When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

Actually a child is more likely to be sexual abused by an educator

A child is likely to be abused by a trusted adult figure that has some sort of relationship with and power over a child. So that's why we see lots of news stories of priests, ministers, teachers, and coaches - trusted individuals with authority/power over children. Many times, though, it's an older cousin, a step-parent, a friend of the family who babysits.

Some Boy George lookalike reading a book at a public library is probably the option to leave off your bingo card.
Exactly. Your are more likely to be fondled by a GOP Methodist Minister than any of jackassery you guys are championing.
considering when I was molested when I was 13 it was from a gay guy coming out of a drag bar your example doesnt mean much,,

as for your example,, it was a gay guy that was a priest,,
A child is likely to be abused by a trusted adult figure that has some sort of relationship with and power over a child. So that's why we see lots of news stories of priests, ministers, teachers, and coaches - trusted individuals with authority/power over children. Many times, though, it's an older cousin, a step-parent, a friend of the family who babysits.

Some Boy George lookalike reading a book at a public library is probably the option to leave off your bingo card.

Save it asshole I know better
Actually a child is more likely to be sexually abused by a family member.
when you can figure a way to determine if a family member is going to molest a child we can take actions to stop that from happening,,

until then considering the fact that every little boy that was molested was by a gay man, we have a target that we know will protect them,,,
You think you know better. You are the worst kind of moron. Dumber than dirt but think you're fucken Einstein.

In the meantime, rather than antagonizing me, I've got a better idea: go to the fridge, grab an Oscar Meyer wiener, and sit on it, 'cause that's all the sausage you're getting tonight, toots.

Go away. You leftist loons bore me. And unless i respond to you keep moving
Go away. You leftist loons bore me. And unless i respond to you keep moving

Yes, ma'am.

No moron. YOU and YOUR disgusting kind are being thrown out of communities. And not welcomed in any sane society. Go read those books and show the pictures in them to kids at a playground, then enjoy the beatings you’ll get.
What in the world are you ranting about?! Haha
A human being, no matter what hateful lies you tell to try to deny his humanity, and excuse the cold-blooded murder thereof.

Your support of the savage, murderous practice of abortion, puts the lie to any bullshit claim you might make to give a shit about any human life especially the lives of children.
The insides of a woman is not a human being. And stop pretending to be advocating for children. You want to force women to give birth and raise babies they don’t want. Do you know how hard it is to raise a child? Think about the abuse those poor kids would get from parents who don’t have the resources or will to care for them. That’s pretty messed up
There are some things that children do not need to be exposed to.

There are some things that children need to NOT be exposed to.

Disgusting, immoral, fucked-up sexual perversions certainly are among such things.

There is only one reason why anyone would want to expose children to that sick filth. Such is prima facie proof of someone that needs to be kept away from children.
Correct. Something are appropriate and some things are not. Seeing a drag show comprised of song and dance and stories… no problem. Seeing a drag show with sex, not appropriate. Same goes for theater
No, we are definitely protecting children from the perverts and deviants you and the vast majority of leftards here support and defend. You people keep screeching about priests when the churches have taken steps to solve their problems. You just deny yours and call anybody who opposes grooming children transphobic or whatever the word you’re told to use today is. Why don’t you morons understand the simple concept of leave the kids alone? And you wonder why parents have had enough of people like YOU.
You are not protecting them from pedos. You are just scared of gays.
considering when I was molested when I was 13 it was from a gay guy coming out of a drag bar your example doesnt mean much,,

as for your example,, it was a gay guy that was a priest,,
Fake news. Listen. All you guys are doing is working yourselves up like they want you to. The GOP has terrible policy for 98% of Americans so what is their plan to get support? It’s whipping up the uneducated into a frenzy over social fake issues so they don’t care they are voting against their own interests. It’s crazy.

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