Where all this hate towards Amy Coney Barrett is coming from?

She deserves far less respect than she is getting because it is clear she is ruthlessly partisan for having anything to do with this travesty.
In which of her rulings did her "partisan" views override the law? Be specific, please.

The ink is barely dry on her Appellate court nomination so she doesn’t have many decisions on her belt.

But it is to be noted that Justice Roberts, Brett Kavenaugh and ACB all worked for the Republican Party to install W in the White House even though Gore overwhelmingly won the popular vote.

That’ll be 3 justices now who are willing to overturn an election. This isn’t a coincidence
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
She deserves far less respect than she is getting because it is clear she is ruthlessly partisan for having anything to do with this travesty.
In which of her rulings did her "partisan" views override the law? Be specific, please.

The ink is barely dry on her Appellate court nomination so she doesn’t have many decisions on her belt.

But it is to be noted that Justice Roberts, Brett Kavenaugh and ACB all worked for the Republican Party to install W in the White House even though Gore overwhelmingly won the popular vote.

That’ll be 3 justices now who are willing to overturn an election. This isn’t a coincidence
Interesting that you point to the CORRECT decision to call Florida for Bush as a bad one because subsequent recounts established that Bush really did win the state fair and square. Thus, they were not "overturning an election" when they stopped Algore from cherry picking districts to re-re-recount ad infinitum until somebody could "find" more ballots with hanging chads in the trunk of their car. So, instead of being "ruthlessly partisan", your example establishes her as being willing to make a hard call in the face of overwhelming leftist pressure.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
As I have pointed out, no one "overturned" the 2000 election. Bush won Florida by every recount. You might not like it, you might throw a tantrum because of it, but he won the state and the election, and went on to win again 4 years later. The SC made the right call.
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Why is it when a person disagrees with republicans or their policies they right away get accused of being hateful? I don't want her to be a justice because with her on board the republicans could overturn the ACA according to what I'm reading. Hundreds of thousands of people losing their health insurance with nothing to replace it. Now how is it being hateful by not wanting that to happen?
She is going to be confirmed, so no point in talking about why or why not less than 3 weeks before a presidential election its ok, when last time 10 months before an election it was not ok. American politics at its finest.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
There are so many things. Come on, man! Wouldn't you think the Clinton Presidency was illigitimate? I mean by the proper two party system. Ross Perot runs in 1992 and 1996 and hands Clinton the Presidency. Golly gee. And Gore would be a footnote in history without good old Ross.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.

Thank god that bat shit crazy asshole Gore didn't win so anybody that helped to prevent that from happening is a saint.

The last thing we need are worthless affirmative action hate mongering welfare Negroes in more positions than they are now so the fact that she is White is a good thing.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
As I have pointed out, no one "overturned" the 2000 election. Bush won Florida by every recount. You might not like it, you might throw a tantrum because of it, but he won the state and the election, and went on to win again 4 years later. The SC made the right call.

Well Dragonlady is confused about most issues so who cares about what the hell she thinks?
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
As I have pointed out, no one "overturned" the 2000 election. Bush won Florida by every recount. You might not like it, you might throw a tantrum because of it, but he won the state and the election, and went on to win again 4 years later. The SC made the right call.

No he didn't. Bush won Florida by fewer than 600 votes, and the recounts were plagued with efforts to disqualify Democrats' votes, while Republicans lawyers pushed for unverified and discarded Bush ballots.

The Supreme Court gave the election to Bush - who started the Iraq War, destabilized the Middle East, and crashed the economy. W is considered one of the worst Presidents in history. Now 3 of the Republican lawyers who worked to overturn this election are now slated to be on the Supreme Court in time to decide the 2020 election, "if necessary". How convenient!

None of the Presidents inflicted on the American public over the wishes of the American voters, has covered themselves in glory. The 5 American Presidents elected by the College are all ranked in the bottom half of Presidents, with John Quincy Adams ranking highest at 23 out of 45. It seems the American people are better at picking Presidents than the Electoral College.

Do you honestly think that 220,000 people would be dead from Covid if Hillary had been elected? All of the countries with female leaders ran rings around the "strong men" and dictator wanna be's who denied the pandemic.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
As I have pointed out, no one "overturned" the 2000 election. Bush won Florida by every recount. You might not like it, you might throw a tantrum because of it, but he won the state and the election, and went on to win again 4 years later. The SC made the right call.

No he didn't. Bush won Florida by fewer than 600 votes, and the recounts were plagued with efforts to disqualify Democrats' votes, while Republicans lawyers pushed for unverified and discarded Bush ballots.

The Supreme Court gave the election to Bush - who started the Iraq War, destabilized the Middle East, and crashed the economy. W is considered one of the worst Presidents in history. Now 3 of the Republican lawyers who worked to overturn this election are now slated to be on the Supreme Court in time to decide the 2020 election, "if necessary". How convenient!

None of the Presidents inflicted on the American public over the wishes of the American voters, has covered themselves in glory. The 5 American Presidents elected by the College are all ranked in the bottom half of Presidents, with John Quincy Adams ranking highest at 23 out of 45. It seems the American people are better at picking Presidents than the Electoral College.

Do you honestly think that 220,000 people would be dead from Covid if Hillary had been elected? All of the countries with female leaders ran rings around the "strong men" and dictator wanna be's who denied the pandemic.
Are you not aware that subsequent recounts made after the decision was handed down all gave the win to Bush? You certainly cannot make the case the Gore won Florida, because he simply didn't. He tried, by attempting to force multiple recounts in carefully selected areas where he expected to pick up more votes, but he was stopped, and ultimately, Bush was shown to be the victor. You may not like the result, but it's legitimate. Can you find a source that actually counted the votes that show Gore had more votes in Florida? If not, you're just working off emotion and not fact or logic.
Why is it when a person disagrees with republicans or their policies they right away get accused of being hateful? I don't want her to be a justice because with her on board the republicans could overturn the ACA according to what I'm reading. Hundreds of thousands of people losing their health insurance with nothing to replace it. Now how is it being hateful by not wanting that to happen?
If the ACA is overturned because it violates the Constitution, it goes back to Congress for them to write it in such a way that it IS constitutional. Why would you support a law that violates the Constitution?

Now, think carefully instead of feeling for a moment. The only part of obamadontcare that was really in jeopardy from the SC was the individual mandate, because the government was forcing the citizens to purchase something, and that was troublesome. But don't worry, Roberts came to the rescue and called it a tax so it could pass muster. IOW, instead of making Congress write it correctly, he rewrote it for them. Bad, bad, bad. But, the individual mandate has since been eliminated, so it's no longer a concern.
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

That’s what they’re trying to sell you. This woman helped overturn the Gore election which handed the Presidency to W using the Supreme Court.

The Federalist Society only nominates hard right White judges. She wouldn’t have been nominated if she wouldn’t help the cause. And in helping overturn the 2000 election, she has already proven her worth to them.
As I have pointed out, no one "overturned" the 2000 election. Bush won Florida by every recount. You might not like it, you might throw a tantrum because of it, but he won the state and the election, and went on to win again 4 years later. The SC made the right call.

No he didn't. Bush won Florida by fewer than 600 votes, and the recounts were plagued with efforts to disqualify Democrats' votes, while Republicans lawyers pushed for unverified and discarded Bush ballots.

The Supreme Court gave the election to Bush - who started the Iraq War, destabilized the Middle East, and crashed the economy. W is considered one of the worst Presidents in history. Now 3 of the Republican lawyers who worked to overturn this election are now slated to be on the Supreme Court in time to decide the 2020 election, "if necessary". How convenient!

None of the Presidents inflicted on the American public over the wishes of the American voters, has covered themselves in glory. The 5 American Presidents elected by the College are all ranked in the bottom half of Presidents, with John Quincy Adams ranking highest at 23 out of 45. It seems the American people are better at picking Presidents than the Electoral College.

Do you honestly think that 220,000 people would be dead from Covid if Hillary had been elected? All of the countries with female leaders ran rings around the "strong men" and dictator wanna be's who denied the pandemic.
Are you not aware that subsequent recounts made after the decision was handed down all gave the win to Bush? You certainly cannot make the case the Gore won Florida, because he simply didn't. He tried, by attempting to force multiple recounts in carefully selected areas where he expected to pick up more votes, but he was stopped, and ultimately, Bush was shown to be the victor. You may not like the result, but it's legitimate. Can you find a source that actually counted the votes that show Gore had more votes in Florida? If not, you're just working off emotion and not fact or logic.

That asshole Gore and the vile despicable Democrats only wanted to count Democrat votes in Florida.

Thank god the Supremes put an end to that corrupt partisan shit.

Thank god good lawyers like Amy helped to put the case before the Supremes.

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