When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

When conservatives stop demanding liberal policies??View attachment 353540
/----/ "When conservatives stop demanding liberal policies?"
We had no choice but to pay for Medicare. Can your puny brain distinguish between voluntary and forced at the point of a gun? Yeah, I paid into it and I'll get every red cent back.
Now print out this sticker and hang it on the refrigerator door. You earned it.
idiot award.jpg
No, you are not answering any questions......

View attachment 353569

Democrats and Republicans passed the SMOOT/HAWLEY Tariff bill that greatly increased the effect the Depression, Hoover didn't like it, but signed it anyway, (1,000 economists of his day was against it) a massive mistake on his part, a burden he carried to his grave, which was unfair since there were many others who promoted that error.

The 1987 crash was caused by WALL STREET, not Reagan, who didn't do anything.

Bush has NOTHING to do with the 2008 crash, which was primarily caused by Subprime mortgage crisis, of which Bush actually warned about but ignored, Chairman Rostenkowski says nothing to worry about.

You are 1-4, maybe if your partisanship was a lot smaller you would be more careful not to be making stupid claims.

Trump went along with a BI PARTISAN decision to shut down a portion of the ecoomy to deal with the China Virus.
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Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.
New york is the highest density population area on the planet, and lower vitamin D levels. Thats why.

For chicago, thats right-wing blacks doing the shooting.
For san francisco, thats right wing homeless in that city.
For shootings in CHAZ, thats right wingers coming in from outside (only police are blocked).
Clinton handed off a recession to Bush.

Carter ruined the economy beyond recognition.

Barry’s recovery was the worst ever.

Stick to Canadian Politics, you know nothing about American politics, and demonstrate it daily, moron.

You make false assertions with no links to back up your lies. As you've been told numerous times, you saying a thing, doesn't make it true. Especially considering that you know nothing of history, economics, or statistics, other than Republican talking points, all of which are lies, misrepresentations and half truths.


Carter took office in a period of economy stagnation and high inflation, brought on by 8 years of Republican Administrations under Nixon and Ford. You've vastly overstated the economic challenges facing Reagan when he took office. And again, Carter didn't crash the economy. A recession is not an economic crash, it's a mild contraction.

W took office in the middle of a mild recession. A recession is not a crashed economy. The unemployment rate when W took office was 4.2%

This chart really shows the failures of Republican economic policies: Employment from Reagan to today.


This graph shows so clearly, what happens under Republican Presidents, in terms of employment. If this charter were to be updated, Trump's employment number would be off this chart.

Obama's recovery was the longest sustained recovery in the history of the nation.

The next time you try to "school" someone, please try to remember that I have been "schooled" in business, economics, history and law for the past 50 years. I spent 35 years working in law - dismantling weak arguments on matters of economics and law, and making strong arguments for my facts, including citing both statutes and case law.
Sadly the left talk a good game but doesn't follow through. The only one that even gave a shit is bernie sanders and the party dumped him for a useless sack of shit.

Brothers and sisters. Why is there so much homelessness in our cities? Why is the rental laws favor the goddamn landlord to the point where they can charge 3-5 times as much in income as the rent every fucking month? Why on earth are you not helping people? Why not put up some fucking bathrooms for Christ sake. It doesn't seem to me that you give a shit anymore and sadly I believe the democratic party is owned by the rich. No more fighting for better pay for the worker, better living conditions as you have to support thuggery and division that will only end up hurting people. I say this as a social democrat as I do feel that our party is very ill and is heading in the wrong direction. I don't like what the republicans believe but they're right when they post about the shitting on the street and the homelessness problem.
Democrats and Republicans passed the SMOOT/HAWLEY Tariff bill that greatly increased the effect the Depression, Hoover didn't like it, but signed it anyway, (1,000 economists of his day was against it) a massive mistake on his part, a burden he carried to his grave, which was unfair since there were many others who promoted that error.

The 1987 crash was caused by WALL STREET, not Reagan, who didn't do anything.

Bush has NOTHING to do with the 2008 crash, which was primarily caused by Subprime mortgage crisis, of which Bush actually warned about but ignored, Chairman Rostenkowski says nothing to worry about.

You are 1-4, maybe if your partisanship was a lot smaller you would be more careful not to be making stupid claims.

Trump went along with a BI PARTISAN decision to shut down a portion of the ecoomy to deal with the China Virus.

The Wall Street crash of 1987 was directly attributable to the cut and spend policies of the Reagan Administration. Free market economic reforms have the effect of destabilizing markets, increasing both the number and severity of the recessions, and market "corrections". Reagan's new tax code didn't completely undo the New Deal - welfare and social security were left intact.

Reagan changed the tax code so that it funnelled money to the shareholders, and held wages stagnant. Those changed began a transfer of wealth from the working and middle class that continues unabated to this day.

W's crash was not caused by the "subprime mortgage crisis". W's crash was caused by the malfeasance and greed of Wall Street, combined with unfunded Medicare Part D, two unfunded wars, and unchecked deficitis. W helped provoke the subprime mortgage crisis with this 2003 act:

Home ownership in America was dropping like a stone because wages had been flat for 20 years when he took office. W wanted to increase home ownership. Look how that turned out.
The Wall Street crash of 1987 was directly attributable to the cut and spend policies of the Reagan Administration. Free market economic reforms have the effect of destabilizing markets, increasing both the number and severity of the recessions, and market "corrections". Reagan's new tax code didn't completely undo the New Deal - welfare and social security were left intact.

Reagan changed the tax code so that it funnelled money to the shareholders, and held wages stagnant. Those changed began a transfer of wealth from the working and middle class that continues unabated to this day.

W's crash was not caused by the "subprime mortgage crisis". W's crash was caused by the malfeasance and greed of Wall Street, combined with unfunded Medicare Part D, two unfunded wars, and unchecked deficitis. W helped provoke the subprime mortgage crisis with this 2003 act:

Home ownership in America was dropping like a stone because wages had been flat for 20 years when he took office. W wanted to increase home ownership. Look how that turned out.
Anything on topic?
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You make false assertions with no links to back up your lies. As you've been told numerous times, you saying a thing, doesn't make it true. Especially considering that you know nothing of history, economics, or statistics, other than Republican talking points, all of which are lies, misrepresentations and half truths.


Carter took office in a period of economy stagnation and high inflation, brought on by 8 years of Republican Administrations under Nixon and Ford. You've vastly overstated the economic challenges facing Reagan when he took office. And again, Carter didn't crash the economy. A recession is not an economic crash, it's a mild contraction.

W took office in the middle of a mild recession. A recession is not a crashed economy. The unemployment rate when W took office was 4.2%

This chart really shows the failures of Republican economic policies: Employment from Reagan to today.

View attachment 353570

This graph shows so clearly, what happens under Republican Presidents, in terms of employment. If this charter were to be updated, Trump's employment number would be off this chart.

Obama's recovery was the longest sustained recovery in the history of the nation.

The next time you try to "school" someone, please try to remember that I have been "schooled" in business, economics, history and law for the past 50 years. I spent 35 years working in law - dismantling weak arguments on matters of economics and law, and making strong arguments for my facts, including citing both statutes and case law.
Those Presidents aren’t in charge of the liberal shithole cities this thread is about.

Anything on topic?
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Those Presidents aren’t in charge of the liberal shithole cities this thread is about.

Anything on topic?
All the leftists here have to deflect, because they got nothing else. Even the blind can see that all the democrat run big cities are shit holes, period, end of story. The democrats have run all the big cities for decades, and decades, they OWN THEM.
Anything on topic?

Nowhere in your topic does it say it is only about cities. You made broad, about their ideas and philosophy. Seems to be that what is discussed.

The topic is:When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?
Nowhere in your topic does it say it is only about cities. You made broad, about their ideas and philosophy. Seems to be that what is discussed.

The topic is:When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?
OP is about specific cities. Perhaps you didn’t read that far.
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OP is about specific cities. Perhaps you didn’t read that far.
Your OP gives examples of specific cities and concludes with “face it, your ideas failed”. So now you are saying the topic is not about their ideas? If so, it is a poorly constructed topic And it is too late to change. Good news is, you are getting some real discussion as opposed to the usual trolling.

What specific ideas and policies failed in each of the cities you listed?
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.

"Face it, your ideas have failed."

liberal SUCCESSES!

- We just has a black president

- women are running for president

- gays are running for president

- blacks, gays and women are in powerful and prominent positions in the military, business, politics

- even conservatives would vote for a woman or a black

- interracial relationships are common

- most people are waiting LONGER before marrying

- lots of people live together without even bothering to marry

- everyone has sex before marriage

- divorce is easy to get

- pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country

- non-religious people are the fastest growing subset of Americans

Liberalism is doing GREAT!
Would be a good day when Americans of both major party's stopped blaming everything on the other party, then became willing to admit that both party's for the most part work to keep their own jobs. please their big money supporters, because they can no longer get or keep their job with out the big money, you could feed half the population for a year (or more) on what is spent bashing the other guy as apposed too needed discussions on how we can come together and fix at the very least half our problems.
Your OP gives examples of specific cities and concludes with “face it, your ideas failed”. So now you are saying the topic is not about their ideas? If so, it is a poorly constructed topic And it is too late to change. Good news is, you are getting some real discussion as opposed to the usual trolling.

What specific ideas and policies failed in each of the cities you listed?
Listen Dummy, the cities I listed have been in control of Dimwinger’s for years, and in some cases decades. Complete control. Trying to equate that with a President who has to deal with Congress is stupid beyond belief......even for a single digit IQ simpleton like you.
Listen Dummy, the cities I listed have been in control of Dimwinger’s for years, and in some cases decades. Complete control. Trying to equate that with a President who has to deal with Congress is stupid beyond belief......even for a single digit IQ simpleton like you.

You are talking about the failure of liberal ideas, your op was poorly constructed so you are going to have to live with the result.

Instead of whining, why don’t you tell us what specific ideas and policies “failed” in each of the cities you listed?

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