When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

There have been some times, some issues, where there is room to believe that, that those on the left wrong are driven by the sincere belief that their policies are in the best interests of those on whom they wish to impose them.

There are other instances that leave no room at all for any such belief. Consider the LIbEral creation and of the #CornoaHoax2020, and the way that LIbEral politicians have used it to seize and abuse unprecedented powers, and to maliciously attack the economy. Do you really believe that any of this was driven by a sincere desire to protect the health of the people against an overhyped flu bug? I think it is very obvious what some of their motives are, and none of the obvious motives are benevolent.

I believe it was a combination of both. The reason is because, it is not logical to conclude that people in countries around the world, would also do a lock down, because left-wing idiots in the US, were trying to destroy the economy in France, in order to.... ruin the left-wing government of France?

Now once they had made their position clear, obviously it was in their best interest to hype the danger for political gain. After all, Trump was obviously leaning towards less of a shut down, and the left-wingers were opposing that for political gain.

So it's a combination of both.
Explain why individual freedom qualifies as "failure"?

Liberalism - Wikipedia.

"Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3]

"Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

"Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism.":rolleyes:

It is important to mention and understand that the modern political ideology associated with the word “Liberal” has nothing to do with classic liberalism, and is, in fact, in many ways, almost its exact opposite.

I look at this paragraph in your quoted material…

“Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.”

I think you cannot honestly deny that modern LIbEralism is very solidly opposed to most of the ideals mentioned in this paragraph. They solidly oppose and seek to destroy, free markets, free trade, nearly all essential individual/human rights, capitalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. They seek unlimited and unrestrained government. In spite of their empty lip service to “racial equality”, they are the side that has always supported the oppression and exploitation of minority races. And their current treatment of “gender equality” is now based on denying the scientific basis for the distinction between male and female, and the biological importance of the relationship between the two sexes.
World.com was a scam. A con. As is Donald Trump.

The banking deregulation passed 90-8 in a veto proof vote. There was HUGE clamour for this on the right. It was holding American banks back because they has such high reserve requirements, and they couldn't successfully compete with investment bankers. We heard the same arguments when Canadian bankers asked for similar deregulation. Our finance minister took a long walk in the snow to think about it, came back, and said "No".

The author of your piece doesn't directly blame Clinton. Again, you should actually read what he said here. He said the Clinton's appointments did nothing to stop deregulation, and much to hurry it along. No direct involvement, and more guilt by omission, not commision. And there were no Democratic sponsors of the Bill.

The Cato Institute says deregulation had nothing to do with the crash:

That said. Clinton did not write these bills, no Democrat sponsored them, and they were passed with veto proof majorities, so Republicans really do own this.

Of course, Republicans will never admit to owning anything. Ever. Cato said that bad lending practices lead to the 2008 financial collapse, but those bad lending practices were encouraged by George Bush in the American Dream Act:

You can't have it both ways - it was the Republicans' fault and Clinton had nothing to do with it except signing the thing that made it actually a law.. But since you're an idiot then the regulations had no impact.. Please make up your mind.
In fact, social security and Medicare have helped untold millions of Americans. They are two of the greatest things this nation has ever done.
Get rid of social security and Medicare and you destroy the nation. It goes into a tailspin like we've never seen.

Really? So the country grew, and became more wealthy, and the standard of living rose faster, during the period of time between 1776 and 1920s. Yet somehow, if we don't have social security the entire country will implode? Based on what?
In fact, social security and Medicare have helped untold millions of Americans. They are two of the greatest things this nation has ever done.

You are insane. Social Security is the biggest and largest tax on the poorest of people, and because people count on social security, they end up living in poverty until the day they die.

It is a horrible program that dooms more people to poverty during their working life, only to doom them to poverty during their retirement years.

Same is true of Medicare. The reason health care costs have increased so dramatically, is because of medicare. Not only does it cost you in taxes, but it also drives up the cost of care, which results in higher insurance premiums. That's not opinion, but established documented fact.
In fact, social security and Medicare have helped untold millions of Americans. They are two of the greatest things this nation has ever done.


But they were put into place by two of the most hated Democrat presidents of all time. So naturally, they must be done away with by the republicans.

What the republicans would replace them with, who knows. Probably just more tax cuts for the billionaires. Because that’s all they know.
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.
The libtarded left doesn't have a philosophy. Having a philosophy requires thought and the left has neither the equipment nor the inclination to think.
Name the last Democratic President who crashed the economy? - Answer: No Democratic has ever crashed the economy.

Name the President and the Party who restored the economy after the first 3 Republicans crashed it.

I wouldn't get too cocky on the corona virus numbers. Florida is about to make New York look like a walk in the park.

Pretending that the Republicans aren't running a police state isn't going over well with the American public.

Poverty, crime and homelessness, along with disease, death and destruction are the hallmarks of Republican Administration.

Carter, Clinton, and the Hussein. Luckily for us we had Republicans take over Congress during BJ’s and Hussein’s regime to curb their terrible policies.
You are under the impression everyone is making half a million dollars a year or is a failure. The average worker for a company, who brings in alot more wealth for the company than he is paid, depends on social security and Medicare otherwise he works until the day he dies. That's no life at all. 90 percent of workers would be screwed without those two programs.
Trump Virus KILLED Over 120,000 Americans and put OVER 30 million OUT of Work!

And yet at the end of EVERY Republican President the Economy was in a Shambles..
Nixon - Stagflation - Shambles
Reagan/Bush -shambles.
GWB - Bush Recession - Shambles
Now with Trump - 2nd Great Depression - Shambles
You are under the impression everyone is making half a million dollars a year or is a failure. The average worker for a company, who brings in alot more wealth for the company than he is paid, depends on social security and Medicare otherwise he works until the day he dies. That's no life at all. 90 percent of workers would be screwed without those two programs.

Yep, nothing like having a bunch of 75-80 year olds hanging around the office.

Not to mention construction workers.
Get rid of social security and Medicare and you destroy the nation. It goes into a tailspin like we've never seen.

Socialist inSecurity is a scam. In fact, well before it was established, a man named Carlos Ponzi went to prison for running the same kind of scam, on a smaller scale. To this day, that kind of scam is known by his name.

Now, our federal government runs this kind of scam on a scale that Mr. Ponzi never could have imagined, and we are forced to participate in it.
So what is the alternative then since wages are low and most working people don't make extra to save for retirement?

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