When you think of the prospects of our next POTUS, how crazy is Kim Jon Un comparatively?


My Gawd! I am seeing double. :lol:

You are for sure in body language. It's the cemented arrogance and the frown of promised retaliation for failure to worship. Both men assume an expression of veiled threat and an apathic disregard for "other than self". They sport a flinty, vacuous and frankly, evil stare. "unapologetic" is the one word that jumps out at you with both of these men.
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That's the reason I worry about Hillary as 'absolute ruler'.

Choosing between Hillary and Trump is like choosing to either drive off a cliff or be trampled to death by elephants. My hope was that the RNC could do better. Any remaining respect anyone had for the republican party and its "values" and effectiveness at governing and leading the country is on the endangered species list.

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