When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

Sure weirdo. Keeping kids away from shit you would expose them to is keeping them safe. You and others like you here are doing a lot of damage to our children. And parents have said enough. Stay under your rock with the rest of the slime.
I’m not under a rock. I’m out there everyday getting paid to teach kids. What do you do besides hiding behind a computer lying, spreading hate, and trying to act tough?
More homo projection. Sorry dumbfuck, my wife has an actual job. And I have dinner ready for her when she gets home shortly. But you and Butch don't understand that do you? The list of sickos here grows by the day
As Gertrude in Hamlet said: ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’

Even Shakespeare knew that Accusations become Con-fessions....the louder and more strident the Accusation, the farther the fall and con-fession will be. Remember Ted Haggard?
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straight/normal people dont molest children or castrate and mutilate their genitals,,
Ey, ey, ey. This is a pretty radical level of stupid right here. Like I don't even think you could twist your floppy noodle of a brain into enough knots to put a proper explanation to this statement- oooo boy, don't you ever wonder why people don't say stupid nonesense like this in public? Not even empty skulled dumb dumb's like Matt Walsh? Maybe you got a point if you just said Normal people, but then you ruined it by trying to make it seem like only straight people are normal.

I sure am glad you're not the teacher here... RIP future generations.
Ey, ey, ey. This is a pretty radical level of stupid right here. Like I don't even think you could twist your floppy noodle of a brain into enough knots to put a proper explanation to this statement- oooo boy, don't you ever wonder why people don't say stupid nonesense like this in public? Not even empty skulled dumb dumb's like Matt Walsh? Maybe you got a point if you just said Normal people, but then you ruined it by trying to make it seem like only straight people are normal.

I sure am glad you're not the teacher here... RIP future generations.

Yoi dont give a fuck about kids. Or you would be picketing churches, the real grooming centres of America.

I see you exposed your nasty elitism again for everyone to see. You're such a great liberal, hating on the working man, Tommy.
Nothing wrong with exposure. Kids can think for themselves.

Yeah? What do you mean by this, exactly? Exposure to what, and at what age?

"Kids can think for themselves"---really? Again, on what topics, and at what age? Because if you tell a five year old that a fat man in a red suit rides on a magic sleigh and comes into every single home with children in it on a single night--they believe this.
The insides of a woman is not a human being. And stop pretending to be advocating for children. You want to force women to give birth and raise babies they don’t want. Do you know how hard it is to raise a child? Think about the abuse those poor kids would get from parents who don’t have the resources or will to care for them. That’s pretty messed up

If you want to talk about abortion in cases of rape **with a police report** we can go there. Otherwise, no one forces a woman to give birth "against her will". It doesn't just happen to her like a monthly cycle; she was a willing participant and took a chance. The baby should not have to DIE because the chances did not turn out as the woman wanted.
Fake news. Listen. All you guys are doing is working yourselves up like they want you to. The GOP has terrible policy for 98% of Americans so what is their plan to get support? It’s whipping up the uneducated into a frenzy over social fake issues so they don’t care they are voting against their own interests. It’s crazy.

You're losing the culture war now. Enjoy that. Cope and seethe.
how about we leave the kids out of it and prove us wrong??

we know you wont and will continue to abuse children with castration, molesting and mutilating their genitals along with exposing them to what ever deviant adult sexual content you can get awaay with,,
Again. Fake shit. I have kids. You likely don’t. My kids went to great public schools. From my oldest who is in med school to my youngest still in school the damage the GOP plus doing is evident.

When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:​

How else can they be made available for labour in abattoirs?
Weak? Yes. Dishonest? Very. I handle crazy parents all the time. It’s not a problem. They can think whatever they want. Why would I care? You keep playing out these fantasy beat downs you’re putting on me when you can’t even make one honest argument. That’s pathetic
Hey dumbfuck, I am quoting YOUR OWN WORDS idiot. Yes you are pathetic. You best care what parents think.
I’m not under a rock. I’m out there everyday getting paid to teach kids. What do you do besides hiding behind a computer lying, spreading hate, and trying to act tough?
I have a real job, I coach 3 teams every school year and you sure as hell don’t teach kids anything. Wanting kids protected from perverted crap is hate? Only in your disgusting world. And no retard, I’m not lying, YOU are.

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