Where are the pro Biden Threads?


January 2019:

August 2019:

February, this year:

Biden stood by Neera Tanden despite her divisive rhetoric targeting lawmakers.

Biden stands by Neera Tanden despite divisive rhetoric, White House says

September 9, this year:

Issued a 6-step vaccination plan, accused Trump supporters of 'causing damage' and 'getting in the way of recovery' a month prior, despite there being no evidence to prove such a claim. The plan disproportionately affects African American citizens, who, as it is proven, have less access to the vaccine than whites and other segments of the population.

After four years of trump, Biden's just fine. And I did vote for trump the first time running but figured early on he was a lazy slob who was only in this president game for profit and ego. It's even worse what with January 6th where he was cool with pelosi and pense being wasted. This ignorant cock roach actually thought he could send pense over to 'stop the steal' and have trump declared prez, but he's gone folks. Lotsa trump worshippers left, so let 'em have their fun since it looks like most of them don't have much of a life any way.
Yeah Biden’s just fine if you enjoy a president who has skyrocketed gas and lumber prices,wrecked an economy of his predecessor whom brought back more jobs back to the country more than any president in 60 years and violating the nuremcode nit giving a shit about the rights of humans making vaccines mandatory,that’s doing just fine alright,by those standards he is doing an excellent job,so much so hitler and stalin would be very proud of him. :thup: :rofl: :laughing0301:
Strictly, no. I just think he’s doing a good job of staying out of the pointless pissing matches. I think he’s doing his part.

If by 'doing his part' you mean being coddled by his staff, even from answering the most basic questions from the press, then yes, he's 'doing his part.'

Or being led by the hand. What he's doing is not a conscious decision on his part.
Issued a 6-step vaccination plan, accused Trump supporters of 'causing damage' and 'getting in the way of recovery' a month prior, despite there being no evidence to prove such a claim. The plan disproportionately affects African American citizens, who, as it is proven, have less access to the vaccine than whites and other segments of the population.

Republicans are less likely to be vaccinated than African Americans.

I don’t know what tone he used there, but this claim is certainly true.
If by 'doing his part' you mean being coddled by his staff, even from answering the most basic questions from the press, then yes, he's 'doing his part.'

Or being led by the hand. What he's doing is not a conscious decision on his part.

Clearly I mean that he’s not getting into divisive pissing matches like others before him have.

I think you know what I mean and you’re just looking for an opening to chant the same mindless bumper sticker slogans that you guys love to use.

Yes, yes, has dementia and he’s not actually in control. Very funny and original.
Well. There is this whopper created by the Sewer Rats in the Badlands...at over 70 thousand posts. I am sure you have all seen it on the board.
Sorry, but it is tens of thousands of posts that essentially still is Orange Man Bad. But the title says Biden.

The libtards that inhabit it almost never leave that one thread. I am sure they really want to hear from more conservatives. They are very warm and welcoming.
They got a bunch of shills from Langley paid very well by their bosses to troll thst thread everyday,you know they pay them lots of big bucks as they do Lacota,skews an FPS the other Biden fans fir their constant ass beatings they suffer here everyday,we all know they would noypt come back for these ass beatings they suffer everyday from us fir free,no way in hell. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301:
I beg to differ.

His actions in Afghanistan got 13 of our men in uniform killed, he droned 10 innocent people into oblivion and lied about it.

He is responsible for one of the largest surges of illegal immigration in the past two decades.

He recently threatened our Border agents for supposedly 'whipping' Haitian migrants, which turned out to be the reins they were using to steer their horses. Subsequently banned the use of horses by Border Patrol agents based on a lie.

Consumer goods are getting more expensive.

He mandated vaccinations for Federal employees.

He's trying to get one of the largest spending bills in recent memory passed ($3.5 trillion)

He's tapping out to China (see the extradition case regarding Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou)

Also, he, just like his predecessor, is doing nothing to tone down the rhetoric being exchanged between both parties.

I could go on, but my fingers are tired.
He is going to have to consult his boss after that major ass beating he suffered from you after you checkmated him. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sorry, but records indicate almost 300 million Americans have at least one shot. I can't speak to the 30 million who aren't.

Maybe you can't, but I can. It's perfectly clear that Republicans are one of the least vaccinated groups if you simply look at the data.
Yet the dems protect them and major donors of dems are pedophiles AND murderers like Epstein and Ed Buck...........he's a beauty....and there is the kid molester and hair sniffer in chief, Biden and don't get me started on Hollywood, you think those child stars have issues because of fame? Nah......sex drugs and rock and roll as kids......

Well if Trump did that arrest him............I doubt that he did.......just like all those harrasment people at the last minute in 2016....almost all of them disappeared when their bullshit wasn't needed by the media........it was like 17 women...........all the shit the past 4 years leveled at Trump, the Russia Hoax, the Phone Call Hoax and none of those cases were highlighted....they were as bogus as the Kavanaugh nonsense.......but Michael Avenetti was rightfully put in jail, serious creepy scumbag.

Oh shit that was from 10/2016........5 years ago.........so what happened?
You guys will believe anything
Yes, yes, has dementia and he’s not actually in control. Very funny and original.

Putting words in my mouth, very funny and original.

You’re seriously disputing this? Based on what?
I asked you first.

I think you know what I mean and you’re just looking for an opening to chant the same mindless bumper sticker slogans that you guys love to use.

Clearly, we aren't watching the same videos of him slurring his speech and falling up steps, then. Or shall I post them for you?
It's perfectly clear that Republicans are one of the least vaccinated groups if you simply look at the data.
I don't think said data delineates between what party or the other is vaccinated, unless we're talking about data from news organizations and such.

You don't seem to consider why some of them are refusing to take the vaccine in the first place.

That little fiasco on The View this morning should tell you why. If you don't know, then Google it.
I don't think said data delineates between what party or the other is vaccinated.



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