Where Are All The Atheists And Agnostics?

Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't". Where are all the book clubs and their flood relief, where are all the militia derps and their truck loads of water.

An absurd argument from the git go. Millions of Christians are doing absolutely nothing to help anyone, where are they.

Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't".

.... which is precisely what you are doing.

Doesn't seem human like to simply sit by and attack those folks who are helping out either.
Which is why it's so disappointing to see you thumpers denigrating those with no need or desire to promote their religious agenda who actively assist their friends, neighbors or those who contribute to relief agencies without the need to score points with their respective gods.

Many people donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. It is the Christians though who are expending their money, their, time, and their labor in a hands-on real time assistance effort. You want to claim you are helping by sending a few bucks to the Red Cross now and again? How about volunteering with one of your local church groups to stand in the hot sun and hand out bottled water or something? That is real help.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't". Where are all the book clubs and their flood relief, where are all the militia derps and their truck loads of water.

An absurd argument from the git go. Millions of Christians are doing absolutely nothing to help anyone, where are they.

Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't".

.... which is precisely what you are doing.

Doesn't seem human like to simply sit by and attack those folks who are helping out either.
Which is why it's so disappointing to see you thumpers denigrating those with no need or desire to promote their religious agenda who actively assist their friends, neighbors or those who contribute to relief agencies without the need to score points with their respective gods.

Many people donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. It is the Christians though who are expending their money, their, time, and their labor in a hands-on real time assistance effort. You want to claim you are helping by sending a few bucks to the Red Cross now and again? How about volunteering with one of your local church groups to stand in the hot sun and hand out bottled water or something? That is real help.
I'm impressed that you are the self-appointed spokesman for christians. I'm not yet convinced that it is solely/exclusively Christians who are performing volunteer work.

Maybe you can take Poll?
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing
Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't". Where are all the book clubs and their flood relief, where are all the militia derps and their truck loads of water.

An absurd argument from the git go. Millions of Christians are doing absolutely nothing to help anyone, where are they.

Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't".

.... which is precisely what you are doing.

Doesn't seem human like to simply sit by and attack those folks who are helping out either.
Which is why it's so disappointing to see you thumpers denigrating those with no need or desire to promote their religious agenda who actively assist their friends, neighbors or those who contribute to relief agencies without the need to score points with their respective gods.

Many people donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. It is the Christians though who are expending their money, their, time, and their labor in a hands-on real time assistance effort. You want to claim you are helping by sending a few bucks to the Red Cross now and again? How about volunteering with one of your local church groups to stand in the hot sun and hand out bottled water or something? That is real help.
I'm impressed that you are the self-appointed spokesman for christians. I'm not yet convinced that it is solely/exclusively Christians who are performing volunteer work.

Maybe you can take Poll?

I'm not. Actually, I am not a spokesperson for any church at all. I am a member of one church. I have seen no church bragging about helping the flood victims. They are quietly doing the task. I have see a couple who are asking for clothing donations however. You might consider bending over backwards and donating some of your old clothes to help a child or adult who has lost all. Perhaps simply get yourself involved a little bit instead of badmouthing those who are involved.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Doesn't seem at all Christ-like to say "look at me I'm spending money and using my time to help people but THEY aren't".

.... which is precisely what you are doing.

Doesn't seem human like to simply sit by and attack those folks who are helping out either.
Which is why it's so disappointing to see you thumpers denigrating those with no need or desire to promote their religious agenda who actively assist their friends, neighbors or those who contribute to relief agencies without the need to score points with their respective gods.

Many people donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. It is the Christians though who are expending their money, their, time, and their labor in a hands-on real time assistance effort. You want to claim you are helping by sending a few bucks to the Red Cross now and again? How about volunteering with one of your local church groups to stand in the hot sun and hand out bottled water or something? That is real help.
I'm impressed that you are the self-appointed spokesman for christians. I'm not yet convinced that it is solely/exclusively Christians who are performing volunteer work.

Maybe you can take Poll?

I'm not. Actually, I am not a spokesperson for any church at all. I am a member of one church. I have seen no church bragging about helping the flood victims. They are quietly doing the task. I have see a couple who are asking for clothing donations however. You might consider bending over backwards and donating some of your old clothes to help a child or adult who has lost all. Perhaps simply get yourself involved a little bit instead of badmouthing those who are involved.
Well actually, you appear to be the head cheerleader flailing you Pom Poms for the work you claim christians are performing in Louisiana. It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone has a need to announce themselves as a hero for helping others in need. I certainly have no indication that you are doing anything but selfishly denigrating non-christians for what you perceive as some lack of participation.

Perhaps you could go easier on thumping others with your Bibles and stop using your religion to promote hate and derision.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.
Doesn't seem human like to simply sit by and attack those folks who are helping out either.
Which is why it's so disappointing to see you thumpers denigrating those with no need or desire to promote their religious agenda who actively assist their friends, neighbors or those who contribute to relief agencies without the need to score points with their respective gods.

Many people donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. It is the Christians though who are expending their money, their, time, and their labor in a hands-on real time assistance effort. You want to claim you are helping by sending a few bucks to the Red Cross now and again? How about volunteering with one of your local church groups to stand in the hot sun and hand out bottled water or something? That is real help.
I'm impressed that you are the self-appointed spokesman for christians. I'm not yet convinced that it is solely/exclusively Christians who are performing volunteer work.

Maybe you can take Poll?

I'm not. Actually, I am not a spokesperson for any church at all. I am a member of one church. I have seen no church bragging about helping the flood victims. They are quietly doing the task. I have see a couple who are asking for clothing donations however. You might consider bending over backwards and donating some of your old clothes to help a child or adult who has lost all. Perhaps simply get yourself involved a little bit instead of badmouthing those who are involved.
Well actually, you appear to be the head cheerleader flailing you Pom Poms for the work you claim christians are performing in Louisiana. It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone has a need to announce themselves as a hero for helping others in need. I certainly have no indication that you are doing anything but selfishly denigrating non-christians for what you perceive as some lack of participation.

Perhaps you could go easier on thumping others with your Bibles and stop using your religion to promote hate and derision.

Actually, what you are really saying is that you could care less about the plight of your neighbors in Louisiana and are too stingy and self-indulgent to even offer up an old piece of clothing.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.

Helping out the flood victims is hardly Bible thumping. Of course you wouldn't know that.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you? Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes? Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers? Horrified at the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.

This high quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians), and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible ancient scriptures, from the New King James version to the Book Of Mormon.

This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face, completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire field of view with your favourite passages from the Good Book. The optional earplugs enable you to also eradicate the worldly sounds that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house or even while you sleep, Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.

The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

  • introducing recalcitrant children to the Word of the Lord.
  • Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
  • Never having to think for yourself anymore.
  • Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
  • Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian, much like the Jesus-Fish sticker on your car.
  • Preventing your halitosis from offending others (if applicable).
  • Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious truth of your beliefs.
  • Ideal for Internet debates in alt.atheism and talk.origins.
  • Protection from harmful UV light.
  • And many more!
  • No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.

JESUS NEEDS MONEY: The Bible Harness - get yours now !!!
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.

Helping out the flood victims is hardly Bible thumping. Of course you wouldn't know that.
I have no reason to believe that you're doing anything to help anyone. Why would you think that your online tirades aimed at non-christians is helping anyone. Quite clearly, pounding away at your keyboard as a part of your online jihad is doing nothing for the flood victims you could care less about.
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

And here they are, an atheist group helping out.

"When people need help, secular humanists help them because it's the right thing to do. Because we believe there is no god out there watching over us. And because it's our responsibility to help when we can. Responding to the flooding in Louisiana is the humanist thing to do, and Foundation Beyond Belief is proud to lead the effort."


A Humanist Response to the Severe Flooding in Louisiana
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.

Helping out the flood victims is hardly Bible thumping. Of course you wouldn't know that.
I have no reason to believe that you're doing anything to help anyone. Why would you think that your online tirades aimed at non-christians is helping anyone. Quite clearly, pounding away at your keyboard as a part of your online jihad is doing nothing for the flood victims you could care less about.

Yes, I do apologize for taking you away from your many charitable pursuits.
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

And here they are, an atheist group helping out.

"When people need help, secular humanists help them because it's the right thing to do. Because we believe there is no god out there watching over us. And because it's our responsibility to help when we can. Responding to the flooding in Louisiana is the humanist thing to do, and Foundation Beyond Belief is proud to lead the effort."


A Humanist Response to the Severe Flooding in Louisiana

And I suppose you want me to believe that is you in the photo? Talk about grandstanding for a photo op.
I understand where you folks are coming from. You do nothing that really counts for any personal intrusion upon your daily activities but you hate for someone to point out that you really do very little for your fellow man.
My goodness. What is it about your religion that causes you to hate with such a passion?
It's not called christ insanity for nothing

Actually, I'm attempting to shame you into getting involved yourself.
Maybe you could duct tape two Bibles into a double-wide and really do some thumping.

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you? Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes? Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers? Horrified at the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.

This high quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians), and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible ancient scriptures, from the New King James version to the Book Of Mormon.

This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face, completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire field of view with your favourite passages from the Good Book. The optional earplugs enable you to also eradicate the worldly sounds that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house or even while you sleep, Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.

The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

  • introducing recalcitrant children to the Word of the Lord.
  • Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
  • Never having to think for yourself anymore.
  • Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
  • Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian, much like the Jesus-Fish sticker on your car.
  • Preventing your halitosis from offending others (if applicable).
  • Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious truth of your beliefs.
  • Ideal for Internet debates in alt.atheism and talk.origins.
  • Protection from harmful UV light.
  • And many more!
  • No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.

JESUS NEEDS MONEY: The Bible Harness - get yours now !!!

Another atheist taking time away from his duties at the Red Cross as a volunteer.
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

And here they are, an atheist group helping out.

"When people need help, secular humanists help them because it's the right thing to do. Because we believe there is no god out there watching over us. And because it's our responsibility to help when we can. Responding to the flooding in Louisiana is the humanist thing to do, and Foundation Beyond Belief is proud to lead the effort."


A Humanist Response to the Severe Flooding in Louisiana

And I suppose you want me to believe that is you in the photo? Talk about grandstanding for a photo op.

I'm not the topic of this thread, idiot.

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