Whenever a RW says "just don't shove it down my throat"...

...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

"They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual. "

This right here, is solely your opinion. And when it comes to parents who have kids, you need to respect their right to have an opinion different from your own. You talk about REALITY as if you are some sort of expert but its very well known that media has an effect on children.
From gun violence to smoking, everyone with half a brain knows that kids who are still developing as human beings are very impressionable and take in the world around them. Why do you have to be so full of BS and you cant just say you have a different opinion?

No, actually, homosexuality is biological. You can't be "made" gay, no more than you can be made straight.

Biologically, a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. what someone feels emotionally is a mental state.

And thats my opinion of course. feel free to believe whatever you want though
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

"They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual. "

This right here, is solely your opinion. And when it comes to parents who have kids, you need to respect their right to have an opinion different from your own. You talk about REALITY as if you are some sort of expert but its very well known that media has an effect on children.
From gun violence to smoking, everyone with half a brain knows that kids who are still developing as human beings are very impressionable and take in the world around them. Why do you have to be so full of BS and you cant just say you have a different opinion?

No, actually, homosexuality is biological. You can't be "made" gay, no more than you can be made straight.

Biologically, a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. what someone feels emotionally is a mental state.

And thats my opinion of course. feel free to believe whatever you want though

What does that have to do with being gay or straight?
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

"They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual. "

This right here, is solely your opinion. And when it comes to parents who have kids, you need to respect their right to have an opinion different from your own. You talk about REALITY as if you are some sort of expert but its very well known that media has an effect on children.
From gun violence to smoking, everyone with half a brain knows that kids who are still developing as human beings are very impressionable and take in the world around them. Why do you have to be so full of BS and you cant just say you have a different opinion?
Kids don't become gay because they see a gay person walking down the street. Thanks for showing everyone what irrational thought really is.

No of course not. just like watching someone smoking a cigarette on the street isn't going to make a kid want to smoke. But the media does have a powerful effect on peoples minds. It's been proven many times and having nothing to do with being homosexual. its not irrational for me to say kids are impressionable. whats wrong with you??
Didn't his screen name of " IM PURE TRASH" give it away a little what kind of person he is?

That you're more bothered by words on a computer screen than the real life actions depicted in the videos I posted shows what kind of person you are. Get your priorities straight, degenerate.
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.
Umm, I think you should replace your avatar...
It is obvious that you are void of critical thinking skills!
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

I'm old enough to remember when the cry of the wicked was “Don't force your morality on me!” All that they wanted, then—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick, immoral sexual perversions in peace and privacy. That only lasted until they had gained enough power to force their immorality on the rest of us who want nothing to do with it.
Lol god you're dumb. Okay let me you ask this: what do you think is the worst that could happen if a child is exposed to it? Research already proves that adopted children to gay couples aren't more likely to turn out as gay vs straight couples.

Look, I get that you never matured past 8th grade, but you might as well man up and accept that some people are different from you.

You see nothing wrong with those videos?

Of course not. Though few will yet openly admit it, pedophilia is among the next things that the pervert-rights movement has on its agenda to try to normalize and legitimize. Dragging children into what filth they can now get away with is certainly an important step in that direction, both in grooming youngsters to be easy prey for all manner of sexual abuse and exploitation, as well as grooming society toward accepting it.

He won't admit it, but it should be obvious that Billy000 has no problem with what is depicted in those videos, because he is behind the agenda that the filth shown in those videos is intended to promote.
Biologically, a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.

What does that have to do with being gay or straight?

Those in the LGBpbiWTF movement claim that being male or female is a choice, but being heterosexual or homosexual is a matter of hard biology that cannot be chosen. This is an example of what George Orwell defined and described as “Doublethink”.
I don't care for it being shoved down my throat and take exception to the premise of the OP.

I enjoyed CBS Sunday Morning but I quit watching years ago after their profiles of interesting people began to overly dwell on a person's sexuality when that person wasn't heterosexual. I don't believe a person's sexual preference defines a gay person any more than if they were straight, do you? Anyways, the interviewer would treat the guest as heroic and it came off as if dealing with this abnormality was on par with a personal battle against cancer. Basically the subject matter repulsed me but the only one I felt ill-will towards was the interviewer.
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...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.
Umm, I think you should replace your avatar...
It is obvious that you are void of critical thinking skills!
The only thing critical in the OPs thinking is it's on life support.
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

When the Democrats are in power, the RW'ers label any legislation passed etc. as having it shoved down their throats.
When the GOP is in power and passes bills etc., the RW'ers say 'elections have consequences."
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

Is it OK to portray gay characters as evil psychopaths?


There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

I suspect there may be gays who are evil psychopaths because they are gay, just as there evil psychopaths whose being gay has nothing to do with their psychopathy's etiology and/or presentation. There are likely to be also evil psychopaths who are not gay and whose psychopathy has nothing to do with anything pertaining to homosexuality. In short, it's not okay to assert or imply, by way of fallacious compositional, divisional or inapt generalization lines, depict anyone or any group of people.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
― William Shakespeare, As You Like It
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.
DNA does not lie, and the country should not pay for psychological problems of the gay/transgender/transsexual population...
We only want to protect children from being brainwashed and exploited by pervs:

Lol god you're dumb. Okay let me you ask this: what do you think is the worst that could happen if a child is exposed to it? Research already proves that adopted children to gay couples aren't more likely to turn out as gay vs straight couples.

Look, I get that you never matured past 8th grade, but you might as well man up and accept that some people are different from you.

Normal communities should never be exposed to gay/transgender/transsexual mentalities.
But the control freaks that are progressive's continued to think so.... :cuckoo:

Gay people/transgender's/transsexuals should keep to themselves, and stay away from normal society
Normal communities should never be exposed to gay/transgender/transsexual mentalities.
But the control freaks that are progressive's continued to think so.... :cuckoo:

Gay people/transgender's/transsexuals should keep to themselves, and stay away from normal society

I think a large percentage of people claiming non-hetero sexuality are just playacting so they can be a member of a protected victim class, especially 'bisexual' women.
One thing to be gay. A whole other thing when I have to explain to a 5 year old why two ugly fat men in leather thongs are sticking each others tongue's down their throats to celebrate their "pride".
Act like a freak and expect to be treated as such.
Tolerance does not translate into acceptance. No one will ever force me to believe I should accept a behavior as normal.
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Biologically, a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.

What does that have to do with being gay or straight?

Those in the LGBpbiWTF movement claim that being male or female is a choice, but being heterosexual or homosexual is a matter of hard biology that cannot be chosen. This is an example of what George Orwell defined and described as “Doublethink”.
Those in the LGBpbiWTF movement claim that being male or female is a choice, but being heterosexual or homosexual is a matter of hard biology that cannot be chosen.
If that's what you believe they say, you ought to endeavor to comprehend what they say and mean rather than merely hearing their words and trying to make them mean what you'd have them mean. You need also, if you intend to discuss the matter in public and with people who do understand the matter, to endeavor to become better informed on the terms pertaining to sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexuality, etc. That or you should stop thinking people who read what you above wrote are ignorant of the differences in the same your equivocal statement suggests you are.
  • Nobody thinks one chooses one's sex.
  • Whether sexual orientation is a choice has not to certain communities satisfaction been established, but for most people it is accepted that sexual orientation is not a choice.
  • I don't know what be the prevailing conclusion on whether gender identity is more a matter of "nature" or more "nurture."
Normal communities should never be exposed to gay/transgender/transsexual mentalities.
But the control freaks that are progressive's continued to think so.... :cuckoo:

Gay people/transgender's/transsexuals should keep to themselves, and stay away from normal society

Under the First Amendment, they have a right to express what they will, within rational limits.

But when they demand that sane people accept their madness and perversion, and treat it as if it is in any way normal, healthy, or acceptable, and the power of government is used to enforce these demands, then a line has been crossed, that should never be approached.

And when they drag children into this filth, that ought to be recognized and treated as sexual abuse of children, and the perpetrators thereof need to be permanently removed from free society.
...about a topic like LGBT issues they are really just full of shit and wish it were erased from society.

They say that stupid line because they don't want to be seen as hypocritical because they identify as libertarians. They are such pussies like that. The truth is that their definition of "shove it down my throat" applies to any exposure they have to it in any context. So, for instance, rather than just accepting that it's fair to portray gay characters in TV and film, they throw tantrums over movies like "Brokeback Mountain" or TV shows depicting transgendered people. Rather than respecting free speech in any form, their tender sensibilities are threatened so they lash out like the 8th graders they are. They justify this by pretending it poisons children's minds, but the reality is that does NOTHING to make kids homosexual.

Maybe the men are just afraid a dick will wind up in their throat? I'm not really sure. Conservatives are rarely rational people.

How would you know what a pussy is, considering you believe some men have pussies, and some women have cocks?
I don't care for it being shoved down my throat and take exception to the premise of the OP.

I enjoyed CBS Sunday Morning but I quit watching years ago after their profiles of interesting people began to overly dwell on a person's sexuality when that person wasn't heterosexual. I don't believe a person's sexual preference defines a gay person any more than if they were straight, do you? Anyways, the interviewer would treat the guest as heroic and it came off as if dealing with this abnormality was on par with a personal battle against cancer. Basically the subject matter repulsed me but the only one I felt ill-will towards was the interviewer.
No, I agree there is nothing special about being gay. Of course, I don't get why in this day and age simply interviewing a gay person would be interesting.

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