When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2012
byNews CorpseFollowforMedia Watch
Conservatives have tenaciously sunk their fangs into the juicy scandal that is engulfing NBC News anchor Brian Williams. The fact that he has admitted (and apologized for) some false statements he made several years ago regarding his experiences covering the war in Iraq is troubling and particularly so for people who make their living on their reputation for honesty.

However, the degree to which the right has gone overboard with their overt hostility is a spectacle that is worth watching for the sheer entertainment value. Although it's not as if they wouldn't be showering their hatred on Williams and the rest of the so-called "lamestream"media even if their weren't some budding scandal. For its part, Fox News has been exhibiting a Benghazi-like obsession with their relentless coverage of the story.

What's missing from all of this is any sense of perspective or context. Has Fox given equal time to the false assertions by their own Geraldo Rivera who excused his lies as being the fault of the "fog of war?" Of course not. Neither do they make a distinction between the lies advanced by mis-remembering a distant event in the past in order to enhance one's own personal image, and the lies perpetrated deliberately by national leaders (i.e. George Bush, Dick Cheney, etc.) that resulted in the violent deaths of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent, non-combatant Iraqis.

Nearly every discussion about Williams in the Conservative Media Circus includes outright demands for his termination. Never mind that the false statements made over a decade ago were not made during a newscast or presented as part of his duties as a journalist. The wingnut brigade wants Williams fired for having said some things on David Letterman's late-night comedy program.

Well, if that's the standard they are embracing, then let them apply it to Bill O'Reilly as well. Back in 2006, O'Reilly took an extended book promotion tour to Kuwait where he visited with soldiers and signed copies of his book. Reports at the time described how"servicemembers asked O'Reilly about his own tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm."That might have been an interesting story except for the fact that O'Reilly never did a tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm, or anywhere else since he never served in the military at all.

More recently, O'Reilly told his radio listeners about how he would have coaxed information out of an enemy soldier based on his personal experiences in combat (video below):

"I tell you what, I've been in combat. I've seen it. I've been close to it. And if my unit is in danger and I got a captured guy and the guy knows where the enemy is and I'm looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That's all I'm gonna tell you. If it's life or death, he's going first."As noted above, and contrary to his statement, O'Reilly has never been in combat. Consequently, he has never commanded a unit or had to contemplate how he would deal with an enemy prisoner. His pretend bluster and machismo is all just a bunch of fantasizing of himself as a hero. So how is that any different than the offenses for which Williams is being pilloried?
There are, however, some very real differences between Williams and O'Reilly. Williams has been found to be less than truthful on this one occasion. O'Reilly has lied repeatedly over his career at Fox News with plenty of documentation to prove it. What's more O'Reilly has demonstrated himself to be an arrogant, rude, bully who shoves his usually inane opinion down the throats of his guests and his viewers. That's something that cannot be attributed to Williams.

So if anyone should lose their job over any of this, it would be most advantageous to the television viewing audience, and to society in general, if it is O'Reilly. But don't count of Fox News to do the right thing. It would be against everything they hold dear.
Is Bill O'Reilly the news anchor for FOX? No. He's just a political commentator.

Brian Williams is the anchor AND the managing editor of NBC Nightly News. It's a big deal.

O'Reilly is just a pundit.
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One: Someone posted this the other day.

Two: It's in the wrong forum.

Three: People still watch O'Reilly?
he was just reilly for awhile

don't know when the O came along....

oprah... obama...orion...
Where in his comments did Bill-o say he Served?

And I'm sure Fox thanks you for your viewership
BIG FUCKING DEAL..... So Lying to the public multiple times as the NEWS ANCHOR, won't get you fired, but will get you a 6 month SUPPOSEDLY UNPAID vacation!

Brian Williams Suspended From NBC News for Six Months ...
Variety13 minutes ago
Feb 10, 2015 · We have decided today to suspend Brian Williams as Managing Editor and Anchor of NBC Nightly News for six months. The suspension will be without pay …
I would not be too quick to claim that O'Reilly has never seen combat. He's never served in the military, but, given his extensive journalistic experience, he may have seen combat up-close and in person.
Back in 2006, O'Reilly took an extended book promotion tour to Kuwait where he visited with soldiers and signed copies of his book. Reports at the time described how"servicemembers asked O'Reilly about his own tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm."That might have been an interesting story except for the fact that O'Reilly never did a tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm, or anywhere else since he never served in the military at all.
So it's O'Reilly's fault the soldiers asked him the wrong questions?

You people really have nothing left, do you.
Pfffffffffffffffffft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The OP did some very selective editing.

I knew something was up when I couldn't even find anything about this at Wikipedia under "controversy".


Here's the whole conversation with Roger from the Radio Factor. O'Reilly states that he has not served in the military but that he has seen combat.

  • 'll tell you what. I've been in combat. I've seen it, I've been close to it... and if my unit is in danger, and I've got a captured guy, and the guy knows where the enemy is, and I'm looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That's all I'm gonna tell you. The guy better tell me. If it's life or death, he's going first.
  • Roger from Portland
    You just said you've been in combat, but you've never been in the military, have you?

    Bill O'Reilly
    No, I have not.

    Roger from Portland
    Then why do you say you've been in combat?

    Bill O'Reilly
    Why do I say that, Roger? Because I was in the middle of a couple of firefights in South and Central America.

    Roger from Portland
    But you were a media guy.

    Bill O'Reilly
    Yeah. A media guy with a pen, not a gun. And people were shooting at me, Roger.
    Bill O Reilly commentator - Wikiquote
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Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.
Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.

TD just beat your ass royally with THE TRUTH, and yet you, delusional scumbag, still rants...NOTHING about the IMPORTANT person that would matter Hillary? Your HYPOCRISY is recognized, and you are laughed at, as usual!
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Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.
Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.

O'Reilly is a political commentator and I have scoured the net and all I can come up with is the exchange on his radio program with a man called Roger where he states absolutely positively that he was never in the military.

On the other hand Brian Williams has been a respected and trusted news anchor and editor for NBC Nightly News. I have no use for the left wing loons at the networks but hey some of the public still believes in them.

Not many but some. Credibility is crucial to his position in the network.

And it's just been blown all to rat shit.
Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.

TD just beat your ass royally with THE TRUTH, and yet you, delusional scumbag, still rants...NOTHING about the IMPORTANT person that would matter Hillary? Your HYPOCRISY is recognized, and you are laughed at, as usual!

You know what I love the best about all this shit hitting the fan?

Is witnessing liberals falling all over themselves to come up with new words for lying.

I love love love "misremembered". I hadn't heard that one before.

Fox News has no integrity whatsoever. They are a business first, a rightwing propaganda machine second and a quasi news source...last. They are too much if scumbags to lose a cash cow like O'Reilly.

TD just beat your ass royally with THE TRUTH, and yet you, delusional scumbag, still rants...NOTHING about the IMPORTANT person that would matter Hillary? Your HYPOCRISY is recognized, and you are laughed at, as usual!

You know what I love the best about all this shit hitting the fan?

Is witnessing liberals falling all over themselves to come up with new words for lying.

I love love love "misremembered". I hadn't heard that one before.


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