Where Are All The Atheists And Agnostics?

Here they are again.


Which one are you Carla?

Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?
I think floods are considered 'god's will' so maybe some people just don't want to be seen trampling on god's will.

Not according to that atheist organization's photo Carla posted. They don't believe God had anything at all to do with anything. To make matters even worse, Syeriously, an admitted atheist, is now engaged in Bible thumping by quoting Scripture in attempt to condemn me. I can only assume atheists are totally and completely insane.

I'm sure you assume a great many things.

Seldom do I experience an atheist quoting Bible scriptures. I was under the impression atheist did not believe in the Bible.

I quote Walden as well, it's called reading.

Expand your interests and expand your mind.

I read the Bible and am an avid reader of Byron, Longfellow, Chauncery, Shelly, and many others. I don't go around Bible thumping however. I am not the one to even have brought the Bible into the conversation.
Which one are you Carla?

Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?
Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?
It's a good way to expose you phony thumpers.
Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?
It's a good way to expose you phony thumpers.

Where have I quoted even one Scripture to anyone on this thread? You prove my point for me.
You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?
It's a good way to expose you phony thumpers.

Where have I quoted even one Scripture to anyone on this thread? You prove my point for me.
You prove your own pointlesness. I have not quoted any passages from any of the bibles. You prove your point to no one.
I think floods are considered 'god's will' so maybe some people just don't want to be seen trampling on god's will.

Not according to that atheist organization's photo Carla posted. They don't believe God had anything at all to do with anything. To make matters even worse, Syeriously, an admitted atheist, is now engaged in Bible thumping by quoting Scripture in attempt to condemn me. I can only assume atheists are totally and completely insane.

I'm sure you assume a great many things.

Seldom do I experience an atheist quoting Bible scriptures. I was under the impression atheist did not believe in the Bible.

Well you are pretty ignorant all around.

Of the Bible.
Of Atheists
Of people.

As an atheist, I have read the Bible many times- the man Jesus had a lot of wisdom- who else would say it is not enough to love your neighbors- you must love your enemies?
- it is a shame that so many abuse his wise words.

In addition many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

You sound exactly like a hell fire and brimstone fundamentalist street preacher to me.

Hmmm I haven't suggested that anyone is going to hell. I have said that many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

Maybe they have also told you that you are ignorant of the Bible?
Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?

I also talk about bigfoot, UFOs, the Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, the Kraken, and whatever else seem interesting.
There are some things in the bible that line up with archeological finds, very interesting. It's the magic part that I don't go along with.
Not according to that atheist organization's photo Carla posted. They don't believe God had anything at all to do with anything. To make matters even worse, Syeriously, an admitted atheist, is now engaged in Bible thumping by quoting Scripture in attempt to condemn me. I can only assume atheists are totally and completely insane.

I'm sure you assume a great many things.

Seldom do I experience an atheist quoting Bible scriptures. I was under the impression atheist did not believe in the Bible.

Well you are pretty ignorant all around.

Of the Bible.
Of Atheists
Of people.

As an atheist, I have read the Bible many times- the man Jesus had a lot of wisdom- who else would say it is not enough to love your neighbors- you must love your enemies?
- it is a shame that so many abuse his wise words.

In addition many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

You sound exactly like a hell fire and brimstone fundamentalist street preacher to me.

Hmmm I haven't suggested that anyone is going to hell. I have said that many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

Maybe they have also told you that you are ignorant of the Bible?

You quoted Scripture to me. You even posted it. You loosing your mind too?
Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?

I also talk about bigfoot, UFOs, the Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, the Kraken, and whatever else seem interesting.
There are some things in the bible that line up with archeological finds, very interesting. It's the magic part that I don't go along with.

To each his own. I have no problem with you believing in Mother Goose. You'll simply have to deal with your own beliefs yourself. I could care less what you believe.
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

They're there, they just don't seek out the spotlight like the churches. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge there are no atheist or agnostic "groups," if there were they'd be a religion...

Now, quit with your "Holier than thou bullshit", you're no better than anyone else.
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

They're there, they just don't seek out the spotlight like the churches. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge there are no atheist or agnostic "groups," if there were they'd be a religion...

Now, quit with your "Holier than thou bullshit", you're no better than anyone else.

Where are they then? Also provide a link detailing and supporting the claim that churches are seeking the spotlight. You made the statements now back them up.
Here they are again.


Which one are you Carla?

Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a photo you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Where are the Christians?
I think floods are considered 'god's will' so maybe some people just don't want to be seen trampling on god's will.

Not according to that atheist organization's photo Carla posted. They don't believe God had anything at all to do with anything. To make matters even worse, Syeriously, an admitted atheist, is now engaged in Bible thumping by quoting Scripture in attempt to condemn me. I can only assume atheists are totally and completely insane.

I'm sure you assume a great many things.

Seldom do I experience an atheist quoting Bible scriptures. I was under the impression atheist did not believe in the Bible.

I quote Walden as well, it's called reading.

Expand your interests and expand your mind.

I read the Bible and am an avid reader of Byron, Longfellow, Chauncery, Shelly, and many others. I don't go around Bible thumping however. I am not the one to even have brought the Bible into the conversation.

How dare we quote the Bible to someone who is chastising atheists for not

Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders

Here is an idea- if you don't want to talk about your religion- don't attack others for what you claim we are not doing.

Meanwhile I am happy to quote the Bible to you- and remind you that you are acting contrary to what the Bible says.

Hell you aren't even acting as what being a good human being says.

You could have come here and suggested ways Americans could help those hit by disaster- you could have even suggested religious charities- but you only came here to attack me and others like me- who don't share your particular faith.

Why did you come here- not to do good- but to attack others?
Ooops, here they are again. Atheists helping without a God telling them they have to.


Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, you posted those very same photos back when that hurricane hit New Jersey.

You're a liar.

Here's a phot you probably won't like:

View attachment 86136

Worse yet, where's god?

Ask Seriously. She's the resident Bible thumper. You atheists seem to worry about God more than Christians do. Perhaps you have reason to?

Nope- I only wonder why a faux Christian feels a need to attack those who don't share his belief- rather than trying to do some good.
I'm sure you assume a great many things.

Seldom do I experience an atheist quoting Bible scriptures. I was under the impression atheist did not believe in the Bible.

Well you are pretty ignorant all around.

Of the Bible.
Of Atheists
Of people.

As an atheist, I have read the Bible many times- the man Jesus had a lot of wisdom- who else would say it is not enough to love your neighbors- you must love your enemies?
- it is a shame that so many abuse his wise words.

In addition many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

You sound exactly like a hell fire and brimstone fundamentalist street preacher to me.

Hmmm I haven't suggested that anyone is going to hell. I have said that many parts of the Bible are quite beautiful.

Maybe they have also told you that you are ignorant of the Bible?

You quoted Scripture to me. You even posted it. You loosing your mind too?

So you think that anyone who quotes Scripture to you sounds like a 'hell fire and brimstone funadmentalist preacher'?

Yes- I posted scripture- I often do to faux Christians who seem to have gotten their understanding of their religion from watching Fox News- because I have read the Bible- and I admire much of the wisdom found there.

Yep- you are who Matthew warned against- you are a false christian who should be repenting to your god- or maybe actually helping the victims of disaster rather than proclaiming how very 'righteous' you and public Christians are.

Matthew 6:1-34 ES
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret
Once again it is the churches and their members who are the first responders to supply the Louisiana flood victims with needed supplies. This is always the case whenever and wherever a disaster strikes. The churches are always there.

Atheists berate the Churches and Christians but one would be hard pressed to see any atheist or agnostic group handing out water, clothing, or other needed supplies to fellow Americans in their time of need.

They're there, they just don't seek out the spotlight like the churches. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge there are no atheist or agnostic "groups," if there were they'd be a religion...

Now, quit with your "Holier than thou bullshit", you're no better than anyone else.

Where are they then? Also provide a link detailing and supporting the claim that churches are seeking the spotlight. You made the statements now back them up.

Actually you are the one seeking the spotlight for churches. I doubt the churches care- unlike you they are too busy trying to do good.

They probably know Matthews admonition.

Yep- you are who Matthew warned against- you are a false christian who should be repenting to your god- or maybe actually helping the victims of disaster rather than proclaiming how very 'righteous' you and public Christians are.

Matthew 6:1-34 ES
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret

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