Where are the pro Biden Threads?

Not to worry...Uncle Joe is merely a 'Placeholder President' designed to get Rump out of the White House and hold the fort until something better comes along. He doesn't really need to accomplish much...

But he has. He has done us great harm and set the country back 20 years setting us on the path toward Marxism, not democracy.

We now live in a banana republic where our president thinks he is unaccountable even to his own press to give us any answers or explanations for the shit he's done!

Trump played into that in my opinion.

He constantly needed to be in the spotlight. He couldn't let up and act like an adult, much less the most powerful person in the world. No, he had to act like a teenage attention whore.

I will give you that. He did hurt himself a lot of times but he was never the media creation that he was made out to be. His policies were sound, he was just ripped apart for things he said and often that was because, for example, in the case of Charlottesville, he was misquoted purposely.
The positive things he said was intentionally left out and the sound bites that were used against him were replayed on very media station. When the media does that, they do a great disservice to the population, in that they are not doing the simple job they are hired to do. They took out their personal greivances and biases on Trump and forgetting about their obligations as news reporters
All the while dividing the American People, because we now had two different sets of facts and a more polarized nation.
This pattern was repeated over and over again raising tensions and mistrust for those 4 years. It was a miracle there was not more violence in the streets than we had.
Well, kinda depends on one's opinion of average, doesn't it?

Oh well.
After four years of trump, Biden's just fine. And I did vote for trump the first time running but figured early on he was a lazy slob who was only in this president game for profit and ego. It's even worse what with January 6th where he was cool with pelosi and pense being wasted. This ignorant cock roach actually thought he could send pense over to 'stop the steal' and have trump declared prez, but he's gone folks. Lotsa trump worshippers left, so let 'em have their fun since it looks like most of them don't have much of a life any way.
But he has. He has done us great harm and set the country back 20 years setting us on the path toward Marxism, not democracy.

We now live in a banana republic where our president thinks he is unaccountable even to his own press to give us any answers or explanations for the shit he's done!

Yep... his only saving grace (so far) is that he bested a chilling existential danger to American representative democracy as personified by a President.
lumber prices have gone through the roof sense biden

I will give you that. He did hurt himself a lot of times but he was never the media creation that he was made out to be. His policies were sound, he was just ripped apart for things he said and often that was because, for example, in the case of Charlottesville, he was misquoted purposely.
The positive things he said was intentionally left out and the sound bites that were used against him were replayed on very media station. When the media does that, they do a great disservice to the population, in that they are not doing the simple job they are hired to do. They took out their personal greivances and biases on Trump and forgetting about their obligations as news reporters
All the while dividing the American People, because we now had two different sets of facts and a more polarized nation.
This pattern was repeated over and over again raising tensions and mistrust for those 4 years. It was a miracle there was not more violence in the streets than we had.

There's some truth to both, sure.

But I put more blame on the President of the United States for acting like a teenage attention whore than on the media for reporting that the President of the United States is acting like a teenage attention whore.

It was really simple. He just had to act like an adult. He could have just done his job and focused on policy. That's it. But no, we didn't get that at all. I mean just look at this:

He brought the negative attention upon himself.
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Boring real world politics does poorly on this board.

What's boring about a stolen election, barbed wire around the WH, soaring crime and inflation, our closest and oldest allies hating us and pulling their ambassadors out of our country, a president in hiding, millions flooding across the border, 2000 dead a day, giving 30 billion in military aid to terrorists while wrecking a nation, bombing children and leaving Americans for dead on the other side of the world?
We're not a cult like Trump's MAGA nuts. We also don't hold big cult rallies. We are more interested in anti-Trump and anti-Republican threads. We are secure in our feelings about Biden.

Biden ain't perfect - but at least he's sane!
Bwaaaaahhhaaaa..Dont hold big cult rallies, because you have nothing to rally about, other then Burning Looting and Murdering in minority cities. I guess you are one of those shits who are behind some gate community and not be affected "YET" by an invasive crowd. These ex Democrat Voters thought the same thing..This lawyer had defended blacks for the crimes, not sure he wants to do that anymore.

Do you feel he is a senile corrupt puppet? In that case we agree.
Funny how the two trollboys old rocks and locata just post laughing smileys when they can’t counter facts,they can only sling shut in defeat like the monkey trolls they are, :laughing0301: :rofl:
I guess if you think leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan is boring,or maybe massive inflation,perhaps a huge border problem,or maybe a dismal track record on covide,gas prices going through the roof,increased taxes,fucking France over,making the US a laughing stock....I could go on but you get the picture.
Of course you wont admit any of this due to your blind partisan worship of the demented fool biden.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
We're not a cult like Trump's MAGA nuts. We also don't hold big cult rallies. We are more interested in anti-Trump and anti-Republican threads. We are secure in our feelings about Biden.

Biden ain't perfect - but at least he's sane!
Must suck to deal with reality that your so callled anti trump rallies have millions of supporters that turn out fir trumps rallies and your hero Biden can only draw a handful at his and entire stadiums around the country are chanting fuck joe Biden,something that never happened to trump.don’t you ever get tired of having shit on your face in embarrassment. :laughing0301: :rofl:
After four years of trump, Biden's just fine. And I did vote for trump the first time running but figured early on he was a lazy slob who was only in this president game for profit and ego. It's even worse what with January 6th where he was cool with pelosi and pense being wasted. This ignorant cock roach actually thought he could send pense over to 'stop the steal' and have trump declared prez, but he's gone folks. Lotsa trump worshippers left, so let 'em have their fun since it looks like most of them don't have much of a life any way.

You can stop lying now.

Nobody believes you voted for Trump the first time, either.
Some good? What would that be?
Things that we will disagree on.

He campaigned on “lowering the temperature”, which I think he is doing well on. Other politicians fan the flames for their own benefit but I think Biden is, at least for the most part, staying above all of the divisive hate.

I think he has done well to address covid. He’s consistent and persistent in his message, which is probably all that can be expected of him. Anyone who wants the vaccine can get the vaccine. We’re still dealing with large amounts of people who refuse to get vaccinated and tons of infections, but I think that’s outside of his control.

I’ll just go with that for now. I’m sure you’ll shit on whatever I say anyway, but that’s ok. I know we won’t agree on this.
Even dems know that biden hasn't done a damn thing.
At least not a damn thing they can brag about.
They're mostly rich liberals and are realizing he doesn't give a shit about them either their taxes are going through the roof and to admit it's because of Joe would be condemning themselves. As Carnegie said people are more willing to rationalize or blame others for their failures than to take responsibility for them. Buyers remorse is alive and well the Dems on here from last year have simply changed there handles and attack their own LMFAO. Some are still rationalizing and clinging to fading hope and a very long 3 1/2 more years of trying to deny reality.

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