When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

As Gertrude in Hamlet said: ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’

Even Shakespeare knew that Accusations become Con-fessions....the louder and more strident the Accusation, the farther the fall and con-fession will be. Remember Ted Haggard?
^^ Fat man whines about being misgendered then intentionally misgenders an actual man. Cant make this stuff up, these things truly are this stupid..
No you’re not you’re completely manipulating the narrative and lying about the things I say. It a weak minded tactic
NO retard. I’m quoting YOUR EXACT WORDS. Not my fault you’re trapped and can’t defend your disgusting views. Then again, we’re all a lot smarter than you.
I haven’t lied about a thing but you just did. Implying that I said protecting kids from perverted crap is hate. I never said that. They way you talk is hate. Your views about LGBTQ are hate. Heaven forbid one of the kids you coach is LGBTQ or their parents and they hear you talk this way. That’s the toxic shit here. It’s you
You are one dumb fucking retard. You are a degenerate defender and a proven liar. Keeping kids safe from people like those perverts you defend so much is hate? Kids need to be kept away from assholes like YOU who want them exposed to this shit. Keep flailing. I’ll keep slapping you dumber than you already are. GFY,
Think about it! It's true. The children are the future that will sustain the nations survival. If they're not protected, the nation won't survive.

Who disagrees?

Anyone with a lick of sense.

You guys have been screaming "What about the Children" ever since Anita Bryant lost her gig hawking Orange Juice back in the 1970's.
It was BS then and it's BS now.
Some kids are going to grow up gay. Most of them will grow up straight, but more tolerant than their grandparents.
This is an overall positive development.
Okay with it, never. Would allow it in a compromise to ban all other abortions? Yes.
I don’t understand how you could in good conscience agree to any kind of legalized murder of babies. Explain how you justify that. The kid that you be allowing to be murdered was not the one who did the rape. Why should they be allowed to be murdered?
You are one dumb fucking retard. You are a degenerate defender and a proven liar. Keeping kids safe from people like those perverts you defend so much is hate? Kids need to be kept away from assholes like YOU who want them exposed to this shit. Keep flailing. I’ll keep slapping you dumber than you already are. GFY,
Look! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Over there!>>>>>GAYS!!!!!!

(as HETERO coachs, religious leaders, teachers, and family members diddle kids)
You mean the gay ones. But you think heterosexuals are strange. Go find a guy.
NO retard. I’m quoting YOUR EXACT WORDS. Not my fault you’re trapped and can’t defend your disgusting views. Then again, we’re all a lot smarter than you.
I don’t see any quotes of my exact words. And it’s not my words that I’m taking issue with it’s you false characterization of what you claim in saying. That’s where you lie
You are one dumb fucking retard. You are a degenerate defender and a proven liar. Keeping kids safe from people like those perverts you defend so much is hate? Kids need to be kept away from assholes like YOU who want them exposed to this shit. Keep flailing. I’ll keep slapping you dumber than you already are. GFY,
I don’t see you keeping kids safe and I don’t see LGBTQ people as threats. You’re the one characterizing them as such. And it’s dishonest. Your hateful bigotry is much more of a threat to the children
I see you are STILL gender con-fused. :heehee:

Every one of your accusations are really con-fessions, aren't they?
So I can’t identify a wildebeest as male or female due to the sheer amount of fat. GFY degenerate de render.
I don’t see any quotes of my exact words. And it’s not my words that I’m taking issue with it’s you false characterization of what you claim in saying. That’s where you lie
So you don’t even read the post before spouting more bullshit. Ni false characterization. That’s YOUR game moron. By the way asswipe, we’ve had gay kids on parents around my teams. They don’t flaunt it and they agree that young kids should not be exposed to these things. So you lose again. Keep flailing.
I don’t see you keeping kids safe and I don’t see LGBTQ people as threats. You’re the one characterizing them as such. And it’s dishonest. Your hateful bigotry is much more of a threat to the children
Learn to read asswipe. Nobody has said you gays are a threat. Far from it. You need to keep your shit away from kids. Period. So it’s YOU who is mischaracterizing things.
So you don’t even read the post before spouting more bullshit. Ni false characterization. That’s YOUR game moron. By the way asswipe, we’ve had gay kids on parents around my teams. They don’t flaunt it and they agree that young kids should not be exposed to these things. So you lose again. Keep flailing.
Haha, you’re so full of shit. Now it’s about flaunting it?! Did you let them know how you feel about their lifestyle choices?

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