WHERE are all the cries of judicial activism from the right?

So, does it bother you when candidates are bought by the unions?
How about when left wing billionaires fund thousands of left wing blogs, organizations and PAC's?

It doesn't bother them to much then.

Even left wing billionaires die, and their heirs may feel differently. Corporations can have the lifespan of forever, they never have to die, and their intent is always to promote the conditions under which they will continue to grow in wealth and power.
You really don't understand the constitution it seems. Obviously there are more laws on the books than what is specifically listed in the constitution. The standard for those laws is simply that they must not be in violation of anything in the constitution. That a corporation is its own entity and thus has essentially the right as a person is not a violation of the constitution. As such they are etitled to its protections, including free speech.

No Bern, I do understand the Constitution, it is a document written by human beings to protect human beings who are mortal creatures that can be injured or extinguished. It was never designed as a weapon TO injure or extinguish human beings. If THAT is your level of comprehension of what the Constitution was written for then I guess we both loose...

That is a rather faulty intepretation on your part. The document was designed to protect society, period. Why shouldn't business' (which keep in mind could be YOUR business someday) be portected by the constitution?

No Bern, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to protect human beings, individuals, that LIVE in our society. Corporations are not living human beings, they are man made entities. They can't be physically injured, poisoned or extinguished. You and I can, BY those very corporations.

I am protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The individuals that own businesses and corporations are ALREADY protected. There is no need for man made entities that already have the power to physically injure, poison or extinguish you or me to have more power...

This tragic activist ruling attacks the Declaration of Independence...it NOW make the owner of the corporation a 'Creator'

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and corporations) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (whether a deity or man) with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unless it is more profitable to circumvent laws that end life, liberty...blah, blah, blah...)
No Bern, I do understand the Constitution, it is a document written by human beings to protect human beings who are mortal creatures that can be injured or extinguished. It was never designed as a weapon TO injure or extinguish human beings. If THAT is your level of comprehension of what the Constitution was written for then I guess we both loose...

That is a rather faulty intepretation on your part. The document was designed to protect society, period. Why shouldn't business' (which keep in mind could be YOUR business someday) be portected by the constitution?

No Bern, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to protect human beings, individuals, that LIVE in our society. Corporations are not living human beings, they are man made entities. They can't be physically injured, poisoned or extinguished. You and I can, BY those very corporations.

I am protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The individuals that own businesses and corporations are ALREADY protected. There is no need for man made entities that already have the power to physically injure, poison or extinguish you or me to have more power...

This tragic activist ruling attacks the Declaration of Independence...it NOW make the owner of the corporation a 'Creator'

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and corporations) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (whether a deity or man) with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unless it is more profitable to circumvent laws that end life, liberty...blah, blah, blah...)

Corporations are taxed just like people.

The ruling is fair and balanced as it applies to all...and all will have the advantages and disadvantages of the ruling.

The ruling takes away any concern of compromising the integrity of the constitution.

I hate the ruling. I love my country. I gain from the integrity of the constitution.

I support the ruling.
That's the pertinent decision.

If you don't like it, sue to overturn it.

While you're up, repeal the 14th Amendment and I'll be good with both.
Does a corporation have the duty to preform jury duty?
Citizens are seated on juries, not "persons".

Strange as it may seem, there's a difference under statutory law.

Are corporations jailed for crimes?
Can a corporation actually physically vote?

Corporations are tired and convicted for crimes, with the punishment being a fine....sometimes disolvment.

They pay taxes.

As for a corporation voting....do not be surprised if each corporation, one day down the line, is afforded one vote.


They pay taxes.
Citizens are seated on juries, not "persons".

Strange as it may seem, there's a difference under statutory law.

Are corporations jailed for crimes?
Can a corporation actually physically vote?

Corporations are tired and convicted for crimes, with the punishment being a fine....sometimes disolvment.

They pay taxes.

As for a corporation voting....do not be surprised if each corporation, one day down the line, is afforded one vote.


They pay taxes.

foreign owned corps pay taxes in America as well. Should they be allowed to "vote"?
I love it, the right supporting foreign corps "voting" in America.
That is a rather faulty intepretation on your part. The document was designed to protect society, period. Why shouldn't business' (which keep in mind could be YOUR business someday) be portected by the constitution?

No Bern, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to protect human beings, individuals, that LIVE in our society. Corporations are not living human beings, they are man made entities. They can't be physically injured, poisoned or extinguished. You and I can, BY those very corporations.

I am protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The individuals that own businesses and corporations are ALREADY protected. There is no need for man made entities that already have the power to physically injure, poison or extinguish you or me to have more power...

This tragic activist ruling attacks the Declaration of Independence...it NOW make the owner of the corporation a 'Creator'

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and corporations) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (whether a deity or man) with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unless it is more profitable to circumvent laws that end life, liberty...blah, blah, blah...)

Corporations are taxed just like people.

The ruling is fair and balanced as it applies to all...and all will have the advantages and disadvantages of the ruling.

The ruling takes away any concern of compromising the integrity of the constitution.

I hate the ruling. I love my country. I gain from the integrity of the constitution.

I support the ruling.

I'm glad you love your country, so do I...but I always considered my country as people...I guess I was wrong.

I never knew our founder's real intent was to design the Constitution as a weapon that can harm people...again I am wrong...

so, it's NOT judicial activism when the right agrees with the ruling... but it IS judicial activism when the left does.

got it.



so, it's NOT judicial activism when the right agrees with the ruling... but it IS judicial activism when the left does.

got it.


It's not activist to overturn overreaching gubmint actions and laws (which this ruling does).

It is activism to make up law out of whole cloth (i.e. Miranda and Roe).

No Bern, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to protect human beings, individuals, that LIVE in our society. Corporations are not living human beings, they are man made entities. They can't be physically injured, poisoned or extinguished. You and I can, BY those very corporations.

I am protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The individuals that own businesses and corporations are ALREADY protected. There is no need for man made entities that already have the power to physically injure, poison or extinguish you or me to have more power...

This tragic activist ruling attacks the Declaration of Independence...it NOW make the owner of the corporation a 'Creator'

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and corporations) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (whether a deity or man) with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unless it is more profitable to circumvent laws that end life, liberty...blah, blah, blah...)

Corporations are taxed just like people.

The ruling is fair and balanced as it applies to all...and all will have the advantages and disadvantages of the ruling.

The ruling takes away any concern of compromising the integrity of the constitution.

I hate the ruling. I love my country. I gain from the integrity of the constitution.

I support the ruling.

I'm glad you love your country, so do I...but I always considered my country as people...I guess I was wrong.

I never knew our founder's real intent was to design the Constitution as a weapon that can harm people...again I am wrong...

Wake up my friend. Wake up.
Dont vote for those that cowtow to the special interests.
The same kooks that rail against the "evil corporations", cry about not havin a job once the've been run out of business. As a businessman, I can tell you, it is a maze of one goofy regulation after another out there.... and in the meantime, our freinds in D.C. do as they like including exempting themselves and their cronies from the laws they impose on the rest of us.
The ruling strikes down govt. as opposed to growing it, so while an argument can be made that it is an example of judicial activism, it is still consistent with the overall goal of reducing the scope of government.

With regards to:
foreign owned corps pay taxes in America as well. Should they be allowed to "vote"?
I love it, the right supporting foreign corps "voting" in America.
This will require some consideration, because, just as I support those some proof of citizenship to vote restrictions, foreign owned corp involvement in elections is something I would oppose as well.

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