Where all this hate towards Amy Coney Barrett is coming from?

Where all this hate towards Amy Coney Barrett is coming from?

From her documented record and her evasiveness to answer Senate confirmation questions!
In which of her rulings did she ignore the law in favor of a personal opinion? And why do you expect a nominee to state for the record how he/she will vote when the case has not even been heard? That's stupid.

She is too radical.

TODAY: Amy Coney Barrett Back On Capitol Hill For Senators’ Final Questions

Amy Coney Barrett Refuses To Say If Climate Change Is Real

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination
Where all this hate towards Amy Coney Barrett is coming from?

From her documented record and her evasiveness to answer Senate confirmation questions!
In which of her rulings did she ignore the law in favor of a personal opinion? And why do you expect a nominee to state for the record how he/she will vote when the case has not even been heard? That's stupid.

She is too radical.

TODAY: Amy Coney Barrett Back On Capitol Hill For Senators’ Final Questions

Amy Coney Barrett Refuses To Say If Climate Change Is Real

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination
In which of her rulings did she ignore the law in favor of a personal opinion? See, a person can hold private opinions and set them aside to do their job. Thus far, no one has been able to show ANY ruling she made that favored her opinion over the law, and until you can do that, you're just being afraid of a strong conservative woman.
Where all this hate towards Amy Coney Barrett is coming from?

From her documented record and her evasiveness to answer Senate confirmation questions!
In which of her rulings did she ignore the law in favor of a personal opinion? And why do you expect a nominee to state for the record how he/she will vote when the case has not even been heard? That's stupid.

She is too radical.

TODAY: Amy Coney Barrett Back On Capitol Hill For Senators’ Final Questions

Amy Coney Barrett Refuses To Say If Climate Change Is Real

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination
Just because someone does not share your views does not make them radical. You think the dems would not be doing the same thing or worse to ANY nominee Trump picked? You dems are all fucking radical you do not agree with something it is wrong, radical, racist or whatever you can think of. And when that fails the false allegations will start.
Barrett can't even answer easy questions on black letter law. She's obviously not as smart as NaziCons try to make her out to be.

TODAY: Amy Coney Barrett Back On Capitol Hill For Senators’ Final Questions
What are you talking about she has answered every question beyond expectations. Even the Dem senators have acknowledged this. You are the one that is obviously not smart.

Not true! Apparently you haven't been watching closely.
Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

Eighty-eight faculty members at the university penned a letter saying Barrett should delay her Supreme Court nomination until after the Nov. 3 election.

The letter argues for Barrett to take this “unprecedented step,” saying that Americans are already voting in the general election and that moving forward at this stage would “deprive the American people of a voice in selecting the next Supreme Court justice.”

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

I agree!
none of Trump's SC nominees would say if Brown V Board is legal precedent

are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
The entire confirmation hearing today on Democrat side was based on a premise that Barrett would vote against CommieCare (ACA), or in other words, on nothing.

The "individual mandate" part, that was constitutionally sketchy, was already removed by Congress few years back. Although it's true that Trump's admin is trying to strike out rest of the ACA, what makes you lefties think that SCOTUS is going to vote against it if the law is constitutional? With "individual mandate" gone, the rest of the law, regardless of we liking it or not, is likely to stand, and six Justices who already voted for ACA earlier have no reason to vote against it now?

Democrats know this, and the MSM as well, but they simply don't care, and they're attacking Barrett on insinuation that she would vote against it, regardless of her vote wouldn't matter anyways. They spent half a day looking at the photos of people who "would die if they lose their healthcare", and those sad stories have absolutely nothing to do with confirmation hearing. In other words, they turn whole hearing today into Democrat party commercial with the message "look what Trump is going to do to sick people". In reality, of course, Trump isn't going to do anything to anyone. If law is unconstitutional, it should be repealed, but for the reason I mentioned above, the ACA is most likely going to stand.

Democrats have not disappointed, they acted exactly as you would expect from them. They were lying, acting "outraged", and like everyone but them is plain stupid. They know that ACA sucks, and for those that have to use it, it stinks, but Democrats are not fighting for it because it's a good law, but because it's a foundation on which they could continue to build the single payer, government controlled system, and if that foundation is gone, they would have to start, should they get a chance, all over again.

Therefore, just another mockery of the hearing, as they did with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and now Barrett.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a White Christian who has given birth to 5 White children of her OWN with her White Christian husband and THIS is why the Leftists aka Communists HATE her, that she has adopted two Black Haitian children means ZERO all that means to Leftists aka Communists is that Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her husband are obviously White Christian Colonialists or whatever.
"I don’t know what Democrats are so worried about, anyway. According to them, Americans LOVE Roe! Amy Klobuchar said at one of the Democratic debates this year, “The people are with us. Over 70% of the people support Roe v. Wade.”

Oddly, when I tried to locate this statistic on Google, I found endless polls claiming 70% of Americans support every left-wing policy — the entire Democratic agenda: legalizing pot; Medicare for all; amnesty for illegals, Black Lives Matter and on and on. All have 70% support!

So I’ve got good news for liberals: If these polls are accurate, you don’t need left-wing judicial activists concocting imaginary “constitutional rights” to get your way. Just pass laws, like in a democracy. On the other hand, the hysteria over RBG’s death and ACB’s nomination tells me that liberals don’t believe their own polls."
What the Democrats did to Kavanaugh would be a good example. I am starting to see why you're getting confused. You do hate anyone you disagree with and you don't ... think ...
He had a credible accusation of rape against him.

He was supposed to be vetted.

Personally, I think he got away w/it, but at this point, that's a done deal.

Nothing out of bounds was "done to him."

That's partisan hackery talk.
Credible, riiiiight. His “accuser” couldn’t remember where, when, or who attended the party. Her friends dispute her sworn testimony. I guess by your standards, it’s “credible” that the moon is made of green cheese.
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Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

Eighty-eight faculty members at the university penned a letter saying Barrett should delay her Supreme Court nomination until after the Nov. 3 election.

The letter argues for Barrett to take this “unprecedented step,” saying that Americans are already voting in the general election and that moving forward at this stage would “deprive the American people of a voice in selecting the next Supreme Court justice.”

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

I agree!

Elections have consequences...now who said that?
She deserves far less respect than she is getting because it is clear she is ruthlessly partisan for having anything to do with this travesty.

Da fuq?

Dude she's going to be confirmed

You lost....we win. Now resume the fetal position

You haven't won, and this packing of the courts by the Republican Party will not be allowed to stand.

Filling a seat is not “court packing” it’s called doing the job.

Holding seats open, slowing confirmations to keep them open. Republicans stole 2 of Trumps’s nomination. Trump bragged how Obama “left” 120 seats on the deferral Judiciary empty and he filled them. Obama left no seats empty, McConnell spent 8 years holding up every appointment and 4 years ramming them through to pack the courts.

The Federalist Society provided a list of radical right wingers, many of them very unqualified and Trump’s nominations were rushed through at lightening speed. All of them young, radically right wing, and nearly all of them, white males.

Republicans have been “packing the courts” for the past 12 years. Refusing to confirm Obama’s picks and rushing through Trump’s.

So stop with the bullshit about “packing the courts”. It’s just another Republican cover up for what they’ve done here to thwart the will of the people.
Republicans control the Senate. Obama lectured us that "Elections have consequences". When Democrats win the Senate then they will do the exact same thing. Suck it up, buttercup.

Just because no one was ever corrupt enough to do it, doesn’t mean it’s OK or that there won’t be consequences after this election.

One of the “consequences” of this election, is that laws will be put in place to prevent this kind of corruption and power grabs by Republicans, and one of the ways that can be done is to “unpack” the courts, by increasing the numbers of judges, to balance the courts and provide a judiciary that is not overwhelmingly conservative, white and male.

Furthermore, the Republicans are guaranteed to lose the Senate if they push through a nomination that 70% of Americans don’t want them to make BEFORE this election. You spent so much time convincing Republican voters that Obama should have waited and promising that if this happened in the last year of Trump’s term, they would wait, that Republican voters now believe what Trump and McCONNELL are doing is WRONG.

Republicans would have been further ahead to wait in terms of both the Presidential or down ballot races. Vote for Trump to cement to court. Return your GOP Senators to ensure confirmation. The ads practically write themselves. But by all means, shoot yourselves in the foot.

Republicans will lose right across the board and risk giving Democrats the super majority they will need to “unpack the courts”, and pass legislation to ensure future governments on either side can never do it again. After all, if the courts are packed for generations to come, there’s really no need to return any of these incompetent ass clowns to Washington. Reload, and shoot the other foot right off.

Has Trump ever made a decision that didn’t blow up in his face? Accepting help from the Russians got him the Russia investigation. Trying to fire Comey to end the RI, got him the Mueller Investigation. Trying to extort the Ukrainians got him impeached. Trying to pretend Covid was a hoax got 220,000 Americans killed and crashed the economy.

The list is endless. Debt and destruction have been the story of Trump’s life. Bankruptcy for all who believe and invested with him.

Stupid is as stupid does. The only thing dumber than Trump, are his “true believers”.

We understand it's been a bad couple of of weeks for you. It will only get worse. ACB will be confirmed and The Kid Sniffer will lose in a landslide.
Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

Eighty-eight faculty members at the university penned a letter saying Barrett should delay her Supreme Court nomination until after the Nov. 3 election.

The letter argues for Barrett to take this “unprecedented step,” saying that Americans are already voting in the general election and that moving forward at this stage would “deprive the American people of a voice in selecting the next Supreme Court justice.”

Dozens Of Barrett’s Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination

I agree!

Next weeks headline:

88 faculty members at Notre Dame scream at the sky after ACB confirmation.
..she's confident, smart, calm, CIVIL, not fat or ugly/etc --the exact opposite of the Dems
..what a HUGE difference she is compared to a lot of politicians/entertainers/etc !!!!!!!!!
..just like the liberals on USMB, they HATE it when you are like she is---and when they can't prove what they accuse you of

compared to this/etc:
She is too radical.
According to HuffPost? :laughing0301:
In which of her rulings did she ignore the law in favor of a personal opinion? See, a person can hold private opinions and set them aside to do their job. Thus far, no one has been able to show ANY ruling she made that favored her opinion over the law, and until you can do that, you're just being afraid of a strong conservative woman.
I find leftist not-too-brights (redundant?) are convinced that because they lack character, integrity, and intelligence that everyone else does too.

I suppose it's the only way they can justify their existence.
The entire confirmation hearing today on Democrat side was based on a premise that Barrett would vote against CommieCare (ACA), or in other words, on nothing.

The "individual mandate" part, that was constitutionally sketchy, was already removed by Congress few years back. Although it's true that Trump's admin is trying to strike out rest of the ACA, what makes you lefties think that SCOTUS is going to vote against it if the law is constitutional? With "individual mandate" gone, the rest of the law, regardless of we liking it or not, is likely to stand, and six Justices who already voted for ACA earlier have no reason to vote against it now?

Democrats know this, and the MSM as well, but they simply don't care, and they're attacking Barrett on insinuation that she would vote against it, regardless of her vote wouldn't matter anyways. They spent half a day looking at the photos of people who "would die if they lose their healthcare", and those sad stories have absolutely nothing to do with confirmation hearing. In other words, they turn whole hearing today into Democrat party commercial with the message "look what Trump is going to do to sick people". In reality, of course, Trump isn't going to do anything to anyone. If law is unconstitutional, it should be repealed, but for the reason I mentioned above, the ACA is most likely going to stand.

Democrats have not disappointed, they acted exactly as you would expect from them. They were lying, acting "outraged", and like everyone but them is plain stupid. They know that ACA sucks, and for those that have to use it, it stinks, but Democrats are not fighting for it because it's a good law, but because it's a foundation on which they could continue to build the single payer, government controlled system, and if that foundation is gone, they would have to start, should they get a chance, all over again.

Therefore, just another mockery of the hearing, as they did with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and now Barrett.
First you have to come to grips with the democrat party has been worse than scum since LBJ plotted to murder JFK. It hasn't been the other party for decades. Those traitors need hung 20 years ago when they first thought killing, looting and burning was the American way. Only scum would recall the rescuers going to save American Military. Only scum would burn to death almost 100 church members of men, women and children.Only scum could spend every day of an 8 year administration at war killing millions and tens of thousands more in his genocides. We need to start smiting them now before God starts holds it against us. We have allowed this scum set on the enemy's AA Guns shouting I wish I had one of those suckers in my sights. Sucker being a US Airforce pilot. Her husband is no better saying he enjoys hearing American troops are turning their guns on them self in record numbers. Democrats jane fonda and ted turner. And I hear they put their pants on one leg at a time. If we started bring these traitors to justice this scum would have self extinguished years ago.

Pure scum! and I also heard God will no longer allow stupid as an excuse for supporting evil scum. Hunt them down!
Hating Amy is like hating the Virgin Mary or The Sisters of the Poor. Only the most vile among us will do it.

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