic states and scream "foul".

But the truth is the Republican base is suffering. Their leaders only want them for their votes. As long ad they vote white, they feel they've won.

Evidently success is a subjective term.
The entire population of California is 38 or 39 million. The entire population of Appalachia is around 26 million.

So the poverty rate in both areas is about 20%.

It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.Aug 7, 2017

Think I would rather live in California.

Besides, California is just one state. Appalachia covers 13 states.

I may be wrong...I’m going back a ways in my studies...aren’t six of the thirteen states blues states and doesn’t New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio make up the populous of Appalachians?
What’s mind blowing is; despite the level of poverty and filth in Mexifornia there seems to be no push by politicians to make any attempt at cleaning up the place and or attracting good quality people. It’s like they gave up, as if they know that no one decent will find their shithole attractive. It’s just plain bizarre.
Do politicians in all poverty stricken states bust their asses jumping through fiery hoops to continue recruiting federal criminals and the lowest grade humans they can find? Seems a bit counterproductive to an already filth infested state...no?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

How are you going to buy a 1/2 million dollar house on $15 dollars an hour?
We hear CA politicians circle-talk about improving infrastructure, healthcare and education but we almost never hear them talk about their nation leading poverty level and or their nation leading homelessness. Has California become comfortable in their filth? Have they conceded to becoming a thirdworld society? Even the “citizens” don’t say much about it or seem to mind living in plight. What kind of people do you have, what kind of place do you have when “citizens” are complacent and accepting of living like human cockroaches?

Poverty in California: Recently Released Census Data
California is just one state.

Appalachia covers 13 Republican states.

Appalachian Poverty - Appalachian Poverty Project

Pictured: The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity

The White Ghetto

It's really quite sad. Republicans point to successful Democratic states and scream "foul".

But the truth is the Republican base is suffering. Their leaders only want them for their votes. As long ad they vote white, they feel they've won.

Evidently success is a subjective term.
The entire population of California is 38 or 39 million. The entire population of Appalachia is around 26 million.

So the poverty rate in both areas is about 20%.

It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.Aug 7, 2017

Think I would rather live in California.

Besides, California is just one state. Appalachia covers 13 states.

Good for you, make sure you bring a tent.

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