When will someone ask Biden if he supports or condemns “From the river to the sea”?

Which 'sea'?


Journalists asked the demonstrators, who were chanting "From the River to the Sea," which river and which sea they had no clue, (Jordan River, Mediterranean Sea).
Not at all … you need to read.

Just to be a pain.

Just asking for a concession before I do.

It took the GOP 2 months to come to Israel’s aid.

So clearly that means all GOP supporters like yourself stand shoulder to shoulder with HAMAS.

Are you proud of yourself? If so, you’re the only one.

Bibi used the term in speeches too...

So you want us to listen to Hamas over Bibi....

Please stop supporting terrorists..
the only people supporting terrorists in the US are thousands of spoiled leftwing brats chanting anti Jewish anti Israel slogans !

What America is Biden trying to kill? Is it the white supremacist fake religious bigoted ethnostate people like you want?
the only people attacking American Christians are leftists like you .
How can I be a warmonger when the other side started the war. It’s not possible so fuck off.

Next you’ll accuse Israel of a holocaust for a war they didn’t start. You’re that fucking stupid.
“Mow the lawn” and you support it.

How are you different from a German Nazi in 1944?
All of the Hamas terrorists, Simp.

But they aren’t killing Hama terrorists dupe. They’re killing women and children.

Riddle me this genius, how many Pali children can Israel murder before you say enough?
the only people supporting terrorists in the US are thousands of spoiled leftwing brats chanting anti Jewish anti Israel slogans !

Whah Whah...

You were caught pushing Hamas so you are desperately trying to deflect...

You are the one asking us to listen to Hamas over Bibi...

(If the Students were here I would ask them why they support Hamas)

You are the only one telling us to listen to Hamas I know.. Why do you do that?
So you are into Ethic Cleansing...

If Palestinians are to 'Fuck Off', you must be proposing that US take them in...

Nope. This is a Judeo/Christian country, not a Muslim country.

They can fuck off, eat shit, and die for all I care.
"Islamist militant faction Hamas used the phrase in its 2017 charter. Usage of the phrase by such Palestinian militant groups has led critics to argue that it advocates for the dismantling of Israel, and calls for the removal or extermination of the Jewish population of the region."

From the river to the sea - Wikipedia
The precise origins of the phrase are disputed.[18] According to American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel."[3]

It appears the Zionists had planned to oust the muzzies from day one


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