When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

It is rather recessions that make Presidents than the other way around.
When conservatives stop demanding liberal policies??View attachment 353540

When you stop lying about how socialized everything is. Remember when Obama warned that if the government didn't borrow money, Social Security was going to be cut? That was one of the very few times Obama told the truth, and who started screaming? Left-wingers saying that Social Security had a huge 'trust fund', which doesn't exist.

You guys have lied so much, that even your own idiotic supporters believe your lies.

We need to reform and reduce both Social Security and Medicare, or we'll end up with a crash like Greece. You need to accept that.
Name the last Democratic President who crashed the economy? - Answer: No Democratic has ever crashed the economy.

Name the President and the Party who restored the economy after the first 3 Republicans crashed it.

I wouldn't get too cocky on the corona virus numbers. Florida is about to make New York look like a walk in the park.

Pretending that the Republicans aren't running a police state isn't going over well with the American public.

Poverty, crime and homelessness, along with disease, death and destruction are the hallmarks of Republican Administration.

You realize, don't you, that the Dow Jones is up 30% since Trump took office? And that's with the pandemic. Otherwise it would likely be up 60%. Trump has not crashed the economy. The virus happened. Not the fault of the left or the right. That so many states are forcing their small businesses out of business, their working class to be unemployed is all on the governors... Democratic governors.

As nonsensical as are your claims on the economy, the rest of your statements are so ridiculous as to not even warrant a response - unless you'd care to provide facts or examples to back up any of them. Otherwise, you're just blowing methane.
You are talking about the failure of liberal ideas, your op was poorly constructed so you are going to have to live with the result.

Instead of whining, why don’t you tell us what specific ideas and policies “failed” in each of the cities you listed?
Let’s start with, but not limited to:

Doing nothing about ramping shootings.

Denying the police the right to prevent crime.

Allowing anyone to shit on the streets.

Allowing anyone to camp anywhere in your city.

Not arresting anyone who steals lass than $750 worth of stuff.

Letting criminals out of jail and not cooperating with ICE to have them deported.

Allowing idiots to seize your downtown, and doing nothing while they rape and murder Americans inside.

Taxing citizens to the point of chasing them out of state.

Putting Chinese virus infected people in nursing home to kill thousands of old people.

Not closing down subways of death from the Chinese Virus.

Telling people to come on down to Chinatown and ignore the Chinese virus.

To name just a few. Now, run along Simpleton.
When you stop lying about how socialized everything is. Remember when Obama warned that if the government didn't borrow money, Social Security was going to be cut? That was one of the very few times Obama told the truth, and who started screaming? Left-wingers saying that Social Security had a huge 'trust fund', which doesn't exist.

You guys have lied so much, that even your own idiotic supporters believe your lies.

We need to reform and reduce both Social Security and Medicare, or we'll end up with a crash like Greece. You need to accept that.
I noticed that you still failed to tell me about these conservative policies that are better than Social Security and Medicare - 2 of the most popular government programs in US history...

Why is it so hard to answer these questions??

And please spare me the "cut Social Security" BS -- when it comes to adding trillions of dollars to the debt and deficit for corporations, you dic suckers didn't blink an eye -- so fuk what you yapping about now
Enron and World.com were CRIMINAL CONSPIRACIES, made possible by Republican amendments to banking regulations and laws in the waning days of Bill Clinton's Presidency. Clinton had nothing to do with those laws, other than he signed them. They were written by Republicans, sponsored by Republicans, and passed by Republicans in the House and Senate. Both of these collapses happened under W's Administration.

You blame Clinton because YOU got made a bad investement and got fleeced by con artists. Typical conservative. Nothing is EVER your fault.

I got new for you Jimbo. Trump conned you again. You seem to fall for all of the con artists.

Jeeze you're an idiot. It isn't world.com; it's Worldcom - as in World Communications. They were a phone company.

Clinton had nothing to do with the laws other than he signed them? The banking deregulation passed 90-8 in the Senate. And Clinton is the final step in the process. He, and he alone, is responsible for it becoming law because he had singular power to stop it. But he supported it. He is the reason it passed in the Congress by a veto-proof margin.

I noticed that you still failed to tell me about these conservative policies that are better than Social Security and Medicare - 2 of the most popular government programs in US history...

Why is it so hard to answer these questions??

And please spare me the "cut Social Security" BS -- when it comes to adding trillions of dollars to the debt and deficit for corporations, you dic suckers didn't blink an eye -- so fuk what you yapping about now

Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.

You forgot sexual assault in the paradise of CHOP.

Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

"Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility."

people get old

usually so old they can't work

if a person works his whole life, barely making ends meet, and then can't work anymore....

how will he live without social security?

If we insist upon paying 20% of the population POVERTY LEVEL WAGES and another 20% BARELY LIVABLE wages those people are NOT going to save and prepare for their old age.

Social Security, which they PAID INTO THEIR ENTIRE LIVES, is a good idea.

"Here's another: Families supporting their own."

in japan, yes.

but that won't happen in the USA

"Here's another: Communities supporting their own."

so you would accept SOCIALISM as long as it is COMMUNITY based.

Ok....not a bad idea....

"Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America."

That doesn't apply here.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

More nice ideas from the magical land of Conservatopia.
I noticed that you still failed to tell me about these conservative policies that are better than Social Security and Medicare - 2 of the most popular government programs in US history...

Why is it so hard to answer these questions??

And please spare me the "cut Social Security" BS -- when it comes to adding trillions of dollars to the debt and deficit for corporations, you dic suckers didn't blink an eye -- so fuk what you yapping about now

Being popular, doesn't mean it's good, or not going to destroy the nation.

Greece had been warned for years that their pensions, and education system, was not sustainable. They were warned in 90s that their system would eventually bankrupt the country.

You want to know why all the warnings were ignored until the crash sank the entire country?

Because they were "2 of the most popular government programs in Greek history".

Being popular doesn't mean it is good.
When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

They will never admit any such thing.

No matter how bad their policies obviously are, no matter how obvious it is to any sane person what the consequences will be of such policies, when these consequences occur, they will always try to blame those who opposed these policies, and tried to prevent or mitigate these consequences.
What makes you think failure isnt the goal? To protect it watch them federalize everything so there is no escape.
They will never admit any such thing.

No matter how bad their policies obviously are, no matter how obvious it is to any sane person what the consequences will be of such policies, when these consequences occur, they will always try to blame those who opposed these policies, and tried to prevent or mitigate these consequences.

I was going to say... Venezuela in a nutshell. There is no clearly proof of the failure of left-wing government intervention, and they have blamed absolutely everyone for it, but their own bad policies.
What makes you think failure isnt the goal? To protect it watch them federalize everything so there is no escape.

Because they are stupid enough to believe in their utopia. They really believe everything they are doing, is for the benefit of society. The path to hell is paved with good intentions, and they are the paving company.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

The creation of these programs which people are now dependent on came with a cost beyond that of our current budget nightmare. What happened to the price of healthcare as soon as the programs where implemented? You created a cure that was worse than the disease.
No matter how bad their policies obviously are, no matter how obvious it is to any sane person what the consequences will be of such policies, when these consequences occur, they will always try to blame those who opposed these policies, and tried to prevent or mitigate these consequences.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Name the last Democratic President who crashed the economy? - Answer: No Democratic has ever crashed the economy.

As any sane person can clearly see, it is not a Republican President who has crashed the current economy, but Democrapic governors, exploiting the #CoronaHoax2020 to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, illegally shutting down businesses and throwing people out of work. And exactly as I said, they will absolutely not take responsibility, will not admit to the connection between their disastrous and illegal policies, and the consequences thereof. It is Democraps who openly attacked the economy, and are now trying to blame Republicans for the damage thus done to the economy.
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.
Explain why individual freedom qualifies as "failure"?

Liberalism - Wikipedia.

"Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3]

"Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

"Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism.":rolleyes:
Because they are stupid enough to believe in their utopia. They really believe everything they are doing, is for the benefit of society. The path to hell is paved with good intentions, and they are the paving company.

There have been some times, some issues, where there is room to believe that, that those on the left wrong are driven by the sincere belief that their policies are in the best interests of those on whom they wish to impose them.

There are other instances that leave no room at all for any such belief. Consider the LIbEral creation and of the #CornoaHoax2020, and the way that LIbEral politicians have used it to seize and abuse unprecedented powers, and to maliciously attack the economy. Do you really believe that any of this was driven by a sincere desire to protect the health of the people against an overhyped flu bug? I think it is very obvious what some of their motives are, and none of the obvious motives are benevolent.
Jeeze you're an idiot. It isn't world.com; it's Worldcom - as in World Communications. They were a phone company.

Clinton had nothing to do with the laws other than he signed them? The banking deregulation passed 90-8 in the Senate. And Clinton is the final step in the process. He, and he alone, is responsible for it becoming law because he had singular power to stop it. But he supported it. He is the reason it passed in the Congress by a veto-proof margin.

World.com was a scam. A con. As is Donald Trump.

The banking deregulation passed 90-8 in a veto proof vote. There was HUGE clamour for this on the right. It was holding American banks back because they has such high reserve requirements, and they couldn't successfully compete with investment bankers. We heard the same arguments when Canadian bankers asked for similar deregulation. Our finance minister took a long walk in the snow to think about it, came back, and said "No".

The author of your piece doesn't directly blame Clinton. Again, you should actually read what he said here. He said the Clinton's appointments did nothing to stop deregulation, and much to hurry it along. No direct involvement, and more guilt by omission, not commision. And there were no Democratic sponsors of the Bill.

The Cato Institute says deregulation had nothing to do with the crash:

That said. Clinton did not write these bills, no Democrat sponsored them, and they were passed with veto proof majorities, so Republicans really do own this.

Of course, Republicans will never admit to owning anything. Ever. Cato said that bad lending practices lead to the 2008 financial collapse, but those bad lending practices were encouraged by George Bush in the American Dream Act:


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