When will the Commie News Network praise the commie in NK for "playing Trump."

No American President has been willing to have a top level meeting with the ruler of NK until Trump. Trump was unaware of that fact, or why that precedent was set. Looks like Trump-0 played himself.
One of these days you low info idiots might figure out Trump doesn't care squat about precedents. He's all about getting things done a la another conservative SC justice, tax cuts, shelving the Paris Accords bullshit, etc., etc. Making America great again is the goal, not kowtowing to meaningless precedents.
It's not a no no you dumb fuck. It's the way he does things. Face to face unlike that loser shit stain did for eight years.

These idiots think Trump should adopt the FAILED approaches politicians have used for decades.
The same ones who cried that Trump was going to bring about a nuclear war, are now blaming him for meeting with him are the same ones who cheered when their god gave NK nuclear capabilities and are the same ones who cheered and don't give one rat shit that their kuuunt made a uranium deal with.......PUTIN!!!

Trump is exposing the DC swamp for what it is. Trump said DC is run by a bunch of stupid politicians and he's proving it.

yeah, thats why his entrire Cartel is under investigation and the RINO Klan isnt ..they're stupid.

Minutes ago, breaking news. Second probe okayed. Good by hilly!

Probe into what this time? After about 25 years of accusations, investigations, and probes, what makes you think you can come up with something this time?
No American President has been willing to have a top level meeting with the ruler of NK until Trump. Trump was unaware of that fact, or why that precedent was set. Looks like Trump-0 played himself.

Could it be that is why nothing ever worked?

No other president ever hinted at giving that fucking regime nuclear capabilities, until clinton and the left CHEERED about it. No other president would have dared to do that, and yet the stupid left to this day see no problem with the nuclear deal. That is how stupid they are people.

Then the other pathetic American hating sack of black marxist shit gave IRAN nuclear capabilities and the left cheered. Yet, no other president had ever even hinted at such a thing, and the left still to this day see NO PROBLEM with that whatsoever.

Now, the exact same left wing lying pigs who blamed Trump for bringing us to the brink of nuclear war (after NK did what clinton promised they would not do, and we said they would do) even though it was the fat yellow American hating commie threatened everyone after testing missile after missile, are the same ones that are blaming Trump.

What is their big argument against it? No other president has ever done it. That is it folks.

You have any idea why I don't waste my time debating these fucking losers who shift like the sands of Egypt and stand for absolutely nothing. Remember folks, they are the same ones that are supposedly pro union and pro middle class and look at the unions celebrate the tariffs that will be helping steel workers union jobs. The left curse the deal.

Do you hate them as much as me yet?

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