Where are the pro Biden Threads?

Looking at the first page of threads in politics, I see no threads about how great of a job Biden is doing. All the lefties on the board can do is continue to complain about Trump and Trump supporters and conservatives. Well Biden is president now and the Dems are in control of the house and they have the VP tie breaker in the senate. Don't you lefties have anything to say about your own party that is in charge, or is the only thing you have is Orange Man is Still Bad?
Well. There is this whopper created by the Sewer Rats in the Badlands...at over 70 thousand posts. I am sure you have all seen it on the board.
Sorry, but it is tens of thousands of posts that essentially still is Orange Man Bad. But the title says Biden.

The libtards that inhabit it almost never leave that one thread. I am sure they really want to hear from more conservatives. They are very warm and welcoming.
Biden is pretty boring. I think it’s better this way than the constant circus we just had.

He’s also pretty average in my opinion. Some good and some bad. He’s meh as far as I’m concerned.
Biden is boring? Taking bribes from the CHINESE, he and his son pedophiles, getting thousands of people raped and murdered by the Taliban, bankrupting the US, is boring to you?
Well except for the fact that we've once again gone from a loser Republican crashing the economy, killing Americans, and giving themselves tax cuts, to another Democrat fixing the economy, creating jobs, ending wars, saving American lives, and bringing magat criminals to justice. It starts to become frustrating that these problems have to continually be fixed, so trying to educate people on the stupidity of voting for Republicans, becomes necessary for the security, and economic protection of a free state.
How much does your boss at Langley pay you fir your lies and to embarrass yourself.sorry dumbass but trump was the first president sense carter who did not start a war and your hero Obama murderered more civilians with far more drone attacks in just his first year in office than bush did in his entire 8 years, and you got it backwards liar,trump fixed the economy bringing more jobs to America than any president in 60 years,you are describing Trump in ending wars and fixing the economy and the Democrats giving themselves giving them tax cuts and republicans saving lives and dems killing Americans and I love how you leave out the dems funding Antifa a starting riots which always happen in democrat controlled city’s.you democrat lovers sure get paid lots of money at Langley to embarrass yourselves with shit all over your faces. :rofl: :laughing0301:
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We're not a cult like Trump's MAGA nuts. We also don't hold big cult rallies. We are more interested in anti-Trump and anti-Republican threads. We are secure in our feelings about Biden.

Biden ain't perfect - but at least he's sane!
So you're admitting you will listen too and follow a completely clueless career politician who has accomplished nothing in 50 years in Politics …. Greaaaat! I have access to people in the Biden administration send me some money i'll hold ten percent for the big guy ok, lots of 0's is best way to get my services.
He campaigned on “lowering the temperature”, which I think he is doing well on.
I beg to differ.

His actions in Afghanistan got 13 of our men in uniform killed, he droned 10 innocent people into oblivion and lied about it.

He is responsible for one of the largest surges of illegal immigration in the past two decades.

He recently threatened our Border agents for supposedly 'whipping' Haitian migrants, which turned out to be the reins they were using to steer their horses. Subsequently banned the use of horses by Border Patrol agents based on a lie.

Consumer goods are getting more expensive.

He mandated vaccinations for Federal employees.

He's trying to get one of the largest spending bills in recent memory passed ($3.5 trillion)

He's tapping out to China (see the extradition case regarding Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou)

Also, he, just like his predecessor, is doing nothing to tone down the rhetoric being exchanged between both parties.

I could go on, but my fingers are tired.
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Well, we don't look at President Biden as some sort of Messiah like you fools look at the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. He is a Democratic politician, and an able one. He is a good man, but as a man can make mistakes, and even endorse policies that are not the best for the nation. What we do know about him is that he will do what he believes is best for the nation, whereas Trump would and will always do what he believes is best for Trump, and the hell with the nation.

I believe that President Biden is overall doing a good job as President, and will continue to do so. I feel no need to post how kissable his ass is like the supporters of Trump do.
Yes you do look at him as a messiah,you ignore how he has wrecked the economy,left Americans behind in Afghanistan,raised gas prices and lumber with prices going through the roof,ignore he has the lowest approval rating of any president ever because of thst and how football stadiums around the country all hate him chanting fuck joe biden and ignore how he has violated human rights with his dreconian nazi mandatory vaccines,you all kiss Biden’s ass major big time refusing to admit how he is making hitler proud with his human rights violations of mandatory vaccines,you clowns kissing his ass are an embarrassment to the human race. :rofl: :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg:
Check the afghan forum.

Traitor Joe has a really high approval rating from the Taliban if nobody else....
So you're admitting you will listen too and follow a completely clueless career politician who has accomplished nothing in 50 years in Politics …. Greaaaat! I have access to people in the Biden administration send me some money i'll hold ten percent for the big guy ok, lots of 0's is best way to get my services.
:thankusmile: Obviously so,what a stupid fuck these Biden lovers are.
I beg to differ.

His actions in Afghanistan got 13 of our men in uniform killed, he droned 10 innocent people into oblivion and lied about it…

Not what I’m talking about.

I’m clearly referring to the left/right bickering and divisive rhetoric.

Trump and Obama loved to sling mud at the other side while they were in office. Biden has stayed out of that for the most part.
Everything I said is 100% correct---------maybe you should try dealing with facts instead of trying to insult the messenger.
The commie America hating Biden lovers can’t debate facts,so they invent lies just as their handlers pay them to and post laughing smileys when they are cornered with irrefutable facts they cannot counter and retreat to lies instead of admitting defeat.
I believe that ginormous spike b/w March and May is what Ram is referring to.

Yes, and it had nothing to do with Biden. I think Biden sucks, but there is no reason to blame shit on him he had nothing to do with. He fucks up enough without that
Truly you don't think that "lowering the temperature" is strictly confined to rhetoric, do you?

Strictly, no. I just think he’s doing a good job of staying out of the pointless pissing matches. I think he’s doing his part.

Both Obama and Trump loved to sling mud at the other side during their terms. Biden isn’t doing that, which I think is greatly needed right now.
What a desperation Hail Mary,fact check is a mouthpiece fir the government,they are as bad as snopes,try again. :rofl: :laughing0301: Excellent description of your hero Biden though, :thup: :yes_text12:
What a rube. Every time a neutral source shows how fucked in the head you are, you go "oh, it's a shit site". Well, to Deplorable white trailer trash. But any true fact is I guess.

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