When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

Trump Virus KILLED Over 120,000 Americans and put OVER 30 million OUT of Work!

It was not the virus that put people out of work.

It was the Democraps, lying and exaggerating to us about the danger that this virus allegedly posed, and exploiting this hoax as an excuse to deliberately, maliciously sabotage the economy, and to otherwise seize and abuse illegal and unprecedented powers over us.
t is important to mention and understand that the modern political ideology associated with the word “Liberal” has nothing to do with classic liberalism, and is, in fact, in many ways, almost its exact opposite.
Classical Liberalism has changed a great deal over the centuries. I believe one of its original principals stood in direct opposition to the Divine Right of Kings, which makes it difficult for me to understand why so many conservatives today behave with blind obsequiousness to the edicts of the one percent?

Liberalism - Wikipedia

"Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists.

"Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law."
Mayo on the sandwich. Hellman’s only, none of that Miracle Whip shit.

Now snap it up, boy, I’m getting hungry.

Your sammich is ready.

Really? So the country grew, and became more wealthy, and the standard of living rose faster, during the period of time between 1776 and 1920s. Yet somehow, if we don't have social security the entire country will implode? Based on what?
God, try to think historically, please ...

In 1920, the life expectancy of the average U.S. American citizen was ... 53 years! You want to compare modern post industrial society to pre-industrial 1776??? Why stop at Social Security? Let’s get rid of electricity, the internal combustion engine, airplanes and the internet too!
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“Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.”
I think you cannot honestly deny that modern LIbEralism is very solidly opposed to most of the ideals mentioned in this paragraph. They solidly oppose and seek to destroy, free markets, free trade, nearly all essential individual/human rights, capitalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.
Liberals prefer markets that are free of monopoly rents as opposed to government regulations. We believe fair trade that elevates consumer and worker benefits over corporate trade deals like NAFTA, for example. Capitalism has become the world's premier threat to human rights like free speech and a free press. I believe today's conservatives believe stockholders should be paid as much as possible while employees deserve as little as possible. IOW, a Divine Right of Capital in place of the Divine Right of Kings?

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary
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Let’s start with, but not limited to:

Doing nothing about ramping shootings.

Denying the police the right to prevent crime.

Allowing anyone to shit on the streets.

Allowing anyone to camp anywhere in your city.

Not arresting anyone who steals lass than $750 worth of stuff.

Letting criminals out of jail and not cooperating with ICE to have them deported.

Allowing idiots to seize your downtown, and doing nothing while they rape and murder Americans inside.

Taxing citizens to the point of chasing them out of state.

Putting Chinese virus infected people in nursing home to kill thousands of old people.

Not closing down subways of death from the Chinese Virus.

Telling people to come on down to Chinatown and ignore the Chinese virus.

To name just a few. Now, run along Simpleton.
You listing a bunch of rather vague claims, not policies.

Let’s take one: doing nothing about ”ramping” shootings. Presumably this refers to Chicago. I always have to laugh at your (as in rightists) fixation on Chicago as “the most violent city” yet it isn’t even in the top five.

St Louis

In fact, on this list of ten most dangerous cities, Chicago isn’t on it, but the above five are: 10 Most Dangerous Cities in America | SafeWise

Among the 25 most dangerous cities are these two led by Republican mayors:
Beaumont, TX, Tulsa Oklahoma,
Chicago is not on the list.

The vast majority however have Democrat mayors.

Among the safest cities are these https://www.usnews.com/news/cities/...looks-at-the-safest-cities-in-america?slide=2 - half of them Dem.

There are a lot of reasons for increased violence in cities: economic opportunities, employment, drugs, community investment, rates of home ownership, size and population density...yet you made a general claim: doing nothing about shootings in a city that even in the top tier of violence.
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.

Yes, but how are you measuring failure? Sure, by the standards of the right's goals, the left is a dismal failure. But who says they're working toward the same goals we are? If one assumes the goals of the left are overwhelming governmental power consolidated into their hands, how are they doing?
You are insane. Social Security is the biggest and largest tax on the poorest of people, and because people count on social security, they end up living in poverty until the day they die.
You like to provide anecdotal evidence in support of your opinions, Andy; let me provide one brief sample from my own life. While I agree SS and Medicare provide a poverty level existence for many Americans, it is a life with a roof over their heads and access to medical care when needed,

When I became eligible for SS, I was living on the streets at age 62. I haven't faced homelessness since becoming eligible for SS, and last February when an elevated PSA required the removal of a malignant prostate, Medicare made that happen.

For those in their working years, government can perform as a fourth factor of production unconcerned with producing profit but, rather, lowering the cost of living and doing business.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?
Liberals prefer markets that are free of monopoly rents as opposed to government regulations. We believe fair trade that elevates consumer and worker benefits over corporate trade deals like NAFTA, for example. Capitalism has become the world's premier threat to human rights like free speech and a free press. I believe today's conservatives believe stockholders should be paid as much as possible while employees deserve as little as possible. IOW, a Divine Right of Capital in place of the Divine Right of Kings?

It's notable that here, you explicitly denounce capitalism and free market, which were among the “liberal” values enumerated in the paragraph that I quoted from your previous cite; which supports my point that modern LIbEralism” has nothing to do with the classical understanding of what liberalism once represented. You pay empty lip service to free speech, but everyone here knows that modern LIbErals only support free speech to the extent that it is used to express values that you on the left wrong support, and that where anyone exercises this right to support values that you oppose, you will make any excuse to censor it as “hate speech” and to punish in whatever way you can anyone who dares to express such opinions.

And, of course, you resort to an absurd, intellectually-dishonest strawman to attribute to conservatives positions which no conservative holds. In an almost perfect display of what Orwell described and defined as doublethink, you'll say one in one post, when you think that supports your position, and then, a few posts later, you'll say something that irreconcilably contradicts your previous post, if that is now what you think supports your position, while remaining completely oblivious to the contradiction and inconsistency.
So what is the alternative then since wages are low and most working people don't make extra to save for retirement?
And we no longer have the pension systems we once did...
Trump Virus KILLED Over 120,000 Americans and put OVER 30 million OUT of Work!

And yet at the end of EVERY Republican President the Economy was in a Shambles..
Nixon - Stagflation - Shambles
Reagan/Bush -shambles.
GWB - Bush Recession - Shambles
Now with Trump - 2nd Great Depression - Shambles
Anything on topic, troll?

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