When You Attack Me, You Attack Science Itself

And this violent fascist is calling for Fauci's execution. The Trump cult collects the most vile pieces of human trash that have ever existed.
If Facui is guilty ... he deserves to be execute.

Do you believe he should be investigated for accusations of funding/releasing this virus that killed millions ...

Or do you think you should ignore these allegations along party lines ....
Okey Dokey
View attachment 499264
And this violent fascist is calling for Fauci's execution. The Trump cult collects the most vile pieces of human trash that have ever existed.
If Facui is guilty ... he deserves to be execute.

Do you believe he should be investigated for accusations of funding/releasing this virus that killed millions ...

Or do you think you should ignore these allegations along party lines ....
For what?
I guess lefties think if you attacked Dr. Mengele you attacked science itself too.
What a disgusting peice of work you are for making such a comnparison.

If you want to avoid hell, you'll need to publicly apologize for that. I'm just watching out for your soul here. I mean, you're comparing a dedicated medical professional to an evil Nazi. That's "lower than whale shit" low.
More than 3 million people have died worldwide because Fauci decided that gain of function research was worth the risk. That seems pretty damned evil to me.
Evil is the lies being told by the right.
Evil is turning your eyes away from truth because it doesn't suit your political narrative.
Like republic pols and the Big Lie?
Perhaps you should try setting your partisanship aside and following demonstrable and known facts instead of blindly defending someone whose actions have resulted in millions of deaths. Read Fauci's emails. Check this video of Peter Daszak in 2016 . WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing 'Chinese Colleagues' Developing 'Killer' Coronaviruses.
He was a Nazi, that's the authoritarian right.

A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state, is really "right wing."

Creepy Chang the ChiCom troll puts his foot in his mouth again...
You've done a great job of describing the evangelical right wing.

Well done.
Okey Dokey
View attachment 499264
True....it's very clear that trump fluffers are threatened by science.
Tell us more about how humans can change sex on a whim, Ms Science.
Speaking of arrogant asses, why do leftists believe they can speak for God?
You didn't have to jump in to defend that douchenozzle, you know. But you did anyways, which makes you a willing partner in the douchebaggery.

I mean, you could have just said nothing. You could have even criticized him for being a total jackass. But no, you joined his side.

Are you proud of what your cult has turned you into?
Speaking of cults, tell us why science requires all who raise questions to be attacked, fired, and publicly humiliated.
Look, I know you're angry, perhaps because you're starting to realize how badly you've bee manipulated...and how willingly. But I kinda doubt it.

Meanwhile, why do leftists believe they can speak for God?
Because God was pretty clear about evil being bad.

So, do you agree with your very violent cult brethren that Fauci should be violently murdered?

What's that? You're too much of a gutless cult bitch-boi to even think of criticizing a fellow cultist? The cult has both lobotomized you and snipped off your 'nads? Sucks to be you.

That's one of the good things about being a liberal. There's no cult ordering us to lick the anus of evil, so we won't burn in hell.
Fauci is responsible for more deaths than Mengele if his connection to Wuhan is true.
Fauci must think he is a scientist because he has a B.S. in bull. But if he thinks that away, then Pres. Trump is a scientist because he has a B.S. in finance.

Trump attended Fordham University for his freshman and sophomore years, and then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania where he received a bachelor of science degree in finance.

Leftists can’t speak for god because there is no god. Houseflies can vector the virus you are talking about. That is a scientific fact. Does that happen easier in a wet market or a Level 4 lab?
Okey Dokey
View attachment 499264
True....it's very clear that trump fluffers are threatened by science.
Lol, keep Fauci he is going to help us take back both houses in 2022. He has yet to tell the truth about anything.
Look, I know you're angry, perhaps because you're starting to realize how badly you've bee manipulated...and how willingly. But I kinda doubt it.

Meanwhile, why do leftists believe they can speak for God?
Because God was pretty clear about evil being bad.

So, do you agree with your very violent cult brethren that Fauci should be violently murdered?

What's that? You're too much of a gutless cult bitch-boi to even think of criticizing a fellow cultist? The cult has both lobotomized you and snipped off your 'nads? Sucks to be you.

That's one of the good things about being a liberal. There's no cult ordering us to lick the anus of evil, so we won't burn in hell.
Fauci needs to be tried in South Carolina for multiple murders and prosecuted. Since you loons won't let the drugs for lethal injection. We brought back the firing squad and the electric chair. Which is to good for him.
Okey Dokey
View attachment 499264
Why the FUCK hasn't a Republican State AG indicted Fauxi on 10,000 counts or however many Wuhan Flu deaths were in the State, on premeditated murder and terrorism???
hmmm wonder if private citizens can sue fauci?
Fauci will be given his own Variety Show on TV as host. We all want answers from people. Earthly gods do not exist. Men with sense and using muscle and brains are the way. Propaganda in this modern world separating that statement into diversity is destruction. Opportunity is our way of light. Equity is our waterloo.
Okey Dokey
View attachment 499264
Why the FUCK hasn't a Republican State AG indicted Fauxi on 10,000 counts or however many Wuhan Flu deaths were in the State, on premeditated murder and terrorism???
hmmm wonder if private citizens can sue fauci?
In a better day pitch forks and torches would be in use.

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